Rant about buying Alcohol and ID...


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Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
LOL. I've only been working for a few days and I've actually had quite a few lady customers giggle and joke around how they don't mind at all being carded cause it makes them feel like teen again haha. I have to card EVERYONE that looks under 40 or I can get in trouble and so can the store. I've heard that sometimes they actually have people come in and try to buy cigarettes just to check if your carding or not. That scared the crap out of me lol. But I honestly don't even care anymore who is buying and smoking cigarettes as long as they aren't smoking it around me. Their choice. I just have to follow these guidelines so I don't get in trouble at work or with the law. And again this does nothing to stop the spread of underage smoking cause it's super easy to get smokes really. Now alcohol on the other hand needs to be consumed responsibly at ever age group IMO, I've heard too many horror stories about accidents and stuff.

Here it's 18 (19 in some areas) to buy tobacco products and 21 to buy and consume alcohol.

Yeah I think the 'secret shopper' thing is done worldwide to check if ID's are being used. I've always wondered whether the UK would benefit from being over 21 to buy alcohol... here its 18. I don't think it would make any difference, because like you said with smoking its easy to get hold of it. Before I was 18 I'd drink every weekend more or less.. I could go into pubs/clubs no problem, but since I turned 18 I don't go out much anymore haha, I think the novelty wore off before I was legal! Smoking age was recently put up from 16 to 18 here.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vocaltest
Yeah I think the 'secret shopper' thing is done worldwide to check if ID's are being used. I've always wondered whether the UK would benefit from being over 21 to buy alcohol... here its 18. I don't think it would make any difference, because like you said with smoking its easy to get hold of it. Before I was 18 I'd drink every weekend more or less.. I could go into pubs/clubs no problem, but since I turned 18 I don't go out much anymore haha, I think the novelty wore off before I was legal! Smoking age was recently put up from 16 to 18 here.

I agree, we had a discussion in class during high school one year about the "novelty" of smoking and drinking and how it does have a tendency to ware off a bit after becoming legally old enough to do those things. Me personally I don't do either (I'm allergic to smoke and have alcohol intolerance) so there is no novelty for those things for me.

I think they need to let the whole tobacco thing go just a tiny bit and put more emphasis on alcohol. They need to impose stricter punishments on DUI's and alcohol related accidents that's what I think rather than worry about if this person who happens to be exactly 39 years old have to show ID in order to get cigs.

The secret shopper thing scares the shit out of me like really bad. Cause you never know if that moment comes where you'll slip and just assume wrong that the person is over whatever age. Age is not easy to determine by appearance as people think. But there is a point where you def know if someone is over a certain age like when they show you numerous forms of ID that say there xx years old.


Well-known member
Wow, what a shitty experience.. sorry you had to go though that.

In Canada the legal age is 19, and I remember a few of my friends turned 19 a good 6 months before I did, and once when we were at the checkout at the liquor store they asked me for ID, even tho my friend was paying, I was only standing with her. I was like, what I'm not even allowed to be in here if I'm not legal?

But I laugh at all that now, I never get carded anymore.. I'm in my mid 20s, and my friends and I always joke that we're offended when no one asks us for ID...


Well-known member
That's really silly!

If it were me, I'd leave without paying and would rather drive to another store (even if it's many miles away). I hate rude salespersons! They will not get a cent from me.


Well-known member
i hate tescos too! me and hubby had done a big shop and we had some alcohol mixed in and he got id'd and then they said they needed to see mine too! i didn't have any on me (typical!) and i just said that we're married (flashed my ring) and also that i'm older than my husband is!! i then found some random 16+ card with photo and my date oif birth one it and they said that it wasn't vaild because i looked nothing like in the picture. i was like no shit! it was 8 bloody years ago! we just left our booze in the end and went to the co-op who don't id me. stupid tescos


Well-known member
Yea, if I was in that situation I would've up and left to take my business elsewhere. I remember a couple of months back I was on a date with this guy and after the movies we decided to grab dinner at this bar/restaurant. Anyway they were carding at the front door, which makes no sense because what if you were there to have dinner and not drink? So the guy checking the ID was like "it's expired, you can't come in" I'm like wtf? I've gone to bars/clubs for the past couple of months using this ID and I had NO prob. I literally came back from a trip a wk ago and I had no prob at the airport with my ID and this bouncer is giving me crap bc it expired?! (It expired nov/08) I understand if u got a job and got hired, they needed a new/updated copy of your ID, but It's obvious the pic is ME on the ID and I'm 25...he's like "you need someone over 25 to vouch for you" he knew my date was 24 and he basically said that on purpose. I'm like whatever, I don't need to eat here. Went to the next restaurant and they seated us in less than 5 mins and we didn't even get carded.


Well-known member
I swear some people like to make assholes of themselves by bending and making their work's policy into THERE OWN policy. Fucking get a life you ass!


Well-known member
Grrrr i hate tescos!
I was in there once(im 24) shopping with my sister(she is 30) and got a big shop and a bottle of wine. Just before i got to the checkout i saw a friend of mine( he is 20) and i offered him a lift home. So my sister puts her shopping through and then i put mine through. The checkout guy was underage so he got a older member of staff to id me. I give her my driving licence and its fine, she then asks my sister for her id, she doesnt have one. But they let her off cos she clearly looks her age. Then they ask my friend who shows them his provisional licence, well they dont accept that because it is an old one!! I told them it is my shopping, so i dont see why they should even ask for the other ids. They say beause they were helping me pack! So i tell them so what if i was to bring my child in would they id them too!! Id just got off work so was tired and annoyed at this. I just wanted to get my weekly shop and go home. To make matters worse the underage checkout guy was being rude to me as well saying iwas buying the wine for for someone underage! So i told them to leave the wine. They were so rude about it, talking to me like a piece of crap. I got home and called to complain the lady said she would write it down and get someone more superior to contact me.
So its the next day and still no call so i call them again and got a manager. They had no record of my complaint!! So i tell her what happened and she said it was the new policy and that they are iding people who look under 25 now and stuff. I say thats fine but i was more upset by how i was spoken to and that it wasnt acceptable. She asked who spoke to me and got down who served me and said that she would speak to them about it and give out a warning. I still wasnt happy i didnt recieve any compensation lol i at least wanted them to discount my big shop! To be fair i have been in there since and have had no more id issues but i do worry about them not accepting it as im a brunette on my pic and im blonde now.


Well-known member
That is terrible!! I hate tescos !! Everytime I go in and buy alcohol some stupid old hag id's me. Glad you are complaning.

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