there's a lot of beauty standards that don't make sense to me. lighter skin for african american women, also the straight relaxed hair which can be viewed as a personal preference in the everyday world, is also a general preference when it comes to the beauty world. beyonce's hair has rarely (if ever?) had a "natural" style since she's done work with l'oreal. there are also a lot of women, indian, black or otherwise who buy into the colored contacts thing. that is also a personal preference for most women who just want to look a certain way that they find appealing, but it seems like a lot of fashion and beauty ads feature lighter eye colors which unless genetic, isn't commonly seen.
there are so many times i've seen ads, and not just in reference to one race, the hair is mostly extensions. the eyes, skin and facial features have been retouched, and the body has been airbrushed and skintone brightened for a more aesthetically pleasing look. the visual part of the cosmetic industry, ads and ideas behind a "look", is getting more and more unnatural for EVERYBODY. the skincare products, such as fair and lovely or even anti-aging treatments claim to provide much more drastic results than they probably do, and everyone is buying into these things because of some ad featuring a thin, perfect-skinned model with beautiful hair and eyelashes out to there. i've come to understand that unless the company specifically claims to be diverse and catering to many types of people, they really have one or two markets they aim to please, and their overall campaign will be a testament to that.