regional slang


Well-known member
found this on the net lol

bairn 'child'
burn 'stream'
bonny 'pretty'
muckle 'very'
keek 'peep'
howay 'come on'
sweer 'obstinate'
donnered ' stupid'
clarts, clarty 'mud, muddy'
gulley 'large knife'
cuddy 'horse'
sackless 'stupid, useless'
sneck 'door latch, nose'
stot 'bounce'
spuggy 'sparrow'
spelk 'splinter'
glaiky 'slow-witted'
howk 'dig'
dottle 'cigarette ash, droppings'
cushat 'wood pigeon'
hadaway 'go away, you're kidding'
aye 'yes'
gob 'mouth'
give over 'stop it'
chuffed 'happy'
wisht 'be quiet'
nowt 'nothing'
nigh on 'nearly'
bullets 'sweets'
stanners 'stony river margin'
lonnen 'a lane'
chare 'a lane'
pet 'term of address for females' (e.g. "thanks, pet")
mairk 'maggot, pest'
gowk 'apple core'
dunsh 'push, bump'
deek 'see, look at'
bowk 'belch'
lop 'flea, louse or their eggs'
ket 'rubbish'
marra 'friend, mate'
bait 'food'
bubble 'weep'
hoppings 'funfair'
proggy mat 'kind of woven or patchwork mat'
hacky 'dirty'
lowp 'jump'
bool 'wheel (e.g. pram)'
ten o'clock 'morning snack'
hoy 'throw'
hockle 'spit'
cree '(bird) cage'
kiff 'very good (see folk-singer Ian Anderson's song "Muckle kiff")'
get 'stupid person'
netty 'toilet'

however i only use- bonny, chuffed, aye, nowt, hoy and hacky lol

ee shes propa bonny- she is very pretty
im chuffed- im happy
aye- obv lol
thats nout that- that is nothing
hoy is that- throw me that
shes givin me a rite hacky- she is giving me a very dirty look or my boots r hacky- my boots r dirty


Well-known member
Here in Boston we say:

nosa = no way
bang a u-ey = take a u turn
it's hoppin = it's busy
I need to get my drink on = I need a drink
I'm getting my learn on = I'm studying

In NY pizza is called pie and in Maine, instead of saying "Jesus Christ" they say Jeezum Crow.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jmdulock

In NY pizza is called pie and in Maine, instead of saying "Jesus Christ" they say Jeezum Crow.

well a whole pizza is called a pizza pie isnt it? i dont say "im going out to get pie u guys want some?" cause then my friends would be like what kinda pie? apple?


Well-known member
"Manky" is brilliant. I also love the word "festy".

My best friend used to refer to elderly people as "cooters" (from the term "old coot"). Unfortunately, she also used this term to describe someone when she stayed in Canada and discovered that it had a whole other meaning!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaisyDee
I love it when British people say "Manky" -- it just sounds so neat.

Damn it I was just going to post this!

Festy is good too, I had a friend who used it all the time. Another Australian alternative is 'bushpig' - which means you basically have no concept of hygiene whatsoever!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mspixieears
Damn it I was just going to post this!

Festy is good too, I had a friend who used it all the time. Another Australian alternative is 'bushpig' - which means you basically have no concept of hygiene whatsoever!

LOL aaaah bushpig. That word just isn't used enough!

We call all fizzy drinks here "soft drinks" or "softies." So if you ask for Coke here you'll get Coca-Cola. Not Sprite... lol

Now for a good example of Aussie slang. Jingle Bells, Australian Style:

Dashing through the bush, (bush = forest, outdoors)
in a rusty Holden Ute, (Ute = truck, 2 seater with a tray at the back)
kicking up the dust,
esky in the boot, (esky = a portable insulated container)
kelpie by my side, (kelpie = aussie farm dog)
singing Christmas songs,
it’s summer time and I am in
my singlet, shorts and thongs. (singlet = wifebeater, thongs = flip flops)

Oh! Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle all the way,
Christmas in Australia
on a scorching summers day, Hey!
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Christmas time is Beaut! (beaut = awesome)
Oh what fun it is to ride
in a rusty Holden Ute

Engine’s getting hot;
We dodge the kangaroos,
the swaggie climbs aboard, (swaggie = swagman = tramp, hobo)
he is welcome too.
All the family’s here,
sitting by the pool,
Christmas Day the Aussie way,
by the barbeque


And this is a great aussie slang site which cracks me up because there's a lot of stuff here I say and it scares me!


