I just clicked on the read more bit and saw my name, I am beyond gobsmacked.
I had a bit of a breakdown recently, and have been very depressed. So wowser....
Thank you Janice and everyone else
*so happy*
Cangratulations you guys!! This is fenomenal!!! I can't wait to see some FOTDs or swatch pics or something!! This is such a great year for you already!!
I just clicked on the read more bit and saw my name, I am beyond gobsmacked.
I had a bit of a breakdown recently, and have been very depressed. So wowser....
Thank you Janice and everyone else
*so happy*
I know what its like to be depressed and I hope that this cheers you up a bit, congrats!!!
Yaay! Congratulations to serraphinn and Glitziegal! Big thanks to Janice & the others who helped for making Specktra the wonderful treasure it is!