reallyreally need to vent. :(


Well-known member
Originally Posted by joraye
im sorry to hear about your situation.

on a related, but unrelated note, as with any anti-depressant, pls be careful about taking it and if and when you quit it, work out a plan with your doc for slowly weaning yourself off of it. I'm not trying to make an obvious point, but my mother was on Cymbalta for one month with no help for her peripherial neuropathy (Cymbalta is used for PN patients as well).

Her doctor told her to just stop taking it.

A day and half later, I was filing an emergency order of detention on my mom, and having her committed to a mental institution. Coming off the drug suddenly made her see things that weren't there, she was extremely paranoid, locking herself in her room with the mattress against the door, she tried to hurt herself, me, my dad, and our dog, and just scared the crap out of our family.

After she "detox'ed" per se from the drug, she was perfectly normal again. I am not trying to add any worries to your current situation, but I know someone very close to me had a BAD reaction to Cymbalta and I had to see some very horrifying things done to her, and there are quite a few studies around showing good (yes, people have done VERy well on this drug) and bad (and theres quite a few people who had reactions like my mom) about the drug.

Gosh, I feel like a bad person now, but I just feel anyone taking this drug should know it can really really mess with you. I know any drug could do this to you, but I cringe when I hear the word Cymbalta.

thankyou for posting this, i understand you weren't out to scare me or anything. and i'm extremely sorry to hear about your situation and i hope she's doing better.

i've only been on cymbalta for about a week, but so far it's seeming to work well. i haven't had any major side effects (my stomach has been hurting a bit, but i think its because of the massive amounts of cheesecake i ate yesterday--plus menstrual cramps) but i feel more motivated and i've been able to sleep better.

only time will tell though


Well-known member
Yeah, this was over a year ago, she's totally fine now, but she has an idiot for a neurologist, who just told her to stop taking them, no weaning, no nothing.

So just make sure they do wean you off of them. A friend of mine takes Paxil (i think) and she can notice a difference if she misses one day. Be careful!

I hope it works for you, because I have read some good things about it, but its a big no-no in our family!