Ray Nagin is an ass.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
The problem lies in the fact that the american public is too busy B*tching about how much our government heads are-instead of doing anything about it. We cry and sob we want change but we do nothing about it. Because our society is a give me society and we would rather have all the hard work and thinking made for us.

Don't you love how more people vote for American Idol than they do the leader of the country? It's fucking sick, I want to move lol

Professor Fate

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
Don't you love how more people vote for American Idol than they do the leader of the country? It's fucking sick, I want to move lol

that's because america is hopped up on prescription pills,fast food,and wal mart culture.

the media is too busy cramming american idol bullshit down everyone's throat while, at the same time filling their news stations with bias untruthful bullshit.

americans = thoughtless zombies

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
americans = thoughtless zombies

I don't agree with that as blanket statement. Having gone to college in the US, I've met proportionately as many international students who don't give a damn about the world or who sit around and complain without doing anything.

Many US citizens read other news sources. There are more people who are concerned with the pop culture aspect of society, but there are still a considerable number of folks who are doing something, be it as simple as donating money.

Professor Fate

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I don't agree with that as blanket statement. Having gone to college in the US, I've met proportionately as many international students who don't give a damn about the world or who sit around and complain without doing anything.

Many US citizens read other news sources. There are more people who are concerned with the pop culture aspect of society, but there are still a considerable number of folks who are doing something, be it as simple as donating money.

i agree with it as being a blanket statement. as was said above,more people vote for american idol than the presidential election. of course there are people out there that fall outside of the blanket but,i am speaking of the majority.the numbers don't lie.

mcdonald's,wal mart,and american idol.....yay.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Professor Fate
that's because america is hopped up on prescription pills,fast food,and wal mart culture.

the media is too busy cramming american idol bullshit down everyone's throat while, at the same time filling their news stations with bias untruthful bullshit.

americans = thoughtless zombies

Oops, I clicked the thanks button instead of the quote button...i take it back. i didn't mean to thank your post lol. I assume you're not from America, so I'd have to take slight offense at your generalization that we're all thoughtless zombies. Though there are large portions of the population that don't take advantage of their rights to choose officials and participate in elections, a fair amount do. But it also doesn't help when we've got really crooked officials coming in. The election of 2000 and the election of 2004 were both severely rigged. Never in any other election did they enforce half of the minor voting laws than in those elections. I've never seen the police at voting polls checking for people's registration and current paperwork to make sure they were elligible to vote or weren't convicts who couldn't vote, but they were out in full fucking force for both elections. And a lot of votes in inner city communities and districts weren't counted at all, because they were populated by a lot of minorities, and the majority of them were democrats, it would have cost Bush both elections. I learned this in a political science class, i'm not pulling it out of my ass I promise.

But as an American, I really don't dig the blanket statement. Speaking as just one of many, I don't shop at Wal-Mart or watch American Idol; both make me sick, and I'm registered to vote and the only reason I didn't vote in the last national election was because I was underage.

Thhaaannnkkkk you.


Well-known member
Perhaps both of you would be interested in reading a book called-

" They Think You're stupid" By Herman Cain.

And I am going to have to walk away from this discussion because quite frankly, I'm so tired of hearing all the whining about how everything is rigged. That's the biggest load of B.S. I've ever heard and that's the best anyone can come up with because their party didn't win. It's a bunch of spoiled brats (and yes I did just say that about an entire group) that didn't get what they wanted.

The problem with our society? Is that right there.

The blame game and the whining game.

We see it SO EVIDENT with Nagin. We all think Nagin is an ass. Well guess what-what he's doing is what most American's do everyday especially in their political views. Whine but they can't get off their butts to do something about it. It's oK if we all whine loud enough maybe we can ignore the facts and get what we want.

Nagin is nothing more than a Pelosi, Kerry, Sheehan, McCain, Gingrich etc. Nagin is nothing more than the poster child of the American people.

A spoiled little brat who knows nothing of what he's doing but he thinks he does because he knows a little about how the politics work.

We can thank parents for that. All our lives we were brought up thinking if we whine and cry enough then we will automatically be given what we want.

