I am new to this board and was not aware that such a threat exists. In future how do I search for such topic. I tried looking it up myself just now and could not find it. Under what sections is this posted please?
I am new to this board and was not aware that such a threat exists. In future how do I search for such topic. I tried looking it up myself just now and could not find it. Under what sections is this posted please?
no prob. just double check for any questions you may have. this way it cuts down on duplicate threads.
in the upper right hand corner is a search box. for a search of this topic, you would type in "mac pro card". then it'll come up with a list of threads talking about the pro card.
There is also a forum that would be helpful to review as it offers great tips and will answer many initial questions about specktra and commonly asked questions in general: Specktra.Net FAQ - Specktra.Net