Question about this Makeup Demo


Well-known member
do you use your own makeup and bring all your own brushes etc - or do they provide everythign for you?

also - do they tell you what kind of look they want or do you just do whatever you want?


Well-known member
wow 40 views and nobody has a clue?

well i happened to speak to someone @ at the harlem location yesterday and the girl said that you bring a person and do their makeup - i didnt jump down her throat and get info but whatever - sounds good right?


Well-known member
When I did mine they provided the brushes, allowed me to pick out the makeup I wanted to use, did a day look on my model, and then turned it into a night look
You only get an hour if I recall...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melozburngr
When I did mine they provided the brushes, allowed me to pick out the makeup I wanted to use, did a day look on my model, and then turned it into a night look
You only get an hour if I recall...

Can I ask ... what was your 'day turned into nite' look?

For me, the only thing I can really think of doing is a neutral/brown look for the day, and then for nite just layer some color over it for a nice pop. Or a soft grey look for the day, and make it smolder for nite. lol Or maybe this just shows my lack of creativity?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by a_parting_gift
Can I ask ... what was your 'day turned into nite' look?

For me, the only thing I can really think of doing is a neutral/brown look for the day, and then for nite just layer some color over it for a nice pop. Or a soft grey look for the day, and make it smolder for nite. lol Or maybe this just shows my lack of creativity?

Day looks are soft and subtle - any color really - and a nice light gloss and maybe bare cheeks (dewy look perhaps). Night time looks are about upping the amp - bold colors, smokey or not, some lipstick (and gloss if you want) and making the skin look glowy.

You can do a search at google and get some more info if you like, just type in day to night looks or something along those lines


Active member
In my region they provide everything for you. The interview is acessed by a trainer. The trainer will show you a look from an add or a magazine and tell you to copy it. I was never told of a time limit, but it seems they prefer you to take less than an hour.


Well-known member
They provide everything for you and you have a choice to bring your own model or use one of theirs which might be another artist. The trainer was there and was staring at everything i was doing.

SHe told me that i needed a daytime to transition into a nighttime and she gave a funny story with it too. I had 30 minutes to do the daytime, 30 minutes into night.


Active member
I just did my demo earlier this week. The store provided the products. I brought my own brushes just to be safe, but I was able to use the ones that were there. I had to do a full face of makeup (including lashes), in any look I wanted. The only specifications were:
1. that the look be easy and practical enough for the customer to be able to recreate it at home.
2. I use some of the products from the newest collection (Icon)

I was given about 5 minutes to get the products and 55 minutes to apply the makeup.

Hope that helps you out!


Well-known member
I called the day before and asked if i needed to bring my own brushes and they said no they would be provided for me. Anywho, i was set up i nthis little area , kinda like a makeup room only the only thing hiding it was a kinda see thru wall from the sales floor, and they set my brushes up and i could use any makeup i wanted, drawers full of everysingle product i nthe store. That is beucase i was asked to recreate Christina Aguilera's Elle magazine cover. The managers would check i on me ever 15 minutes or so, i had an hour to complete the look. I was nervous going in but once i sat my model down (which was a client i worked with many times) i was just liek i have done this before with you so then it just came out. It not all terrorfying liek you think, thye actually want you to be comfterable.

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