Release dates for Germany


Well-known member
Aww thank you for the well wishes MACina, bis, Anneri, and hyazinth
. And Anneri, I hope you'll recover soon from the stomach flu

I'm feeling much better today, even well enough to go to the MAC store and get Saffron e/s
. Although I have to check it twice because MAC seemed to change the product display with substitutes instead of marking it with sold out. Confusing

Actually with the gliterry shadows in UD Naked, only one or two of them has a fallout problem. The rest of it is just buttery smooth. It's a very nice palette to bring when you're travelling since the packaging is less breakable (carton). I like how I can also make a subtle eyes look and a sexy smokey eyes look with this palette... Although that being said, if you have to pay more than the store price, it's not worth it. HTH!
You are welcome

Enjoy Saffron e/s.
Btw I heard that Mickey Contractor should come online on 13th.

Yup, that helpes as well :) Thanks. True, the palette might be good for traveling. But most of the time I end up using my pigments anyway. I even barely use my MAC eyeshadows. So I always take my pigments with me in sample size in a plastic box. That works quite well. So one more point for not getting it. And another for your hint about the price.

Conclusion: Thanks to you ladys I feel I can skip it for now. Big thank you bis and cutemiauw


Well-known member
What do you all think about these high prices for e/s for Mickey Contractor? Holy sunshine! 17 Euro for a Mickey Contractor single e/s is outrageous! And why on earth would I want an eye shadow soo big that I couldn't finish it in two lifetimes? These prices, and what I assume will be even worse for Peacocky and Jeanius, have put me off from hauling majorly. Maybe one or two things if they *really* impress me. What do you think?



Well-known member
I will get two items from Wonder Woman and the new lipglass and lipstick from Viva Glam. I have passed all the rest so far in 2011.

My next haul then will be Surf Baby I guess.


Well-known member
I saw in a blog that Peacocky will be released on Switzerland the 1st February. I guess it will be launched here around that week too.


Well-known member
What do you all think about these high prices for e/s for Mickey Contractor? Holy sunshine! 17 Euro for a Mickey Contractor single e/s is outrageous! And why on earth would I want an eye shadow soo big that I couldn't finish it in two lifetimes? These prices, and what I assume will be even worse for Peacocky and Jeanius, have put me off from hauling majorly. Maybe one or two things if they *really* impress me. What do you think?


Well, I'm really looking forward to Peacocky. Of course, I'm a bit bummed about the bigger pans - I really can't understand this. I don't need that much amount of product. But that being said, this will be my biggest haul until summer, I guess. For me, it's not only about e/s colours, but about texture as well - and the Peacocky ones sound delicious. I also like it when MAC puts out new textures, I'm alway curious and I like that they're innovative. That being said, the higher prices will hurt me. I wouldn't pay them, though, if the product wouldn't be as promising. For example, I wouldn't shell out that much money for the WW packaging as I feel those products are much more 'normal'

Btw, I tested the Benefit cream e/s today. I'll get some when I'm in the UK in March, because Skinny Jeans and Strut are both stunning coulours, the texture is very smooth - thanks for your recs, girls!

And can I gush for a second? My wonderful bf got me the new Chanel n/p. *hearts*


Well-known member
Well, I'm really looking forward to Peacocky. Of course, I'm a bit bummed about the bigger pans - I really can't understand this. I don't need that much amount of product. But that being said, this will be my biggest haul until summer, I guess. For me, it's not only about e/s colours, but about texture as well - and the Peacocky ones sound delicious. I also like it when MAC puts out new textures, I'm alway curious and I like that they're innovative. That being said, the higher prices will hurt me. I wouldn't pay them, though, if the product wouldn't be as promising. For example, I wouldn't shell out that much money for the WW packaging as I feel those products are much more 'normal'

Btw, I tested the Benefit cream e/s today. I'll get some when I'm in the UK in March, because Skinny Jeans and Strut are both stunning coulours, the texture is very smooth - thanks for your recs, girls!

And can I gush for a second? My wonderful bf got me the new Chanel n/p. *hearts*
I agree with you. Good quality warrants a higher price which is totally fine with me. I'm sure the Peacocky e/s will be worth is. But will the Jeanius eye shadows be? And should the Mickey Contractor eye shadows cost more simply because they are a collaboration with MAC India chiefs and no special packaging? I keep on wondering why MAC couldn't put them into the smaller pans. Unless you need more product to create the same effect as compared to regular eye shadows. But that would not be very nice!

Which Chanel np did he get you? I bought Black Pearl the other day, my first Chanel np.



Well-known member
Chester.....all single MAC eyeshadows from the perm are 17 Euro now!

Not only the ones from Mickey Contractor Collection.....that is the (new) regular price!


