rant about double standards! don't mind me! lol


Active member
Originally Posted by Pushpa
preach....i totally agree

i hate when ppl just offer their opinions without being asked.... i laughed at your post

i get 'you wear so much mu i like the natural look' all the time @ school like i care if they like to look natural when i want to look natural i don't wear anything hahahaha

Pushpa I get the same thing here at my job. It really grates on my nerves sometimes. I agree though when I want to look natural I don't wear anything. It's as if they think you wear makeup to hide some imperfection.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by soleado8
Pushpa I get the same thing here at my job. It really grates on my nerves sometimes. I agree though when I want to look natural I don't wear anything. It's as if they think you wear makeup to hide some imperfection.

IMHO I think the makeup comments are just like the weight comments...

Generally the only people making weight comments are larger women (and the occasional guy) in my expierence. Being so skinny just serves to remind other people that they are overweight. So to make themselves feel less insecure, they have to make comments about your weight in order to justify their own problems.

Same thing with makeup.

The people generally bitching about the "natural look" are usually the ones who can't apply makeup to save their lives. You know the ones, they look like they used a crayon for eyeliner, and they have big furry spiderlegs for eyelashes. They justify their, "natural look" because they dont want to admit that they are bad at application. So instead of saying, "I'd use more makeup if I knew how" they make negative comments on your particular style.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dollbabybex
another thing a girl did in work was... i was reached up to get a folder, and she went 'eurgh look at your hip bones poking thru... its disgusting'

I love my hip bones. And my collar bone. I can't imagine not being able to see those.

Next time just tell her, "eurgh, look at your rolls poking through... it's disgusting!"

Just say NO to muffin tops.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DanaB
i am a smoker. why is it that people can make smart comments to me about smoking ("that's not good for you, you know") but if i comment back it would be construed as rude?

i am also painfully thin. not by my own doing either. i have just always been skinny. all of my life i've gotten ignorant comments. like, "why are you so thin? don't you eat?" but i can't say "why are you so fat? why don't you stop eating?" why? because it's mean. so why is it okay to comment on my weight in a negative way? just because i am skinny, that doesn't mean that i'm happy about it. people of all body types have issues with it. when people say "i like having curves. makes me feel like a real woman", it's offensive to me. i'm thin so i don't have big boobs, or hips. so then i'm not a real woman?

this obviously isn't towards anyone on here. all the people on this site are incredibly respectful and complimentary to everyone! i love it. i was just outside today and an fat woman said that "smoking is not good for you, you know." i didn't say "neither is stuffing your face with that big mac" like i wanted to! lol. why? because i practice this little known thing called restraint, and tact. it's just rude to comment to total strangers about something that is none of your business!

ahhhhhh! i need a drink!

thanks for allowing me to vent!!

i have always been thin, so i understand. it would not be acceptable to walk up to someone and say "wow, youre so fat!" so why is it ok for them to be like "youre so skinny". its the same exact thing, and it doesnt feel good to hear it everyday. i would have liked to have a fuller body when i was growing up and those kind of comments weren't very good for my self esteem. and i feel ya on that whole "real woman" thing. i may not have boobs, but i have a vagina! so therefore, honey, I AM A REAL WOMAN, too!

oh and dont get me started with smoking. it is rude to butt in to someone's personal life... havent you ever seen a truth commercial? duh, i think smokers all know the risks by now. i am an ex-smoker (quit cold turkey when i found out i was pregnant)... and i couldnt stand when people commented on it. especially complete strangers.. i wanted to strangle people sometimes!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by litlaur
So what if you had gotten just a salad, who is he to judge you? Some people like salads, and they're often enough for a full meal. And people don't realize that the amount of food you usually get at a restaurant is much more than you need for one meal.

I'm also naturally thin, and I'm pretty happy with my body. Even though I am happy with my body, I shouldn't feel bad that others aren't...and I don't.

i just ate a salad for lunch. and im skinny AND pregnant. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I love my hip bones. And my collar bone. I can't imagine not being able to see those.

Next time just tell her, "eurgh, look at your rolls poking through... it's disgusting!"

Just say NO to muffin tops.

i actually like that look too... so in a kinda way i took it as a compliment!ha!


