<rant> worst trip to sephora ever...


Well-known member
So as you can guess I had the worst trip to Sephora ever yesterday. Ugh where do I begin. The closest Sephora to me is 4 hours away. I just happened to be going to the town it's in, so I decided to make a trip to it to pick up some new goodies. So we get there, and not only are some of the brands I was looking at getting stuff at not there. The brands that were there that I wanted products from didn't have the ones I wanted. I was going to get two Nars blushers, some UD liners (glitter and 24hr ones), some stuff from Napoleon Perdis, and UDPP. I ended up only getting UDPP. They didn't have any of the 4 shades of blush I was looking at getting, were out of stock on the others one that I had chose; I was going to pick up the mini package of the 24hr UD liners, they had one package left and it had been opened and something was stolen from it; the glitter liners they only had three colours in stock; and they didn't have any Napoleon Perdis anywhere. The store was honestly dirty, disorganized, and unstocked. I know it's not really something I should be angry about, but I had just spent close to 6 hours in a car driving, in horrible winter conditions and I get to one of the stores I've been waiting to get stuff from for a while and it's not there. No SA asked if we needed any help, none offered any suggestions when we're walking around aimlessly and I was just really put off. If I hadn't run out of UDPP yesterday I wouldn't have purchased anything. At least I'm heading to MACpro either Today or Tomorrow, and hopefully that experience will be a lot better.



Well-known member
Wow....that is pretty shitty! Maybe you could write an email to their customer service or give a call. Who knows, maybe they will send you something for free


Well-known member
At this point I don't even feel like wasting time on it. However I'm also hungover, tired, and hungry. My friend's take way to long to get ready lol. Maybe I'll send one off tonight before I start killing my liver.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I think a lot of those problems stem from the time of year it is. Unless you went during the work day (and even then, I think Sephora is going to be packed), the Christmas season causes stuff to be understocked, I imagine some workers are delinquent, etc.


Well-known member
yeah, as I was reading your post, the most obnoxious version of the holiday song "sleigh ride" began playing in my head!! It's that time of year again! Merry friggin' christmas!! LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
OT - knoxydoll, Mike Rowe is the sexiest!!!

OMG I know. His voice is sooo sexy too. He's the whole package. I adore him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by knoxydoll
OMG I know. His voice is sooo sexy too. He's the whole package. I adore him.

Me too. If I were young and single, I'd be a groupie.


Well-known member
I actually got my first ever sephora item.. a friend got it for me as a gift for christmas
She got me the Pink sugar perfume.. ahh i love it so much it was a gift pack it came with a few goodies aswell!

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
from personally working in retail during this hellish holiday season, i hope you dont judge this against sephora, especially if you went during a saturday or sunday. stock of items plummet with all the holiday shopping (because even though shipments increase during the holiday season, they dont fully support the holiday frenzy) and theft increases dramatically because its so packed you cant watch everyone. when there are swarms of people flooding in constantly and lines out the door and everyone demanding attention it is VERY hard to keep everything perfectly stocked and faced and to give perfect customer service. most times the stores dont even get a 15 minute breather between rushes to be able to straighten up and restock shelves. even by 10am, stores start to look TORE UP FROM THE FLOOR UP. people just seriously jack up displays for no reason during normal times of year, and during the holiday season that triples.
the holiday rushes are hectic and hellish and good holiday SAs are VERY hard to come by (my store had to fire all the new holiday help because they were honestly just god awful but thats another rant). you do have to understand even a little bit that it is about a week before christmas and its pretty much the worst time of year to visit any retail store period.

but i do hope you have better experiences in the future!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Caramel_QT
Which Sephora was this?

The one in the Eaton's Centre.
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
from personally working in retail during this hellish holiday season, i hope you dont judge this against sephora, especially if you went during a saturday or sunday. stock of items plummet with all the holiday shopping (because even though shipments increase during the holiday season, they dont fully support the holiday frenzy) and theft increases dramatically because its so packed you cant watch everyone. when there are swarms of people flooding in constantly and lines out the door and everyone demanding attention it is VERY hard to keep everything perfectly stocked and faced and to give perfect customer service. most times the stores dont even get a 15 minute breather between rushes to be able to straighten up and restock shelves. even by 10am, stores start to look TORE UP FROM THE FLOOR UP. people just seriously jack up displays for no reason during normal times of year, and during the holiday season that triples.
the holiday rushes are hectic and hellish and good holiday SAs are VERY hard to come by (my store had to fire all the new holiday help because they were honestly just god awful but thats another rant). you do have to understand even a little bit that it is about a week before christmas and its pretty much the worst time of year to visit any retail store period.

but i do hope you have better experiences in the future!

I do and I don't. It wasn't very beust when we went in. I do understand that it's holiday season but it was a Thursday night. Not one SA said anything to either of us (there was 3 of us) and many were standing around doing nothing for the whole 20 minutes we were there. Even when I went to ask a question to one of the SAs they turned around and started talking to another SA. I just felt disgusted beyond belief. I'm sure it's not always like this but bleh. My trip to the MAC pro on Queen was beyond AMAZING though. The MA was the sweetest thing and she's actually a member on here.