Well I think I did *OK* this month. I spent very little but didn't completely get nothing. One of my favorite indie co. closed down so I got one last order from them, 4 pigments. And I got the 5 shadows from Sugarpill I have been wanting at IMATS(well my friend did) so I got a huge discount. Both of the purchases I had been planning since December so I put aside money for them. No other purchases, I even skipped the ULTA 20% off I had, every time I got one.

I also paid off my Nordstrom's card and my Visa, so now my bills are very minimal, just the basics. Proud of that! Now my extra cash I would spend on makeup can go in my savings account! I'm still wanting to get the two fluidlines from FoF and Perfect Topping, however I think I am going to go in store and look at the PT to chose one with veining I like, and if I don't like them I will skip, since people seem to be saying the one this time around looks different than the previous release. I'm altering my low-buy slightly from what I had decided previously, mainly because the way I did it before just isn't fitting my lifestyle and time right now. So I am just allowing myself a certain allowance each month and am trying not to go past that. So far I am doing OK.

We'll see how it goes the next few months, not too much I want from MAC which is good. The only other thing I need to do is set up my de-stash which I'll try to get up this week. I've been so busy!