Questions for sephora application I NEED HELP!!!


New member
hey guys,

i recently applied for a sephora in a jcpenny. i saw online they were looking for a sephora product consultant so i applied. this would be my first job ever. im 18 years old. i dont have no job expeience but im great with people and most people say im outgoing and good with people. i love makeup and im good at it. im obssedesd with sephora and i really want this job. but when i was applying their was a section with work history and their was nothing to say first job. so i left it blank. i was debating whether to put on one of the spaces for job title and put first time job but i didnt. i just need people's advice specially people who work at sephora. i really want this job so i just need someones opionion on what i should do. maybe go in and ask for the manager and give my resume? im completely lost i need help!!!

thanks for all who reply:)