Quality of fake mac pigments?


Well-known member
Recently I bought some mac pigment off ebay, it said it was from China and had good feedback and everything, but when I finally got it, it was from Thailand and the pigment (3 of them, for $19) were obviously fake. But I'm wondering, what is the quality? I made swatches and they actually didn't look too bad, are they still okay to use on the eyes?


Well-known member

I wouldn't.

Not knowing what the hell they're actually made of, I wouldn't take that chance.


Well-known member
You have no idea what they put in those. I wouldn't use them. What if they used lead in them?! Putting that on your eyes is a definite no-no.


Well-known member
I wouldn't either. I would get your money back instead & then go buy the real deal
Yeah I definitely wouldn't use em. With all the recalls going around from over there, you definitely don't want to put them on your eyes.


Well-known member
Agreed with the replies.

No, do NOT use them because no one knows what dangerous substances may be used to make them unless you want skin irritation or even blindness. They may contain rat poison for all you know.

The fakers only want money from you and they do NOT care for the buyers' health and welfare. Bastards.