Questions about Pigment Samples?


Well-known member
Pigment Samples?

I might be doing a pigment sample for a friend, but how would you sanatize the pigment and everything used for the sample?

Also, where can you buy the little containers that work for this?


Well-known member
well..i really wouldn't worry about sanitizing the's a dry product, with preservatives and such that would kill any germs that managed to try to survive in it...and just use a clean spoon. you can buy the containers online on ebay or from some companies like coastalscents or twisted fayte..


Well-known member
you can't really sanitize pigment. but since the product is dry, it doesn't harbor germs like liquid and emollient-based products. moisture is really what germs and bacteria need in order to cultivate and reproduce, to pigments are pretty safe, since they're completely dry. clean sample jars can be purchased at online retailers, like miss marley said, or on ebay, or through select beauty stores. use a clean spoon, and only use jars once, and you should be fine.


Well-known member
Piggie samples

I see a lot of people on here who get free piggie samples from their MAC. Am I the only one who didn't know that MAC does this? :confused: How does it work? Do you ask for them? Do only the PRO stores do it, or the freestandings and counters too?

Sorry for being so dumb!


Well-known member
Not a dumb question at all! I think each store/counter has it's own policy about pigment samples; some give them out, some don't. Never hurts to ask. I generally only ask for a pigment sample if I'm buying a substantial ($100 or more) amount of other products, and it's a shade I truly dont see myself wearing and want to play with it at home to see if it works for me before i buy.

Here's a good link with lots of info on pigment samples:



Staff member
I agree with the above. If there is one I'd like to try before buying, I will just ask if they could sample me a little to try, I'm sure they would much rather do that if they can then to have you buy it and return it if you didn't like it. It all depends on the store and the MA helping you. At the one MAC store I go to occasionally, they won't give you squat no matter what you buy.


Well-known member
i think you can get them at any store. I usually tell the MA that i would like to have a sample before comitting to the pigment because i would hate to buy it and then return it. Which is pretty reasonable. They usually don't make a fuss about it. I have noticed though that even though they always give the sample, the size of the sample will depend on the MA. HTH

Miss World

Well-known member
Is there a rule on getting samples at MAC? the staff here in the UAE get weird if I ask about it! and I was told that you have to have spent at least 200$ per reciept if you want to get pigment samples.. generally, how does getting samples work at MAC?


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Samples?

I am not sure if you have to spend any money to get samples although I got 2 pigment samples today and I only spent $80. Although I am a regular there and they know I spend almost 3/4 of my paycheck every week there.

But even when I went to a pro store I didn't spend that much and I got a sample.

Im not sure if they dont want to give out samples because they think people wont buy them at all?

I always seem eager to buy them and maybe thats why they don't mind.


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Samples?

Originally Posted by Miss World
Is there a rule on getting samples at MAC? the staff here in the UAE get weird if I ask about it! and I was told that you have to have spent at least 200$ per reciept if you want to get pigment samples.. generally, how does getting samples work at MAC?

What the MA at the MAC Concept Store told me when I purchased about AUD$116 worth of MAC Pigments a few weeks ago, I could and should only get ONE sample but he gave me about three anyway just so I can test them before I decide on buying them when I go there again. I also asked for one Dark Soul sample for a friend the other day and the MA gave it anyway even if I didn't purchase anything.

I suppose it depends on the MA you asked or who's serving you.

Miss World

Well-known member
Re: Pigment Samples?

Its weird to me because I've never spent less than 200$USD at MAC on my almost monthly purchases, but was NEVER given any samples even when I asked! and one of the MAs' acted as if she'd be doing me a personal favor if she gave me a sample !!! I ended up saying that I don't want any and left the store..

I guess it depends on the MA really.. the ONLY one I dealt with and was nice has left MAC, and other MAs I knew also left.. the newer MAs just drive me crazy.

thanks for the answers guys ^_^


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Samples?

Hmm..the MAC MA's I've visited so far are always quite nice about pigment samples - I've received 4 very generous samples once for purchasing around $50 worth of items. The counter where I'm a regular is always really good about samples...I guess it's because they know that I purchase a lot every month and are happy to make samples for me to try before I purchase. I guess it all depends on the MA

Oh yes, when I visited one Mac store once, they even gave me the leaftover store LE pigments (in the full size jars) that they didn't have the stocks for anymore - so I ended up with 2 1/4 full size jars of LE pigments that day


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Samples?

I usually give pigment samples to my regular definitely helps to have a relationship with someone at a counter or store....


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Samples?

I usually get a good size sample..but once in a while (even if i am buying stuff) Ill get a sample that is like the size of a few specks of dust. It really depends on the MA. Can you get samples of strobe cream? I want to try before I buy. What other samples have yall gotten?


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Samples?

^ You can get a sample of strobe cream, I had a sample of it once. Basically, any product that they can actually make samples of are ok (like creams, pigments, glitters). Of course they can't sample an e/s or a blush for you because they would have to chip off a piece, which is a no go. But pretty much everything which can easily be samples can be done. It does depend on the MA, but as far as I know they are encouraged to give SMALL samples so the customer can try. If you build up a repertoire with the MA, it's easier.


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Samples?

I'm going to the Pro Store in LA, CA (for the 1st time
). I'll have to remember to do this, I always forget.


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Samples?

i was told at my counter that pigments are a no-go for samples. i was pretty disappointed when i asked since i didnt have any money at that time and the pigment was sold out anyways (we just get them in store when they are part of a collection) and asked if i could maybe have a tiny bit to play with from the tester jar. maybe i was too greedy? but when i asked a friend some time ago to get me a 15-e/s-pan from a pro store and to ask if they would give me a pro piggie sample they didnt even think twice bout it (according to her) and just made me a steel blue sample...


Well-known member
Re: Pigment Samples?

That's so weird! I get samples almost every time I visit a counter. I always ask for pigment samples and I'm never refused, except when there are events. I even went to the Pro store in NYC and asked for a glitter sample, and the guy gave me like 5 BIG samples! Maybe I'm just really nice or something.

I'm also a freelancer, and whenever people ask for samples, I don't even think twice, and make one for them. Maybe I'm not supposed to though?

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