Questions about freelancing for Mac


Just today I went to my local Mac counter to see if they were hiring, and they weren't... Although, the woman I spoke to told me I should definitely apply to be a freelance Mac artist. I already have been doing some freelancing for a bit, but I had wanted to get some guaranteed work which is why I was looking for a counter job in the first place. I have a few questions for those who have done this, or are doing it...

What is it like? What type of work are they going to give me? Are they going to send me on fashion shows, which is what I always think of when I think of Mac. Or will they send me on TV sets? (which is what I'm strong in) Or... Am I going to be sent to other stores in the region to help out and do demonstrations?

Would each freelancing job's pay be negotiated separately, or is it an agreement w/ Mac from the start and I get the same rate each gig regardless of what's being asked of me for the job?

How far would they expect me to travel and should I cover the cost of travel, etc in the negotiations for pay or is Mac going to just reimburse me for gas, wear on car, meals, hotels, etc, etc?

Thank you in advance for answering any questions above, it's much appreciated!


Well-known member
Tanni, freelancing with MAC is not how you perceive it to be. When you freelance for MAC, you are not a permanent employee and you do not work at a permanent location. You work at a location when they need the extra help. You are not guaranteed hours and you do not get the benefits that a permanent employee would have.

To answer your questions:

What is it like? What type of work are they going to give me? Are they going to send me on fashion shows, which is what I always think of when I think of Mac. Or will they send me on TV sets? (which is what I'm strong in) Or... Am I going to be sent to other stores in the region to help out and do demonstrations?

You will not be sent to fashion shows. That is reserved for permanent artists that have been fashion show certified. No TV sets -- again this is reserved for permanent artists that have been certified for TV work. You will only be working at stores and counters when they need the extra help. As far as demonstrations, you won't be doing any classes and such, but you would be helping with customers choose the right products and helping them with their purchases . . . and possibly doing makeovers, if the manager of the location wishes you to do so.

Would each freelancing job's pay be negotiated separately, or is it an agreement w/ Mac from the start and I get the same rate each gig regardless of what's being asked of me for the job?

There are set rates already in place for freelancers. No negotiations. The only negotiations that I know of for MAC employees is for permanent artists and that is decided based on experience. If you want more detail on what the specific rates are for a freelancer, ask a manager.

How far would they expect me to travel and should I cover the cost of travel, etc in the negotiations for pay or is Mac going to just reimburse me for gas, wear on car, meals, hotels, etc, etc?

How far you travel depends on you. If you become a freelancer, you will be put on a freelancers list which lists the names and numbers of available MAC freelance artists in the area and when a location needs extra help for the weekend, an event, or whatever, they will call you. You can say no or you can say yes. As far as reimbursement, I am not sure how that works for freelancers. I was a permanent artist and got reimbursed for gas/mileage when I had to go MAC related events (basic, update, meetings at another location, etc).

Hope this helps. I am sure those that freelance with MAC presently, or have in the past, will offer more insight. I don't have much on it because I never freelanced. I was hired as a permanent employee from my interviews.


Well-known member
since freelancers aren't employeed by mac directly, they do not get reimbursed. in certain cities that have multiple locations, freelancers would only travel within a few miles to each location. only permanent employees get reimbursed for company approved events like update, basic, etc., like lipshock mentioned.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock

I knew you'd have an answer, lovely. :]



New member
Hey all,
I'm 100% fresh to this forum about a few mins ago and wanted to post something and it has a little something to do with this earlier post. I interviewed with MAC back in Feb. for a retail position and was told I would be moved on in the interviewing process but there was nothing ever open. Until recently, I decided freelance is the route I want to go. I just got offered a job as a freelance makeup artist with the MAC team, but technically have no experience in make-up. I read somewhere on these forums that they don't offer training for freelancers? Is that true? Is there anything else I should know about freelancing for MAC? (sorry, such general questions)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rzambori
Hey all,
I'm 100% fresh to this forum about a few mins ago and wanted to post something and it has a little something to do with this earlier post. I interviewed with MAC back in Feb. for a retail position and was told I would be moved on in the interviewing process but there was nothing ever open. Until recently, I decided freelance is the route I want to go. I just got offered a job as a freelance makeup artist with the MAC team, but technically have no experience in make-up. I read somewhere on these forums that they don't offer training for freelancers? Is that true? Is there anything else I should know about freelancing for MAC? (sorry, such general questions)

They do not train freelancers, because generally they hire makeup artist. So you should already know how to apply makeup and such. They will give you an over view of the product and where its at to sell, on your first day let the manager know that it is your first day (they might not know cus as freelance you go everywhere) and they will give you brief training. Good luck!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rzambori
Hey all,
I'm 100% fresh to this forum about a few mins ago and wanted to post something and it has a little something to do with this earlier post. I interviewed with MAC back in Feb. for a retail position and was told I would be moved on in the interviewing process but there was nothing ever open. Until recently, I decided freelance is the route I want to go. I just got offered a job as a freelance makeup artist with the MAC team, but technically have no experience in make-up. I read somewhere on these forums that they don't offer training for freelancers? Is that true? Is there anything else I should know about freelancing for MAC? (sorry, such general questions)

like glamdoll said. to work at mac (even as freelance) you have to know how to do makeup. that's why you do a makeup interview along with a verbal one, so the manager can see what kind of skills you have. mac doesn't have time to train people, especially freelancers who generally only work a few hours every month or so. hell, they don't even train us permanent employees how to do makeup. the only training we get is product knowledge.


Well-known member
I so want to become a freelance make up artist. I think it would be great.. I have a 9-5 job so I pretty much have weekends off and nights. it would work great~ i should really apply.