We may as well face it, American's cannot think for themselves and further more both parties are correct, if you do your homework you will find that both parties- and that includes Republicans and Democrats (Look at McCain, Pelosi, Kerry etc) They think we're stupid

and they are right.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
Oops, I clicked the thanks button instead of the quote button...i take it back. i didn't mean to thank your post lol. I assume you're not from America, so I'd have to take slight offense at your generalization that we're all thoughtless zombies. Though there are large portions of the population that don't take advantage of their rights to choose officials and participate in elections, a fair amount do. But it also doesn't help when we've got really crooked officials coming in. The election of 2000 and the election of 2004 were both severely rigged. Never in any other election did they enforce half of the minor voting laws than in those elections. I've never seen the police at voting polls checking for people's registration and current paperwork to make sure they were elligible to vote or weren't convicts who couldn't vote, but they were out in full fucking force for both elections. And a lot of votes in inner city communities and districts weren't counted at all, because they were populated by a lot of minorities, and the majority of them were democrats, it would have cost Bush both elections. I learned this in a political science class, i'm not pulling it out of my ass I promise.

But as an American, I really don't dig the blanket statement. Speaking as just one of many, I don't shop at Wal-Mart or watch American Idol; both make me sick, and I'm registered to vote and the only reason I didn't vote in the last national election was because I was underage.

Thhaaannnkkkk you.

I'd like some type of proof of this so called " Rigging"
and how 9/11 was a Government Conspiracy.. I think some people have jumped on the Micheal Moore Bandwagon... hes full of sh*t IMO

also Not too into the america bashing.
I'm damn proud to be an American.

Now, I personally am a Republican, I used to be a Democrat untill i did my research.

( I was a lost kid listening to my Liberal punk rock,and believing all the bull that they told me... And I see this in teenagers ALL THE TIME , its unfortunate.)

Anyway., As I am a Republican, I do not think Bush has been the greatest representative of the Republican Party , I can admit that.

Didnt mean to Highjack this thread, I had to get my say out there, Since i always read this stuff and keep to myself.


Well-known member
well i cant post the proof here, it was from a poli sci class i took last semester, it's a lot of documents that were really carefully worded so that it doesn't look like "rigging" but it happens every election, it was just obvious and abundant this time around. a lot of ballots were simply discarded and never counted, it caused a big stir in my class we talked about it for weeks. i thought it was bullshit too, but then it started to make sense.
we also watched a loose change documentary on 9/11 (nothing by Michael Moore, that guy skeeves me out) and a lot of the video evidence makes you think. I'm not saying it wasn't a terrorist attack, but I think people knew more than they let on.

But anyway....yeah rebuild New Orleans, and pay attention to the damn warning signs, they weren't there for decoration.


Well-known member
MAC Pixie-I will be very blunt when I say this-but you are sounding just like Cynthia McKinney. You may not know her or you may. You may remember her she's the one who decided to hit the police officer on capital hill? She was a rep for Georgia.

I was in a philosophy class Nov. 2004 and my professor showed us many documents and movies and what not at the college trying to get us to vote for Kerry. Trying to show us the evil George Bush. And when it actually happened that Kerry lost-my professor went crazy and started this whole thing of how things happened like the terrorist attack was all a government conspiracy and how the elections were all a government conspiracy.

And quite frankly, you are too smart for this. This is one of those things that you also have to watch out for in college. Many of the professors are going to try to sway you their way. And these articles and movies-the next question is who were they written by?

I mean its not just the media. You cannot let people influence you. You must do your own homework on political matters. I mean and I hate to say this but just because a Political Science Prof tells you something doesn't mean it's so!

I mean I've had professors who were convinced that the Skull and Bones society were planning to take over the world.

You are just too smart for this thought process. I mean seriously, here is some links to cynthia mckinney-

This is one thing that made her famous

She also wrote a letter to the Prince of Saudi Arabia or something apologizing for Guiliani turning down his money.

She also believes that the US government was behind the 9/11 attacks
and her favorite thing in the world is:

The elections are rigged!

And the truth of the matter is-the elections were not rigged. The American people just do not identify with the "New Democrats" that are there now.

That's the cold hard truth.

And I just wanted to add-I know you're going to believe what you're going to believe-but there are some things you just have to say-am I being influenced on with this material? And I do think you are much to smart to fall into this. The best thing-what I would honestly recommend-is to go and find some articals from reasonable sources-pro and against the elections (rigging etc) and then make up your mind. Because right now to be honest it just sounds like you are just being influenced by a prof and if that's the case you are too good for that.