Well-known member
You should be proud, you just got five uptight suits (slang here for business men or women) standing in my cubicle singing this song! That's fantastic.

Oh, one that nearly killed me was while in Austria I was hanging out with some Australians, and one guy offered to "knock me up in the morning". He asked in front of all his friends, and no one laughed or anything like I expected. I replied with a witty "Huh?" , and he shrugged "Figured you wouldn't want to miss out".

(for clarification, someone getting "knocked up" here means to get pregnant)

Originally Posted by faerie_bel
LOL aaaah bushpig. That word just isn't used enough!

We call all fizzy drinks here "soft drinks" or "softies." So if you ask for Coke here you'll get Coca-Cola. Not Sprite... lol

Now for a good example of Aussie slang. Jingle Bells, Australian Style:

Dashing through the bush, (bush = forest, outdoors)
in a rusty Holden Ute, (Ute = truck, 2 seater with a tray at the back)
kicking up the dust,
esky in the boot, (esky = a portable insulated container)
kelpie by my side, (kelpie = aussie farm dog)
singing Christmas songs,
it’s summer time and I am in
my singlet, shorts and thongs. (singlet = wifebeater, thongs = flip flops)

Oh! Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle all the way,
Christmas in Australia
on a scorching summers day, Hey!
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Christmas time is Beaut! (beaut = awesome)
Oh what fun it is to ride
in a rusty Holden Ute

Engine’s getting hot;
We dodge the kangaroos,
the swaggie climbs aboard, (swaggie = swagman = tramp, hobo)
he is welcome too.
All the family’s here,
sitting by the pool,
Christmas Day the Aussie way,
by the barbeque


And this is a great aussie slang site which cracks me up because there's a lot of stuff here I say and it scares me!



Well-known member
Okay I am what you would call a very haole-fied local girl but I will do my best to share some local Hawaiian slang that would make my people proud (=

Hawaiian slang

Bum Bye- means later ie. "Ho cuz I going do it bum bye" I am going to do it sometime later.
Geev Umm-Go for it ie."Eh go geev um"!Hey go for it!
Hana Hou- again, one more time i.e. "Hana Hou!! Go sing um again!"Sing again!
Haole- foreigner/mainlander i.e."I stay one hapa haole girl" I am a half white half hawaiian girl.
Howzit-How are you? i.e. "Eh howzit brah how you doin?" Hey there how are you doing?
K-den-okay then/agreed i.e. "K-den I see you laydas" Okay I'll see you later
Shoots-same as above
Beef-fight i.e. "wat you like beef?" You want to fight?
Try move-i.e. " Ho try move you stay in da way bu" Can you get out of the way?
Stink eye- i.e. "my madda when geev me onee one stink eye" My mother gave me a very dirty look.
Talk stink-talked bad about i.e. "I like beef wit her cuz she when talk stink about my tita" I want to fight with her because she talked bad about my sister
Ono-delicious, very good i.e. "Wow da bugga stay ono!" Wow this tastes very delicious!
pau hana-done with work
Panty-Wimp i.e. "Wat you one panty?" Are you a wimp?are you scared?
No Can-cannot i.e. Aww man I no can go to da concert brah! Shucks I can't go to the concert with you
I hope you guys get a kick out of this.And I soooo do not normally talk like this like never, but my family does LOL!


Well-known member
Brills - short for brilliant
sheepshagger - the welsh (I got this from an english bloke so even though most people say it's about us Scotts, yea, it's soo not)
Bloke - a guy
Eh - Canadian thing

yea, thats all I can remember right now... and its Pop around here. We mock those who say soda, or heaven forbid sodie-pop.