Well-known member
Chester, I also got Black Pearl. :)
I also own Paradoxal which I love more, but BP also is a nice shade - and I LOVE the name and will wear it to the premiere of Pirates of Carrabean (sp?) 4 for sure! ;)


Well-known member
Yep, all the eyeshadows are 17 Euros now
. Gah, this makeup hobby is getting more and more expensive by the minute

I'm still interested in Peacocky's Mega Metal e/s because of the different textures... and maybe also the lippies. Also going to check the new VG Gaga. That's it I think. No more crazy MAC hauling for me this year, unless I need / ran out of something.

Anneri, your bf is so sweet :)


Well-known member
Wow, when was the last price increase? Anneri, that's so sweet from your bf to get you Black Pearl. Chester, enjoy your first Chanel polish, they are my fav formula by far :)


Well-known member
Anneri, that's so sweet from your bf to get you Black Pearl.
Yep, he's a treasure. He even is interested in specktra and from time to time reads posts over my shoulder when I'm online! He always tells me I should start to paint on canvas - 'because you do it so well on your eyes!'
And of course, he makes me incredibly happy.

Sorry about the gushing on and on and on... sometimes I feel like a teenager during their first love stage. *g*

Back on topic: I will have one big haul until summer, and that'll be Peacocky. Quite a difference to last year! Of course, one of the reasons are the high prices, raised prices whenever MAC does something different (VV, WW; Peacocky, the TT shadows) but also because MAC just doesn't deliver it in its later collections. I've such a large stash by now, things are not really unique any longer. I'll be in London in March and plan to stock up on essentials (foundation, perm stuff) - NOT on LE stuff!


Well-known member
Chester.....all single MAC eyeshadows from the perm are 17 Euro now!

Not only the ones from Mickey Contractor Collection.....that is the (new) regular price!
When did that happen???? 17 for the pots, 13 for the pans. Gaaaah!! I started MAC at 11,50€ per pan! *sigh* This definitely means no major hauling this year, and prob ordering permanent stuff internationally.

Anneri, congrats on such a great find of a bf!! I love it when men take an interest in what inspires us women. And Black Pearl sounds like the perfect idea for the new Pirates movie.

bis, Chanel is the first polish where I don't have tip wear by the end of the first day. No matter if I use drugstore brands, OPI or China Glaze I always get visible tip wear after 1 to 1.5 days. With Black Pearl I had visible tip wear by the beginning of the third day. The formula is great!! I don't regret shelling out so much money for a single nail polish.



Well-known member
Anneri, continue gushing :) He is such a great guy to gush about and is a great catch. I also have a big stash and things start to look the same after a while. Chester, if I am not mistaken this is the second price increase in a year. Not sure I like it. Luckily I am only waiting for the Kissable Lipcolours and a Cremeblend blush (Brit Wit, here I come) and then I cannot see a lot I like. I like the idea of WW, but the colours are not very unique and the idea with the big products is nice, but a bit unpractical. The Chanel polishes are my favorite formula, they basically apply themselves.


Well-known member
You are totally right bis. Anneris boyfriend is really a great catch :)
@Anneri: So keep telling us about him. It's great you found someone who is making you so happy.

My stash is just like yours. I got so much the last year that I feel like there is not much I really would use because I already have some that look almost the same...I especially had that feeling yesterday when I looked at the pics of WW at Like you say, bis, great idea but nothing very unique in it. So I will most likely skip that collection if there is not a event for it...

Do the Chanel polishes dry fast? I never tried them out until now but from what you are it seems they are worth the money.

Oh btw. I just got my first order from with the Sur Blush that I wanted to get. I like it very much, it's not to dark for me (which I was a little afraid of)


Well-known member
You are totally right bis. Anneris boyfriend is really a great catch :)
@Anneri: So keep telling us about him. It's great you found someone who is making you so happy.
I'm a bit embarrassed now... But I know I'm a very lucky girl. (Which is quite nice after relationship catastrophes en masse!)

It's a bit of hit and miss for me with the Chanel polishes. Sometimes they apply like a dream and hold up really well, and sometimes they chip nearly immediately and are a pain in the butt. From the recent ones I own Paradoxal, which I love, and now Black Pearl. I like their uniqueness most of all, and that they're unique in a kinda understated way - they never scream at you 'hey look at me!'.


Well-known member
hyazinth, I have no idea how fast the Chanel polishes dry, I have no patience and I always use a top coat :blush:


Well-known member
I've called the MAC Counter at Ludwig Beck a few days ago and they told me that Peacocky will be released on the 1st of February. :D


Well-known member
I did the live chat tonight, and the artist also told me that the Peacocky release should be on Tuesday. I'll call monday morning nevertheless - it's MAC, after all... *g*

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