Well-known member
im a non smoker and i HATE it when people are really rude and cough and stuff while people are smoking... like your giving them lung cancer or something

even tho I personally dont smoke.... i dont care if people do or dont.

it s a personal choice


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dollbabybex
like your giving them lung cancer or something

Well technically.... Hehe... 2nd hand smoke exposure is really, really, really bad for you... Or how about the times when you get cigarette burns from drunk idiots holding cigarettes lol in crowded club patio's heh.

I remember when I was little, and I would get a ride home from school with one of the girls who lived up my street. Her dad was a heavy smoker. And he would always smoke in the car while driving. I got so bad at times that I would roll down my window in the back a little bit so i could breath in air from outside lol. I feel bad for his kids, their house was always smokey, living with him prolly would have given them cancer!

Then i started smoking when I was like 21, much to the disaproval of my parents who thought I could make better choices in life LOL. And then quit cold turkey two years ago. My hair smells a lot nicer now! Yay.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
...But lol at European Beaches... I remember my first time in the french riviera, and was amazed at the number of hairy fat itallian men in spedo's LOL... That and topless grandma's LOL...

One of the things that I really appreciated about the time I spent living around europe is the fact that people are so much more accepting of their bodies there. BUT.....if I saw one more ginormous, hairy dude in a speedo! What's so bad about it is that often the big, hairy, belly hangs so low that it actually covers the speedo/crotchial region (crotchial-to borrow a word from the movie Anchorman). It is like they are nude. Big, hairy and nude. Not so good. On one hand, I'm like good for you dude....way to be comfortable with yourself. On the other hand.....


Well-known member
i get weight comments all the time!

i used to be a uk 14/16 which i think is US 10/12? and i lost 3st and now im an 8/10 (US 4/6) and i get comments all the time of 'you're too thin!' or 'dont lose anymore or you'll look ill' or 'do you never eat?' ive even had people at work making snide comments when i left the staff room to call my fiance after id eaten my lunch that i was off to make myself sick! even tho it was a joke, i thought it was both insulting and in very bad taste, especially as there are people who struggle with eating disorders and its not something you do out of choice.

also some guy at work commented that i had tiny boobs as well! argh!

even my best friend has made really catty remarks about my weight loss and says i look ill. its a good thing i have people like my parents and fiance who have supported me through it telling me i look great! so ive put most of it down to jealousy, which is unfortunate for those people.

i wouldnt mind but its taken me almost a year to lose the weight and ive done it in a healthy way. so its not like ive crash dieted or anything.

as for smoking, i think it is rude to tell strangers they shouldnt be smoking. i dont like it myself and i wont let people smoke in my house or when im eating but thats as far as it goes. comments are a bit rude i think.


Well-known member
Personally I have problems breathing when I'm around people who are smoking, so I'm glad that I live in Canada where smoking is banned in most public areas. I really don't appreciate second hand smoke but other than that, do whatever the hell you want! And I've always felt that if someone is comfortable with their weight then you should support that, and if they arn't then they probably don't want to hear about it from you!


Well-known member
Meh lol...

So like... Some of the other women at my job were talking about being in a rut about lunch and CPK. And I mentioned they should try the Elephant Bar up the street for something different. They ask me if I wanna go, I politely decline as I had already eaten.

Now, i'm 24 (almost 25) but I'm probably the youngest in my office. I also look a LOT younger than 25, like easily pass for early 20's. And well, I'm in an office of Mom's =P So immediateley following my decline to their invatation, i'm bombarded with questions asking me what I ate for lunch. I reply I had a bowl of cereal. Which apparently isn't good enough, and they start insiting that eigther I come to lunch, or they will bring something back for me.

So as I'm involved in that little conversation, another one of the ladies comes over and is like, "You know it's not polite to decline an offer to go to lunch, it doesn't happen very often when someone asks to treat you to lunch, you should be grateful and accept the invatation."

Blah blah blah


Meanwhile all I'm thinking about is why do they ALWAYS have to argue with me over my diet. And as grateful as I am, I know there only offering to buy me lunch because they think I dont eat enough, and the Mom in them is comming out. It's not like I can't buy my own lunch, I just prefer not to eat a heavy lunch. Then one of the other ladies is like, "She's just trying to watch her figure" and they all like roll their eyes.

I'm so getting over this lol. Play Mom to your own kids, not to me LOL. And at 24 I dont need to get the guilt trip layed on me because someone else thinks I need to eat more lol... Considering the rolls on some of the women I work with, most of them prolly need to eat a lot less.