Re: Anyone else have a RED lipstick phobia? (And recs please!)
Red lips are tricky. Reds can make thin lips look like two thin red lines. Reds require the right base like liner all over the lips, applicication of lipstick and blotting till you build up to the right colpour that will not migrate off the lips onto the face or teeth. What looks great in the tube or on your friend may look not so good on you (MAC's O looks like I was asphyxiated, Russian Red is way too cool-and thin) Sometimes a deep rose or a moccha'd or plummy red can work better. (On warmer skins) Blood Reds like Fire Down Below (NARS) work well as a stain, and a clear red gloss or laquer can be applied to a lighter red (Sucess, SCarlett Empress, Viridiana) to ampify the redness and shine without making the lips apperar too flat or thin. (Matte red is very old lady)