Yes girl I did begin to see changes in my energy levels once I started eating better. Actually once I started doing raw food for 30 days I felt an immediate boost! I feel so completely radiant not on the outside but on the inside I actually decided to become a vegan after this experience and Its been going really good. Its totally worth it and how your body feels it makes any sacrifice worth it.
Once I gave up processed foods and limited my quantity of dairy. Cut out white flour and white sugar I saw an immediate change I think one of the reasons was because I was really weak when I did the diet changes so it was a huge energy boost to start eating more live foods and to eliminate all the bad stuff. Through the months my periods became more regular, my acne slowly but not all started diminishing it actually diminished by 80% i would say I had really bad cystic acne. Now its more like little ones around my chin area. My moods are a little more controlled. I am truly amazed at the changes diet can do for you.
If anything I would start by eliminating processed foods, high fructose, white flour and sugar which actually feeds cysts. Up your intake of live foods…your worth the time and sacrifice and believe me youll feel great.
Its funny I have gone to many different OB/GYNs to make sure I have all they say I do I wanted to make sure I get a correct diagnosis well most of the ones that saw me this year, look at me with a face of doubt. I have no facial hair or bad acne and well I have been lucky enough to lose weight (its difficult for women with PCOS) but when they look at my insides they are like YEP you have PCOS and a really bad case at that. They are always amazed at how radiant I look. I have gotten better through the past year …alot better.
I hope this helps I am working on a video that explains my PCOS story well how I found out and all it caused me I will post a link for you. If you need a buddy im here for ya. PCOS sucks but we can make it =)