question about MAC demo


New member
okay so I'm thinking about applying at MAC. I really wanna know as much as I can about the interview process before I apply. I know that you have to do a makeup demo before your interview (that's what the girl at my local MAC said. demo first, interview second) so i was just wondering...

do they give you a specific look to do?
& if so, what looks have you MAC employees/MAC interviewees been given?


Well-known member
It really depends where you are interviewing at. I had a one on one interview first then my demo then a group interview.
Sometimes there are job fairs where you do everything in the same day. Mine took FOREVER!!! the whole interview process took about 3 months, but it was all well worth it.
Good luck!


Well-known member
Yeah, the answer to all of those questions differ depending on where you are. For me it was interview first and demo second. My scenario was pretty not-scary too, I just had to do a day look and then quickly transform it into a night look.


Well-known member
I am also thinking about applying but am scared to. I don't do well under pressure and I don't want to be rejected at the same time. The manager at the FS store I go to keeps telling me to apply and that she wants me. I want it bad but don't want to be rejected.