Really gross..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ?MiCHiE?
While that's a great thought, I'll pass. I just don't want that kind of relationship with them. But, you do remind me of my coworker.....I asked her if she sent them out in a little jacket with a cup of soup, too.

hehe.. i'm such a sucker for any little furry or feathery creatures
i can't stand to hurt the little things.

insects though (especially cockroaches and spiders) just freak me out a bit.

the humane traps, while sounding weird, are actually awesome. like jenii said, you never have to touch the mouse, dead or alive.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
While that's a great thought, I'll pass. I just don't want that kind of relationship with them. But, you do remind me of my coworker.....I asked her if she sent them out in a little jacket with a cup of soup, too.

LOL!!! This reminded me of the little mice on cinderella...gus gus hahahahaha!


Well-known member
Update: OKso we have caught 5 total this season and up until yesterday, we hadn't seen one in like 6 weeks so we were like ok, think we got them all. But then like few days ago the house 3 doors down went on fire and the people who lived there were not really clean. So fast forward to yesterday morning, there was like 4 of use in the kitchen downstairs (I live upstairs from my parents)doing our normal morning hustle bustle and the tv was on and we were all chatting. And out from underneath the dishwasher strolls a mouse. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a big shit, he got some nerve. SO I freak and find the nearest door with my hand on the knob for quick escape in case the mouse decides to power up like a transformer come after me. And then he continues his morning walk across the center of kitchen to underneath stove.
My father who was in the bathroom and just heard 4 screams comes running out pulling up his pants and asks whats going on. We tell him.
He goes to the stove and looks behind it and says "oooooooooooo there he is, Stella give me the broom and bring it here.......Stella stoping staring at me and move!" So I get him the broom. THEN TELLS me to get some dirty towels from the hamper and seal the crack at the bottom of the stove in the front.

"Sorry Dad say that again?! HOw close did you want me to get to this mouse?"
"Knock it off and seal it"
"can't do it.Dad there is no way I can come closer"
"Nothing is going to happen"
"What if he darts out over my hand"
"He isn't going to, he's scare of you."
"Uhhhhh well, look how he just came out just now in BROAD daylight!!!"
"Stella Marie! I have to watch him, You have to seal it."

SO as I move to go do, Mickey runs out and slips under the radiator we have in the kitchen. My dad looks at me like he wants to POP OFF at me!

I feel really bad that the mouse is still living. But my legs were frozen and was scared like a 5 yr old.

So, anyway, we think that the burning house forced out their mousies.


Well-known member
I was laughing so hard monday
My coworker came screaming in my office to say :


I went there with a box, catched it and went outside (didnt want to kill it). It was funny to try to catch it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
my suggestion is to get one of those humane traps - you bait it with some food, and when the mouse runs in to eat the food it traps it in a container. you can then take it away and release it somewhere. no yucky mouse bodies to clean up.

I second this! We had two mice, and I wouldn't let my dad kill them, so he used a humane trap and let them go far away from our house. There's no need to kill the little buggers if you don't have to


Active member
I feel for you, I had mice in the last house I rented and the little F***ers had NO FEAR, they would come out and climb the walls while we watched TV! Now, I completely agree that you have to get rid of them, but may I just say one thing?

Please, for the love of all that is good and kind, DON'T USE GLUE TRAPS!!

It's the most horrendous death, they mostly die of terror, starvation or blood loss when they gnaw through their own limbs trying to get away. Ideally I'd say don't use kill-traps at all, but I really can't preach because the humane traps in my house did nothing, and I had to resort to snap-traps. If killing them is the only way you can get them out, then you have to do it, they carry so many diseases and are incontinent so they pee EVERYWHERE they go. (Doesn't bear thinking about, ewww!!)

But please, I implore you, I would kneel down for this if I was in your presence, don't use sticky traps.

I have 8 fancy rats, so rodent issues are close to my heart, but I think it's basic humanity to give them a quick, clean death. Oh, and if you're baiting traps - peanut butter. Peanut butter all the way. There is NOTHING my little boys wouldn't do to get some peanut butter, it's like rodent ambrosia!

PS: For the record, rats are not incontinent - mine are actually litter-tray trained!


Well-known member
i guess im the first to say (and anger some of you) DEATH TO THE MICE!! I HATE THEM I HATE THEM!!! Those little assholes with tails chewed holes in my undies, and clothing. My baby bird got sick and died because the mice somehow get into his cage even though i tried putting it in different places.

I have a personal hatred for mice. >

Glue traps are quite cruel though... my parents had to manually kill them. we also got special asian mice poison that works better than the ones you get at the hardware store. snap traps are okay but u gotta put paper under so blood doesnt get on the carpet and yeah peanut butter!


Well-known member
OMG, i'd cry!!! when we had mice in our home (rats even), i was unable to put my feet down on the floor. seriously. i was scared as hell.

thank god, my BF shot them with his BB gun. LOL.

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