Real ID


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
Call me a retard. But I am still not understanding what it is and means EXACTLY! lol someone break it down please. Is it another ID card to carry around, an addition to the D.L., just need to provide more documentation?

I visited the links but I am still not getting a grasp on this.


I feel this material is written in a manner, that is not conducive for the general public to fully interpret & to realize all of the potential implications this has for now & in the future. Therefore, they general populous may just go along without really fully consenting to it.

They may come up with a supplement pamphlet to outline an agenda to get less resistance. I have no idea. (They have a goal set for May of 2008 to have all these Real IDs in the hands of each citizen).

You are a very intelligent person, Cara. It isn't you.


Well-known member
I had a nightmare about this darn thing last night. My card was in my mailbox . It already had my retina, face, and thumb print scanned onto the card.

I heard that Illinois is already giving these out.

I talked to several people about it lately. They had never heard of it. They were thinking it just took the place of a Social Security card. Ugh!


Well-known member
wow. I only stumbled upon this yesterday on my states' DMV site because I was looking for replacing a lost ID, and even that didn't give me much 'real info' on what it was about. I need it in laymans terms! But after reading this thread and it's links I feel more in the know. And outraged.

I'm only 22, and it makes me wonder what things will be like as I get older. So far it seems gloomy.

Any way I can make (for all u family guy fans) my own Petoria? LOL


Well-known member
I found some interesting to links on you tube. There are dozens on this topic. I hope people will take the time to review them no matter what their beliefs.

In this video, I heard the mention of a current North American Union. I never heard of this! Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. are one now? Did I understand that correctly?

YouTube - The Beast and the Microchip

Check out what an expert says about how certain companies have already been putting chips on their products without your knowledge.

YouTube - Freedom to Fascism the Microchip

Company wants to implant microchips on our troops

YouTube - Company Trying to Microchip U.S. Troops

Already some consumers are just using their fingerprint as ID to pay for their groceries. I didn't know that either.

YouTube - Cashless Society with Implanted Microchip by 2017

All I can think about are the words by Patrick Henry, "Give me Liberty, or give me death!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dizzy

Dizzy, I think that symbol represents the North American Union. How many know what that means? I just found out about it on that first You Tube video (posted above). There are arrows on it going in both directions. I think that I understand that too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
In this video, I heard the mention of a current North American Union. I never heard of this! Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. are one now? Did I understand that correctly?

No. That is tinfoil hat territory.


Well-known member
I found this about that symbol on the license. The last few paragraphs are interesting.

WorldNetDaily: North American Union driver's license created

This is just one of the excerpts that is interesting to me:
"This is part of a plan by bureaucrats and trade groups that act like bureaucrats to little by little transform us into a North American Union without any vote being taken and without explaining to the U.S. public what they are doing," Guest argued


Well-known member
I'd take anything you find from the WND with a large grain of salt. According to them, soy causes homosexuality.

I'd call them fringe, to say the least.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
I'd take anything you find from the WND with a large grain of salt. According to them, soy causes homosexuality.

I'd call them fringe, to say the least.

I am totally open. So, who do you consider reliable & trustworthy resources on issue of the Real ID, the microchips, & the meaning of the symbol on the license? I would like to see your sources. I am not looking to debate you. I am trying to be informed.


Well-known member
I'm not discussing REAL ID or microchips. I'm talking about the "NAU" and that license symbol. I'm just not down with the conspiracy theories behind those two particular things and I think WND is terribly biased. In fact, they pretty much admit it LOL

Snopes has a great article on NAU. Gotta take my kids to school, but when I get back I'll get you some other links.


Well-known member
OK, here are some links from sources that *I* personally consider a bit less out there. Take from them what you will.

Nation & World | Urban legend of "North American Union" feeds on fears | Seattle Times Newspaper

Is a 'North American Union' in the future?

Killing the North American Union Conspiracy - HUMAN EVENTS

AlterNet: ForeignPolicy: Debunking the North American Union Conspiracy Theory

That last one definitely has a slant, but it has some good factual info about the genesis of the "NAU."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
OK, here are some links from sources that *I* personally consider a bit less out there. Take from them what you will.

Nation & World | Urban legend of "North American Union" feeds on fears | Seattle Times Newspaper

Is a 'North American Union' in the future?

Killing the North American Union Conspiracy - HUMAN EVENTS

AlterNet: ForeignPolicy: Debunking the North American Union Conspiracy Theory

That last one definitely has a slant, but it has some good factual info about the genesis of the "NAU."

I am still looking over the last one. Particularly, the response by the bloggers, because they have differences of opinion and some give sites. I want to check those out too. Thank you very interesting links. They give good arguments.


Well-known member
Have you ladies seen the zeigeist movie? It truly opens your eyes.

