I think the two are very similar, more than most would like to admit.
Yes, black people are discriminated against instantly. you cannot hide you're race. If someone is racist all it takes is them seeing you to decided that you're less them them or... whatever these assholes think.
I suppose homosexuals get "the luxury" of hiding their sexuality, if you can call it that. But really, there choice is to a; come out. Realize that if they are open about their sexuality they will be hugely discriminated against. That homophobia is socially acceptable and encouraged in pretty much every society. That being homosexual is illegal and punishable by death in some societies. That they are seen as worse than terrorists by some people in there own country (thank you sally kern, you twisted old bitch). Or they B; can lie to themselves and others, keeping this secret, like it's something to be ashamed of.
Gay Rights have only become popular after African American's rights were established. I mean, we don't usually hear people opening using the N bomb (as i call it) in a derogatory way (thank god), but how often do you hear someone use the word faggot to put someone down? I hear it almost every day.
I think they are the exact same thing. By being racist or being homophobic, you are choosing to hate someone based on something they have no control over, whether it's because they're black, asain, mexican, or because they are a man that loves men. These things are one small part of what makes a person. I know my sexuality doesn't define me, neither does the fact that i'm white. If someone were to judge me based on either of those two factors i would be hugely pissed.
Anyway, all i'm saying is that regardless of the history of the hatred, they are both equally wrong. I don't see the point in fighting over who has what worse.
Let's agree that racism and homophobia are disgusting, and lets do something to change it!!!
For those who haven't heard Sally Kern's hurtful words here they are
YouTube - I'm listening
And here are the inspiring words of Harvey Milk. Harvey Milk, who was an openly gay man who was shot and killed after he was elected for public office.
YouTube - Got Hope?