Real names on forums


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Ever heard of the movie Mona Lisa Smile? Well, I took that and change it to MarieLisa_Smile Lol What a loser


Well-known member
Hi I'm Jennie

You can call me anything, I'd be flattered if anyone even knew who I was

Ninas (Juneplum) name always confuses me, I want to call her June


Well-known member
Haha. My real name's Erin and there's like a ton of us Erins on the board. My screen name comes from when I was a kid and had a huge red coat that my friend insisted looked like "something Barbie would wear"-- so I became Asian Barbie. It soon got shortened to asnbrb.


Well-known member
Hah, I like that. Asian Barbie. Anyway my name is Megan and I thought NutMeg was a cute nickname. I don't mind being called Megan, I just didn't think the username would be up for grabs.


Well-known member
Genevieve.. (gen-ah-veeve) or French is pronounced (jon-vee-evvv)
I go by Genny.

my screen name is 100 percent NON creative, but at the time i couldnt think of anything else. ANd its far too hard to remember all the stupid Xs and _'s IN it.. I wish i could change it. I hate it.haha.


Well-known member
I go by sewpunk on all boards. ('cept eBay - some ass stole it from me!)

Sewpunk was something my hub came up after many late nights were spent sewing projects for school. My real name is Lauren.

I was going to use LUVTOFU... but it gives off the wrong message. HAHA, I am just a vegetarian who loves her 'fu.


Well-known member
My name is Feather, and yes that is my real name. I usually use it for my screename. But, somebody here already had that name.


Well-known member
hmm, no one can ever pronounce my real name (even tho it's freaking pho-net-ic), so in online interactions, most people just call me Eo...but i use my real name and don't mine people knowing it.

eowyn797 is my username because, honestly, my parents almost named me Eowyn (because they were big giant, and probably HIGH, hippy freaks), but they decided hardly anyone would ever pronounce it right so they went with Ahlennah instead which NO ONE pronounces right
silly people.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vicky88
Ooh I always thought your name was Ette! I thought it was french or something lol. too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Katura
I use my name, haha, not creative enough to think up a witty lil name...

I'll stick with something I'm stuck with

I wondered if that was your real name. It's really pretty.


Well-known member
well I dont care you can call me brandi or you can call me monkey... brandis my real name and my nickname has been monkey forever lol... hence brandiisamonkey


Well-known member
i are ASHLEE!! you can call me PRINCESS! jk

i go by whatever people wanna call me; I used to be called Sushi Flower on myspace, and people would recognize me lmao i go to a big college, and a girl came up to me in the library and was like "Sushi Flower???" i was like "uhhh wha?" lol but then too many people had the s/n it got confusing. People here usually call me Pixie or whateverz. As long as it's not a rude nickname, I'll answer.