Quick Questionaire (Honesty is the Best Policy)


Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?

5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?


Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets? Usually only a couple of times a season, but I purchase toys, jackets and other things to donate all holiday season long when I go shopping, plus coordinate a year-round food drive at work.

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat? Where are you getting your information that "everyone wants to destroy all guns"?

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own? How would allowing them to be own their on if they were not finished with their education or trained in a trade benefit anyone? The same question could be read as "don't you think they should kick 16yo & 17yo out on the street?"

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs? I believe in most causes, there are some people who take their beliefs to extremes that are actually counterproductive to promoting the cause.

5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype? No. In all honesty, if someone did agree "BEHIND closed doors", why do you think they would provide the specifics (race and what stereotype) here?


Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?
I live in the UK we don't have those buckets out. I do donate to charity when and where appropriate however. I also currently do volunteer work with Samaritans Purse for their Operation Christmas Child project. It's not all about giving money, time is equally valuable.

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?
I don't think we should destroy all guns, people have the right to hold a weapon in their house in my mind for self defence. However I do think in the US it's far too easy for anyone to get hold of a gun, here they are pretty impossible to own unless you hold very very special licences and have been vetted. And no I don't think other objects that could be a potential threat should be gotten rid of because it's only those who are violent in the community who are going to use them in that way. If they didn't have knives, bats etc they'd only find something else.

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?
I strongly believe in adoption, when I am married and settled I hope to adopt a child who is aged 15+ because I can't imagine what it would be like to be a teen without proper parents. I think it becomes really important as you begin to grow up. I don't think the state should allow them to live on their own because obviously being in care can be a rough ride and can potentially cause a child to carry a lot of emotional baggage. Sometimes they need a larger amount of support and guidance, not to just be left to their own devices. That's ridiculous!

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?
I am a vegetarian and I have considered becoming a vegan, buit it's for my own reasons and benefits , we're not all awful and neither is PETA, they're just trying to prove a point. Sometimes yes they come on too strong. I believe it's an individuals decision whether to eat meat, wear fur etc. Free society, we shouldn't ll be governed by anti groups.

5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?
No. If you're not racist, you're not racist full stop in my mind.


Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?
More times than I can count

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?

Who is everyone ?

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?

The legal age for an sdult is 18 in the US...So why wouldn't they be allowed if they are orphaned?

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?

Everyone is or should be passionate about causes they believe in...Who am I to judge

5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?

No...these type conversations aren't subjects in my house. My material grandmother was white, My mother is bi-racial ..My family & friends are made up of a mixture of races...so this would not be tea and crumpet talk for us.


Beauty Mark

Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?
Many times, since I was little. I always flip flop between, since the Salvation Army is against homosexuality, but I normally do

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?
I don't want to destroy all guns, nor do a lot of people. I would prefer a lot of gun control and gun education license (like a driver's license, only for guns)

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?
I think that's quite sad. I don't think they should be allowed to be on their own, unless they can meet the requirements of legal emancipation.

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?
Vegans are not always violent with their beliefs. I think, though, that being so dogmatic and aggressive that they do lose a lot of appeal

5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?


Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?
we dont have red buckets over here but i do try to give to charity! i dont give regularly but i do give money to animal, cancer and poppy appeal

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?

i dont think these things will ever be solved. we have more of a knife problem in england than gun and i would like better education for people that carry weapons.

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?

16/17 is too young to be independant, they need a family and role models.

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?
i think peta can be a bit TOO extreme at times, they would win a lot more support if they were less extremist. i do admire them for standing up for animals though, they do a really good job.

5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?

i think thats been worded wrong, i kno what you mean though. i think you mean are you ignorant about certain races but that question seems to be leading people into outing themselfs as racists lol


Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?
Sometimes, but to be fair, I rarely come across them.

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?
Weapons don't kill, people do.

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?
'Legal' ages, while useful guidelines, are irrelevant imo. Age doesn't indicate experience, fragility, capability, strength of mind. Basically, it's all relative.

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?

5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?


Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?
Anytime I have spare change in my pocket and I see any donation bucket I donate.

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?
Weapons are just tools, it's the people that scare me!

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?
Age is just an arbitrary number that has nothing to do with maturity. Some children are ready for independence at that age, some are not.

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?
Yes, I do, I have been a target of PETA fueled inaccuracies and deliberate lies.

5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?


Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?


2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?

