MAC Pixie-I will be very blunt when I say this-but you are sounding just like Cynthia McKinney. You may not know her or you may. You may remember her she's the one who decided to hit the police officer on capital hill? She was a rep for Georgia.
I was in a philosophy class Nov. 2004 and my professor showed us many documents and movies and what not at the college trying to get us to vote for Kerry. Trying to show us the evil George Bush. And when it actually happened that Kerry lost-my professor went crazy and started this whole thing of how things happened like the terrorist attack was all a government conspiracy and how the elections were all a government conspiracy.
And quite frankly, you are too smart for this. This is one of those things that you also have to watch out for in college. Many of the professors are going to try to sway you their way. And these articles and movies-the next question is who were they written by?
I mean its not just the media. You cannot let people influence you. You must do your own homework on political matters. I mean and I hate to say this but just because a Political Science Prof tells you something doesn't mean it's so!
I mean I've had professors who were convinced that the Skull and Bones society were planning to take over the world.
You are just too smart for this thought process. I mean seriously, here is some links to cynthia mckinney-
This is one thing that made her famous
She also wrote a letter to the Prince of Saudi Arabia or something apologizing for Guiliani turning down his money.
She also believes that the US government was behind the 9/11 attacks
and her favorite thing in the world is:
The elections are rigged!
And the truth of the matter is-the elections were not rigged. The American people just do not identify with the "New Democrats" that are there now.
That's the cold hard truth.
And I just wanted to add-I know you're going to believe what you're going to believe-but there are some things you just have to say-am I being influenced on with this material? And I do think you are much to smart to fall into this. The best thing-what I would honestly recommend-is to go and find some articals from reasonable sources-pro and against the elections (rigging etc) and then make up your mind. Because right now to be honest it just sounds like you are just being influenced by a prof and if that's the case you are too good for that.