Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Good job at resisting! Glad you love rose diamond :D Highlighter last veeeeery long time, so don't get too many of them lol Did you try hourglass luminous powder? It's more subtle but color is similar to amber diamond.
Yes that's been suggested a few times but I have the subtle highlighters already. I'm looking for ones the glow. I want one pink and one neutral color. I like hourglass, and I like the mood light but it didn't wow me like it did everyone else


Well-known member
I am so tempted by Cindy-Lou Manizer by the TheBalm!! Its gorgeous! I have Mary and Betty and love them so much! They are so soft and creamy and they only cost $24 which is great for the quality! What to do??
How do you use Betty loumanizer? I have it but not too sure how to wear it other than as a highlighter...I feel like i'm not using it to its full potential!


Well-known member
I am so tempted by Cindy-Lou Manizer by the TheBalm!! Its gorgeous! I have Mary and Betty and love them so much! They are so soft and creamy and they only cost $24 which is great for the quality! What to do??
I am too! I have Mary Lou Manizer and I love it.


Well-known member
I am so tempted by Cindy-Lou Manizer by the TheBalm!! Its gorgeous! I have Mary and Betty and love them so much! They are so soft and creamy and they only cost $24 which is great for the quality! What to do??
Wait for the thebalm to be on hautelook again I'm sure they will have it and everything is usually 50% off
Lol, I read the first sentence and thought: wait, isn't it called Mary Lou Manizer? I didn't know there was a whole family. :haha:  I never tried anything from TheBalm.
I have a lot of stuff from thebalm. I really like their products.


Well-known member
Lol, I read the first sentence and thought: wait, isn't it called Mary Lou Manizer? I didn't know there was a whole family. :haha:  I never tried anything from TheBalm.
I love TheBalm. Their products are amazing! Their eyeshadows and cheek products are one of the best out there in my opinion :)


Well-known member
Sooo, I'm not feeling brave enough to share my lipstick stash photos yet (it's bad lol!) so I'll do the gloss instead:

First pic is all my Mac and high end glosses. Nothing I want to get rid of at the moment, but I really need to use most of these up before I get another gloss. (Missing from here, and hasn't been seen in a couple of weeks so now presumed lost is my most used gloss, Color Saturation. Bah. Although I do have a backup.)


Then - my Juicy Tubes. Once upon a time these were all I wore on my lips. Most of these are old - in some cases ancient. They probably all need to be tossed to be honest. I did the sniff test on a couple of them after I took this, and threw them out straight away, but my sense of smell doesn't work for long. I'll work through the rest to see if anything is fit to keep, then I have to decide if I even want to.

Drugstore glosses. The Liberty x Hello Kitty were bought for the packaging, not sure I've even tried them
Again I need to do a serious reality check with these.



Well-known member
Sooo, I'm not feeling brave enough to share my lipstick stash photos yet (it's bad lol!) so I'll do the gloss instead: First pic is all my Mac and high end glosses. Nothing I want to get rid of at the moment, but I really need to use most of these up before I get another gloss. (Missing from here, and hasn't been seen in a couple of weeks so now presumed lost is my most used gloss, Color Saturation. Bah. Although I do have a backup.) .  Then - my Juicy Tubes. Once upon a time these were all I wore on my lips. Most of these are old - in some cases ancient. They probably all need to be tossed to be honest. I did the sniff test on a couple of them after I took this, and threw them out straight away, but my sense of smell doesn't work for long. I'll work through the rest to see if anything is fit to keep, then I have to decide if I even want to. Drugstore glosses. The Liberty x Hello Kitty were bought for the packaging, not sure I've even tried them :busted:  Again I need to do a serious reality check with these. 
Thank you for sharing! I love your MAC glosses! Specially the purple ones! I used to love the Juicy Tubes too but now I can't stand them lol! They are so sticky!


Well-known member
I feel your pain! I'm also struggling with whether or not I should get another RM, it's become a HG lippy for me and it too has a decent dent in it. I know the only reason I'm semi- panicking about it running out is because it is LE and once it's gone it's gone until the MAC Gods decide to bring it back and then it may or may not be the same. I'm also debating on whether or not I should get Commotion, Love Beam and Rusty as I wanted them all but held off and only got RM, OFP and FF. I really wish MAC had made this formula a complete dud so that none of us would be struggling with this issue. I say though that if you do decide to purchase to maybe just get a backup of the one you're using a ton, especially if you think it is a good Spring/Summer colour and that it may be gone by then. :kiss:  
I really wanted a huggable, it's my kind of formula I like the balm lipstick hybrids but I didn't want to fall for a ltd formula. Ltd edition colours yes but formulas is a no no for me , bad mac !!! Still tempted but I have too many lipsticks, maybe by the time they are reprinted I might have used up a couple I already own!