It's just NEVER going to end. It depends on the person's upbringing and environment.

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?

It should be a rule that teens aren't able to leave the house until they're 18 or it can be a discretionary issue if the teen is being abused at home.

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?


5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?



Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?
None, specifically to that particular charity ( Salvation Army) so far.

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?
Nothing. I don't see why we should get rid of guns in the first place. Guns and weapons aren't dangerous unto themselves, and ridding a society of access to them will just lead people to find other ways to protect themselves or hurt others.

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?
If they are able to demonstrate that they can be emanicpated minors just like someone that age who isn't a legal orphan would have to do, then I don't see a reason why they shouldn't be able to pursue that status. However, I doubt that someone being held by the adoption sysytem for so long would have all the skills to do so. It depends on the individual, in the end.

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?

I hesitate to paint every member of those groups with that brush, but of course, every group has a member or a few who go overboard.

5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?

Of course, and I honestly believe that anyone who hasn't at some point in their lives is probably a liar, or a tad bit delusional. I could be here all day/night with stereotypes that I've once believed in, or have not been proven incorrect in my personal experience. There is just as much positive racial sterotyping as there is negative stereotyping. I find that people think it's okay to go along with one side instead of the other. Also, it's important to remember that even though one may hold stock in a stereotype, they may not believe in it rigidly.

  1. A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.
  2. One that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type.


Well-known member
I'll take the questionnaire even though I am having a difficult time understanding your presentation of some of the questions or the basis behind certain assumptions that some of the questions make.

1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?
I donate my time, that I can regulate quite well.

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?
What is the assumption that "everyone wants to destroy all guns" based on? Not everyone wants to destroy guns and for different reasons therefore you will find different questions about what to do with other tools that can be turned into weapons when in the wrong hands. I personally don't think it's good to have a gun in everyone's hand, but at the same time, I think education is the most important tool you can use to curb violence/accidental injury.

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?
I feel the same about them as I do about any other minor. I think the real question is for the agencies: How should agencies reevaluate the way the behave towards and nurture older children still in the custody of the state in a way that is productive for all sides?

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?
Vegans and PETA are not one in the same. You might find some cross overs, but I know many peaceful vegans. Vegans as a whole are not an organization in the same way that PETA is. PETA has many people fighting for some good causes, but just hasn't done enough to denounce the people to step out of line which is why I don't support them.

5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?

I work with stereotypes connected to things that are more concrete than race. Does that mean they are negative stereotypes? No, they're usually ways that I try to determine how to best help a person with what they need, especially when that person doesn't ask me directly for help for fear that I won't understand.


Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?

Probably at least once a year. I donated on Saturday, actually.

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?

I don't know if this is a question or some sort of accusation? I believe that gun laws should be stricter, if that's what you're asking. I don't think just anyone with some money should be able to buy a gun and that's where the problems are coming from. As far as semi-automatic, I don't see any positive use for those.

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?

I think that most children believe they are grown up at the age 16 or 17, but in reality, they need further guidance. It's a sad situation, but they shouldn't be sent off on their own at that age.

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?

There's a difference between vegans and PETA, and there are extremists and neutral supporters of PETA. Not all PETA members burn down buildings, and yes extremes of anything are no good. But it's ridiculous to generalize any person's association with a certain group.

5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?

I don't believe any one race believes/acts/behaves the same as every other member of that race, which technically is what stereotyping is. That's generalizing, and again, I don't believe in that.


Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?
~at least once a year

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?

~i think the people that actually use guns to inflict unwelcome harm on others will turn towards others means of violence. this depends on the person. anything, ANYTHING can be used as a weapon. i've had change thrown at me and that shit hurt like hell. lol!

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?

~well, 18 is the legal age and at 27, after going through certain experiences i almost feel that's too young to seriously take on the responsibility of living on your own BUT it is what it is. if that 16 or 17 year old seems capable both mentally and financially of taking care of themselves on their own then i don't see a huge problem. i still think it's too young though.

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?

~i have friends that are vegans and it's all good with them. P.E.T.A. on the otherhand is a group i have felt are a little too militant when it comes to standing up for animals and their cause (i.e. throwing the flour on lindsey lohan & pam anderson cussing out jessica simpson for wearing the shirt "real girls eat meat"). i feel that they should belong to the group because of their beliefs but not to go out and attack others that don't necessarily feel the same way.