Well-known member
I'm so very confused & fascinated by all these slang!

I know that the word "shag" means to "u know what" to some.

Here, we used the word: I'm shagged/so shagged!, when we are exhausted.

Is it any diff to u people?

Classic Beauty

Well-known member
I live in Texas and I say y'all where in other parts of the country say yous guys or you all or just you. Wasted = drunk (but I'm sure everyone uses that). I can't think of any, and I live in Texas.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SonRisa
lol I started to type it out and erased it because that shit's been around for a minute now and I was trying to get into discussion with people like "oh yea, that new E40 shit". NO. Mac Dre started all that wayyyyyy back when

Yeeeeeee!! *fellow Yay Area resident in the house*
And yes, Mac Dreezy started it!


Well-known member

Yes ma'am Mac Dre started EVERYTHING. May he THIZZ in peace.

I don't know but I'm bored.

Here's some Bay Area (Northern California) slang:

Go Dumb
Shaboobalaboopie (I'm not making that up.)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YOOTOPiA
does anyone say "owned" as in you victoriously won. like when you shoot a game of pool and you totally racked the other person you say "you got OWNED" hahaha i noticed we get a lot of slang from gamers down here...
dang... i used to talk hella valley... "like like like like like every other word" "ohhhhh my goddddd" "nuh uh" "for sure" "totally" "awesome" "chyaaaaaah" "whatever" "for reals"
i toned it down some but whenever my friends and i get together and i get excited and start talking super fast it just comes flowing out! hahahaha

I'm from New Orleans and that's how half of the people talk since the majority is African American. (I speak proper English though.) For example:
wassahenin'/wassah/washamps?: what's up or how are you?
dawg as in "you my dawg": you're my buddy/friend
farreal?: for real?
oh fasho fasho= oh for sure for sure

There's a lot more but that's all I can think of for now.


Well-known member
The only slang that makes me go 'buh?' is when my partner starts talking navy at me. It took me six months to work out that when he was asking me if I wanted a 'goffa', he was asking if I wanted a cola.

The best Sydney slang is Westie slang. When in doubt, adopt a thick accent and start every sentence with 'oh mi ghaaaaaawd'.


Well-known member
Im from southern cali and last october I went to Ontario Canada. I was getting a sample of ice cream an needed to throw away my spoon. I asked the lady where the trash can was. She kept looking at me with a blank "huh?" face. I finally said my spoon is dirty, and she said "oh garbage?"

Also, all the restrooms are washrooms. It was good to be home and I saw the sign that said restroom, lol.


Active member
As above,brew is sometimes used in the south if youre a tea lover 8)
Manky- As above
Skanky-Pretty much the same thing
Wanker/Wanking-Masturbation/General arsehole type person
Bollocks-Testicles/General swear word
Shite-Variation on shit
Bugger-Anal sex
Buggering about-Faffing around
Bugger off-Leaving promptly/Insult,e.g Fuck off
Trolley-Shopping cart/buggy
Chips-French Fries
Crisps-Potato chips
Cack-Shit/Cack yourself-Shit yourself
Knackered/Shagged out-Exhausted
Jog On-Fuck Off
Odds And Sods-Bits And Pieces
Minger-Ugly Person/ Bad Thing e.g My friend Jon 'Now they changed the packaging on these crisps they ming' (Taste nasty)
DooDah/Thingymajig-Unamed Object-e.g. 'Pass me the doodah'
On The Blob/Rag/Ra/The Decorators Are In-On your Period
Nancy Boy/Poof-Gay Man

General list for terms of being inebreiated one way or another...-Trolleyed-Ratarsed-Fucked-Pissed-Off Your Face-Out Of Your Tree/Box- Shitfaced-Sloshed-Hammered-Tipsy-Squiffy-Plastered-Fucked Up.

I can't think of anymore right now...I really like this thread.
It made me giggle when in a particular episode of The Simpsons Marge tells Lisa on her coming trip to England, 'Remember,an elevator is called a lift, a mile is called a kilometre and botulism is called steak and kidney pie..Genius...

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