Well-known member
Sooo, I'm not feeling brave enough to share my lipstick stash photos yet (it's bad lol!) so I'll do the gloss instead:

First pic is all my Mac and high end glosses. Nothing I want to get rid of at the moment, but I really need to use most of these up before I get another gloss. (Missing from here, and hasn't been seen in a couple of weeks so now presumed lost is my most used gloss, Color Saturation. Bah. Although I do have a backup.)


Then - my Juicy Tubes. Once upon a time these were all I wore on my lips. Most of these are old - in some cases ancient. They probably all need to be tossed to be honest. I did the sniff test on a couple of them after I took this, and threw them out straight away, but my sense of smell doesn't work for long. I'll work through the rest to see if anything is fit to keep, then I have to decide if I even want to.

Drugstore glosses. The Liberty x Hello Kitty were bought for the packaging, not sure I've even tried them
Again I need to do a serious reality check with these.

Poor UD sample got grouped up with drugstore stuff ;P
Toss all the juciy tubes if they are so old and you dont wear them anymore *ick*
If you didn't wear the hello kitty ones and they still smell good, you could gift to your sister/friend/young relative or something ;)


Well-known member
I really wanted a huggable, it's my kind of formula I like the balm lipstick hybrids but I didn't want to fall for a ltd formula. Ltd edition colours yes but formulas is a no no for me , bad mac !!! Still tempted but I have too many lipsticks, maybe by the time they are reprinted I might have used up a couple I already own!
I wonder if they really will keep it as limited formula though? I mean what's the point creating new formula if you then don't reuse it later(more money)?


Well-known member
they just might.. but meanwhile they play with supply and demand. Less supply, creates more demand -- when they release again, it's another stampede.


Well-known member
Poor UD sample got grouped up with drugstore stuff ;P
Toss all the juciy tubes if they are so old and you dont wear them anymore *ick*
If you didn't wear the hello kitty ones and they still smell good, you could gift to your sister/friend/young relative or something ;)
LOL true, poor UD!
Juicy Tubes - I know that's what I need to do. I'll get there, it's just weirdly hard to let things go (who knew we could get such an emotional attachment to makeup!) so it's easier if I do it little by little.
I don't have anyone to give stuff to, so it will all go in the bin if I don't keep it (which is most likely)


Well-known member
Jennyap, very nice gloss collection! That's me 24/7 glosses. Thanks for posting your stash! Very pretty


Well-known member
My muji storage arrived yesterday, but unfortunately one didn't survive, but on the upside I worked in London today so took it with my and exchanged it after work in store. I Also picked up one of those little. 4 mini drawer ones to store pencils and lipgloss and eyeliner in! Looking forward to the weekend to do a tidy up, organise and final purge ready to add my stuff to the swap list ! I looked at my foundations tonight, I have one bottle that's almost finished and. 4 which are. 50% full or varying coverage levels, so I boxed all my least used ones up so I can concentrate of finishing up these half finished ones. There is enough coverage variation that I shouldn't need to get another one out till one of these is finished! My ambient blushes arrived yesterday too, radiant magenta is pure love, ethereal glue I wore today and will get lots of wear for its subtle nature, dim infusions will try tomorrow. Still waiting for diffused heat which I think will be top rate. My RM has mainly blush !!! Yay I wish ethereal had a little bit more colour but like that the main chunks of powder and blush are quite big spin can use separately or combine, dim infusion is more from and infusion and dim looks different to the one in my ambient palette ?


Well-known member
I finally remembered to post what I found in this drawer. This is in no way (sadly) all of my highlighters and blushes, but this is what was in there. I don't need to get the new SR, I don't need to get the new SR, I don't need to get the new SR.........

15 MSF
9 Beauty Powders
9 various other highlighters
11 bronzers
13 blushes that are large (not typical MAC blushes)




Well-known member
Sooo, I'm not feeling brave enough to share my lipstick stash photos yet (it's bad lol!) so I'll do the gloss instead:

First pic is all my Mac and high end glosses. Nothing I want to get rid of at the moment, but I really need to use most of these up before I get another gloss. (Missing from here, and hasn't been seen in a couple of weeks so now presumed lost is my most used gloss, Color Saturation. Bah. Although I do have a backup.)


Then - my Juicy Tubes. Once upon a time these were all I wore on my lips. Most of these are old - in some cases ancient. They probably all need to be tossed to be honest. I did the sniff test on a couple of them after I took this, and threw them out straight away, but my sense of smell doesn't work for long. I'll work through the rest to see if anything is fit to keep, then I have to decide if I even want to.

Drugstore glosses. The Liberty x Hello Kitty were bought for the packaging, not sure I've even tried them
Again I need to do a serious reality check with these.

Pretty collection! Funny thing... I pulled out my Pink Horizon Juicy Tube the other day and it was about empty. I had almost finished a gloss and didn't even know it!! I had that before I went insane collecting. Those were the days...

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