5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?

~we've all believed in racial stereotypes both behind closed doors and in public. one of my stereotypes i used to have was with white people and that they only use salt and pepper to season their food (i'm not trying to offend anyone. it's just a belief i used to have)..... where it came from i have absolutely no idea. and i'm sure there are still a lot of people out there who believe that stereotype that all we black people eat is fried chicken and greens. lol!!!! yes, we love fried chicken but so does almost every other race and contrary to some beliefs we do eat other things for lunch and dinner than just chicken. lmao!!! and i'm more than likely sure there are blacks, latins, etc... out there who only season their food with salt and pepper


Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?

I aim for once a weekend, if I gave to every one I saw I'd be broke

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?

I'm not anti guns totally, I'm just for smart usage of guns

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?

Hell no, they are not legally adults, and it sucks that at 18 they are thrown into the world as it is.

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?


5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?

I know most people hate to hear this, most stereo types are based on some semblance of truth, it's just built on and because no race is the same as you move about the world and times change they become irrelevant and ludicrous

Lauren I have an ex that wold have fit into your salt and pepper stereotype, lol when I lived with him my first day I went shopping for herbs and seasoning he rolled his eyes all he ever used was salt and pepper


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?

I aim for once a weekend, if I gave to every one I saw I'd be broke

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?

I'm not anti guns totally, I'm just for smart usage of guns

3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?

Hell no, they are not legally adults, and it sucks that at 18 they are thrown into the world as it is.

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?


5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?

I know most people hate to hear this, most stereo types are based on some semblance of truth, it's just built on and because no race is the same as you move about the world and times change they become irrelevant and ludicrous

Lauren I have an ex that wold have fit into your salt and pepper stereotype, lol when I lived with him my first day I went shopping for herbs and seasoning he rolled his eyes all he ever used was salt and pepper

I absolutely loved the way you answered the questions...


Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?
Who said anything about destroying guns? Either way a guns intended purpose is to kill, a baseball bat is supposed to bat baseballs
3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own
Should not be allowed to be on their own till they are 18

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?
PETA Has horrible views and I don't know a single vegan who agrees with them
5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?
I don't believe any stereotypes but I still get anxious when I see "thug" type african americans in groups when I walk past them


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?
I don't believe any stereotypes but I still get anxious when I see "thug" type african americans in groups when I walk past them

Just curious...What happens or how do you feel when you see "Thug" type white americans in groups when you walk past them?


Well-known member
Honestly I don't know. I think I laugh because I generally find them extremely ridiculous. I'm not even sure if that answer still applies to me because I don't think i've walked past a group of african americans alone in a long time o_o;


Well-known member
1) How many times have you donated your spare change into those red holiday buckets?

When i pass buy them i usually do. However i REFUSE to donate to the salvation army. I once witnessed a guy from SA trying to kick a teenage boy in the head. The boy tried to steal the money, the SA guy knocked him down and people were restraining the him while he tried repeatedly to kick the boy in the head. Plus they have all these crazy schools where the believe they;re starting christ's army. Anyway, i wont go on too much of a rant.
I mostly like to donate to causes for sick children or animals.

2) Since everyone wants to destroy all guns, what are we gonna do about steel baseball bats, knives, axes and any other possible weapons that may not seem like a threat?
who said anything about destroying guns? i just don;t think the common public should have any access to them.
3) How do you feel about sixteen and seventeen year olds in adoption agencies? Do you feel the agency should allow them to be on their own?
i do. i think they should also be given help and counciling.

4) Do you believe vegans and the good ol' humble folks of P.E.T.A, are too violent with their beliefs?

i dont think its fair to lump vegans in with peta. Peta is an extremist group that believe that having house pets is like having slaves. I think sometimes they cross the line with there demonstrations, but its meant to grab your attention and it works. unfortunately theyre brashness turns people off and they become desensitized/ disillusioned to it.

5) Have you ever agreed/believed in a few racial stereotypes BEHIND closed doors? If so, what race and what stereotype?

I believe the sometimes people conform to their cultures stereotypes. I dont like stereotypes. They are never flattering, but some have basis, i mean, how else would they come to be?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Just curious...What happens or how do you feel when you see "Thug" type white americans in groups when you walk past them?

to me, anyone who dresses in a way that wants to portray an image of violence, weapons, drugs, etc makes my heart beat a little faster, white or black.