Our government is corrupted but no one is willing to do anything. Sometimes I wonder if people deserve to be saved though. Like addicts, people who harm THEMSELVES and others, do we really want to put the fate of the nation on people who cant even take care of themselves? Why should they be saved if they obviously dont care for themselves??

I dont know, I think we are past the point of a revolution sometimes, w/ our militia being the way it is, I feel like anyone who would uprise would just be silenced.

Sometimes I end up feeling so shallow, I mean there are all these real issues going on and I make my living out of selling people makeup. As if it will matter in the end. AH! I feel like sometimes if I look to much into it, life ends up depressing me.

Its not that people dont know either, some people know but are choosing not to do anything about it. They prefer to conform.

Any way, that movie opened my eyes so much. Not that I will stop loving what I do or anything, but its just mind blowing.


Well-known member
I don't like this real ID act either. It's taking our privacies away. The government can closely monitor us in so many ways now. cameras on every street corner. also, google earth. if you haven't heard of it you should check it out on google. basically its a satellite picture of every corner of the world, literally. i googlearthed my address and you can zoom in all the way by satellite to the point where you can see my doorstep. it's craazy!

also, they are forcing prisoners to get this microchip called the RFID chip so they can be monitored. its starts out with a REAL ID then next thing we all have to get chipped.

i don't like the fact that all our personal information is stored on one gov't database. they are so unreliable. my friend got a ticket in another state (UT) when he was visiting. he never paid it cuz they didn't update their system. somehow bcuz of that they suspended his license. it's been suspended for 13 yrs. he recently went in to renew his license (HI) and they said there was a hold on his license from another state!! no one bothered to let him know for 13 yrs!!!! how can you rely on a gov't like this?


Well-known member
I think Ben Franklin said it best when he said .... "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety".
And that is exactly why i think that real ids are the dumbest idea i've heard. I mean a little while ago it was "let us listen to your phone calls at random bcus it's preventing terrorism". and a couple years from now it'll be " we're going to be monitioring you in yoru homes, it's preventing terrorism"I'm not giving up freedom bcus of someone promising i'd get safety. It's not even safe in neighborhoods in the US how do you really expect me to believe that an id card will protect me from the world. This is silly and it is all getting a little too george orwell 1984 for me. pretty soon we're all going to be proletarians with "big brother is watching" posters all over. They won't prevent terrorism, if they are lucky it may slow it down for a year or so until someone is smart enough to figure out how to forge them and sell it black market. I'm pissed bcus that 14 bill is money we don't have to begin with and is going to be coming out of our pockets once it's enforced on the states. I mean the thing that would fix all of this crap about wars and terrorism and violence is fudgin' FREE but no one wants to really deal with fixing that. It's idealistic but it's true if people stopped doing negative things we wouldn't have to worry about preventing them.


Well-known member
It's already been mandatory for truck drivers with a certain license to be required to be fingerprinted. They have to pay for it too.

I am seeing more and more cameras everyday. We even have all these tv shows showing every move people make like the show "Big Brother". I mean is that really us in the near future. Our government or one entity is going to be monitoring everything we do. Is the tv and media conditioning us to accept this as normal? We are just going to be like rats in a cage being watch, tested, monitored, and duplicated? I don't know. Something is going on here.

There are laws that are in affect that no one even knows about or totally understands. (((????))))


Well-known member
I'm actually writing a semester paper about this, I still haven't decided how I feel about it. I live in San Diego, about 15 minutes away from the US/Mexico border and I have very mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I think anything that can help to alleviate illegal immigration or the unproper documentation of immigrants is a positive change, but at the same time, I think some of the things proposed are horrifically discriminatory and stomp on civil rights, especially rights to privacy. For example, in Texas, they've already begun issuing REAL ID cards. The ID cards and DLs for US Citizens/Naturalized citizens look one way, and ID cards for documented immigrants who are living or visiting here on work and student visas look COMPLETELY different. It's almost like putting a spotlight on them, it leaves them susceptible to unfair treatment and discriminatory behavior.

If any of you wouldn't mind stating your opinons about Real ID or quoting what you've already written, and putting your name or initials and where you're from, I'd love to use this feedback in my paper. If you don't wanna put your name or where you're from, I understand. I don't want to quote anyone without their permission.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
If any of you wouldn't mind stating your opinons about Real ID or quoting what you've already written, and putting your name or initials and where you're from, I'd love to use this feedback in my paper. If you don't wanna put your name or where you're from, I understand. I don't want to quote anyone without their permission.

Not quite sure if you'd want to quote mine, but if so feel free.

Best of luck with your paper.


Well-known member
I asked about that at the DMV, and they said that in California its already into effect. That all that it is, is that now the information is accurate. It is verified to be accurate.

Before you could put down any name, birthdate and stuff and just get an ID now your SSN is verified to be valid, and your information is also verified.

I was told that no seperate ID will be issued.