Well-known member
OK I'm going to post this-but I want to make it very clear that this is not me talking-it's Neil Boortz!

Not youbeabitch!

But I saw this this morning and I thought Hmmmmmmm we were talking about this last night/ this morning

Anyway-its not a party thing etc it's just I guess the best way is how a lot of people are viewing this whole rigged elections thing-it's just something to consider. And again I am NOT CALLING ANYONE A MOONBAT unless of course there really is a bat that lives on the moon


It has been almost 2 years since John Kerry was decisively trounced in his attempt to prevent the re-election of George W. Bush. Despite predictions to the contrary, it wasn't even close. Kerry lost Ohio and Florida -- and conceded the next day.

Or did he?

These days John Kerry is singing a different tune. He has adopted the stance of the Democrat Party moonbats who say the 2004 election was "stolen" because Ohio has a Republican secretary of state. That same secretary of state is now running for governor, which brings us to where we are today. An e-mail is going to be sent out today by Mr. Band-Aid Purple Heart to 100,000 Democratic donors that says of the Ohio Secretary of State "He used the power of his state office to try to intimidate Ohioans and suppress the Democratic vote."

Which, of course, is a lie. But John Kerry is a well-established liar, so we shouldn't be surprised.

They did a recount in Ohio. Bush won by well over 100,000 votes. Live with it. If voters were denied their opportunity to cast a ballot, then bring them forth and let them state their case. If they do, in fact, have a case there is a remedy at law. Use it.

Just like Gore, Kerry is trying to revise history...but it isn't going to work in this case. Perhaps he should try wrapping his head in aluminum foil while he makes these allegations. That might help.

www.boortz.com (So you can all go and see that Boortz said it)

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060828/..._ge/ohio_kerry the link he provided


Well-known member
It's questionable whether the big party system of the US or any other country with a similar style of election can really be called a democracy. I mean, voting for either party A or Party B every 4 or 5 years and that's about as much input as the general public has - and even then only a small percentage of people actually vote - is that really a democracy? If it's about being able to build and influence the state and decision makers in a democratic way (and I'm not talking about lobbying with big money like oil groups or something), I'd say it's a far cry from such.

Just as an example, here in Switzerland we have a very unique system. There is a constitution which has been written and amended a few times of course, but any change of laws or new laws that wants to be introduced, ALL SWISS CITIZENS OF LEGAL VOTING AGE (18) get to vote on those particular issues. As an example, if a party wants to introduce a new law - for example, decriminalizing cannabis, then another party who is against that can collect signatures and it will come to a referendum. There are several referendums each year, and each one will have the questions put forward to citizens if they want to accept or deny the new proposals. Information is provided on the pros and cons of both sides, and then it will be up to people to decide what they want to vote on a particular issue. Not only laws are up for debate in a referendum, but even budget questions, like how a certain amount of money should best be spent. To me, that is a very direct form of democracy where normal citizens have a direct influence in how their country and its laws are shaped. I think there should be more systems like that, to me this is democracy. Not getting to vote for either Douchebag 1 or Douchebag 2 every 5 years and them backing out on all their campaign promises.


Well-known member
ROFLMAO with douchbag1 & 2!

You hit the nail on the head right there. I mean I hate to say it but your right. However I will say that I don't think everyone should be allowed to vote in the US (this meaning if I were the supreme dictator of the world - lord have mercy on us all if that were to happen!) Because many voters do choose to let celebs choose who they are going to vote for or who has the prettiest tie etc.

And the US it's more of a republic democracy. And we do have different groups running for president-they just dont have any coverage. Like the liberterian party, the communist party (yup we have one here), etc

Their candidates just have no coverage and no body knows they are even there. And most people are going to vote for pure name recognition.

Anyway-I do have to agree with you and I'm laughing my @$$ off here-all political party front men in the U.S. really are regardless of republican/democrat whatever-they are all snakes!


Well-known member
I can see how in a country with a population of 7.5 million would be able to do that, whereas a country with nearly 300 million people might have more problems.
I think a direct democracy is a great idea, I just wonder how realistic implementing it is.