We've made some Quality of Life improvements to the forum over the weekend! -
- Threads with attachments no longer have a darker background. As much as we appreciate them trying to have their own unique style they're now the same color as the rest of threads.
- There are two new links in the header navigation - My topics & Support Specktra. My topics will help you quickly find all of the threads you have created. Support Specktra will take you directly to the page where you can buy a premium membership. Currently Specktra has expenses of $450 USD / mo. those of you who elect to support the site through a premium membership are contributing DIRECTLY to paying those costs.
- You can now see the name of the person who sent you a PM. No more guessing who's your mystery admirer.
- Multiple page navigation has been improved, you should now be able to clearly see the page numbers on the top right of threads to jump directly to pages.
We continue to tweak the site to get closer to being what we've been used to over the years. Please understand that Specktra needs
your support to do this. Paying our hosting bill and our wonderful technology admin is a reality, these improvements can only happen when the budget for the site has the funds. I am totally willing to carry the expense as much as I can, but the site conversion last year completely tapped my savings and since traffic to the site is down for the summer advertising revenue simply isn't enough alone. If you've ever considered supporting the site, now is a great time to begin!
Thanks everyone for your support, you're all in my heart.