question on my new skincare products


Well-known member
okay...after a huge acne breakout and afternoon greasies that got out of control I decided to poke around here for ideas about new skincare stuff to cure what i described above and my lovely blackheads. I ended up buying a spa try me kit from origins with the checks and balances face wash, never a dull moment polisher, and clear improvement mask as well as a puffy eye mask. I used the charcoal mask and I like it but I was wondering can I use this after I do the polisher or do I need to put on a mask one night and exfoliate another night? I am new to masks/and exfoliating so I am sorry if I sound completely idiotic! thanks!


Well-known member
Usually what I do is that I exfoliate one night and put on a mask the other night. U shouldn't tug, rub, and go over-the-top with sensitive skin..let it breathe, and keep moisturizing...