Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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lol, it takes about 3 months to get some growth. But, when you put it on, go against the grain -- whichever direction they grow, rub the oil in opposite direction.

I doubt you will ever get to have my Bert's big bushy eyebrows.. lol... they are so sexxxy
I love to ruffle them up.. lol


Well-known member
None of us really "want" to be on a low-buy... but we all realized we definitely needed to be! HeeHee And THIS is THEE place for support my dear! I might be partial, but I think we are one cool little "club!" Glad you joined us!
Thanks, Pixie! Good point about no one really wanting to be here. Logically I know that I don't need any more eye shadow, lipstick, blush, or MSF, but it makes me so happy to get a pretty new thing. Especially when it's a pretty color. I have gained a lot of weight the past few years so I can't easily find clothes that look the way that I want, but make up always "fits". I am planning to only get 2 or 3 lippies from Playland, and MAYBE just 1 blush from PS. Saving my money for Alluring Aqua. That's the plan. Do you guys do anything specific here or just post when you need support/opinions?


Well-known member
Do you guys do anything specific here or just post when you need support/opinions?
I do want to be here. I am a addict in recovery.. lol. so yes, support is given here, but I never take any of it --it's just comforting to be able to vent and have other's give you their opinions too. I am not on a specific or required low buy -- I just want more control over my ginormous stash and reading other's who have similar struggles has helped me a lot.

but we talk about everything in this thread.. life, liberty, birth control, kids, men, sickness, death.. if it's a topic we all try to chip in to address it. And happiness.. yes, lots of happiness.

don't worry about your weight -- weight you can always lose when you put your mind to it.


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Staff member

lol, it takes about 3 months to get some growth. But, when you put it on, go against the grain -- whichever direction they grow, rub the oil in opposite direction.

I doubt you will ever get to have my Bert's big bushy eyebrows.. lol... they are so sexxxy
I love to ruffle them up.. lol
Lol. Thick brows are always sexy!

Thanks for the advice. I will rrrub and massaaage in the opposite direction then.


Well-known member
Do you guys do anything specific here or just post when you need support/opinions?
Oh we ALL want to be HERE... we just don't always love our low-buy struggles! HeeHee Now HERE is awesome! We have given each other advice, asked lots of questions, talk over our collections, do challenges to help use and purge our stashes... all sorts of stuff! Pretty much anything goes here! Except, obviously we try to keep the enabling at a low here since that's why a lot of us prefer this thread. We like to look at new color stories, but sometimes the massive enabling and everything being a "MUST HAVE" in the collection threads is a little counter-productive to our low-buy goals. So everyone just sets their own goals and expectations for themselves, we share these goals with each other to get support for the long run...
Right now, some of us are doing the "30 Lipsticks in 30 Days" challenge. It's been really fun and extremely helpful! It's helping us use and shop our own stashes, plus a lot of us have been able to purge items due to using things in this challenge we realize we don't like or don't really work for us. You can feel free to join in at any time if you'd like! Just start posting your daily lipstick and keep track of your own 30 days. A lot of us started at different times, so we are all on our own 30 Day cycle.
Also, we have our own personal low-buy swap/sell thread that allows us to purge our unloved, unused products to each other! That way, you can still feel like you have new stuff coming in, but at the same time, things are going out! Some helpful links are in the first post, along with our swap/sell link!!

Need anymore help... ask away! That's what we're here for. It says "Low-Buy" but it really has become a support group full of friends and makeup lovers! We LOVE this place! Again... WELCOME!!


Well-known member
Haha, oh boy, I've basically skipped an entire week of the challenge and only wore Burt's Bees Tinted Lipbalms. Time to change that. So, here's day 5 for me: Maybelline Blushing Beige over a pink lipliner - love that combo! Pixie: Congrats to your son! Mosha: Hope your hubby will be okay asap!
I know those Burt's bees lip balms!! I have almost every color. Even though they kinda all look the same lol
I hope they come out with something even better to replace this with.  That is so annoying. I have passed more than 60 stones and had 5 surgeries.  Kidney stones are so terrible.  Sometimes I have lingering pain but I think it's just from irritation.  There's a good FB group that I just found if he wants to read about other people's experiences or ask questions.  It's called Kidney Stones Suk lol.  Here's a link... We are having similar issues.  I buy similar colors over and over again.  I also don't understand the hype around the NYX matte lip creams.  Yuck lol!!!  Starlight, this is so much fun to see, thank you!!
Oh ok thanks! I shall post more then. Today was makeup free day! Never did get out of bed. My whole family has since joined me in a lazy Monday lol.


Well-known member
Day 1: Estee Lauder Crystal Baby - very pretty but sheer, I like that different liners can go with it and change up the look Day 2: Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy in Desirable - My new favorite l/s and formula, feels like my Tom Ford Day 3: B&BW Guilty Peach Tart lip gloss - I love their l/g tubes, they don't dry out my lips like most lip products do and they taste so yummy! Day 4 : Revlon Temptress - I'm not sure if this color is dc'd or not, but it's a really nice wearable every day pink. I'd have to swatch to make sure but it reminds me of MAC Venus. I have it on with Lancome Rose l/l Day 5: L'Oreal The Queen's Kiss - Every time I pull this l/s out I think, nah this isn't a good color for me and then I put it on and I'm in love again lol!! I just wish it was more of a fine shimmer than a full on metallic frost. Day 6: BE Marvelous Moxie Get Ready - I love this formula and this color is so perfect for me. Not only do these l/s not dry out my lips like almost everything else does, but it actually improves the texture of my lips. The more I wear it the better my lips look. LOVE!! Day 7: MAC Force of Love - This might be my first fail. I don't know why I fell in love with this. I don't think the dry, neon, coral-pink is too flattering for me at all. Day 8: NYX Butter l/s in Fizzies. This just came in the mail yesterday with my Cherry Culture order that I did during the 40% off sale. I love it!! Day 9: MAC Feed The Senses. This one is a tough one for me. When I first put it on I think I love it, then I feel like I look washed out, then I reach for a brighter blush lol. I also have to keep reapplying it over and over again b/c it just fades on me so quickly. Day 10: WnW Cherry Bomb. one of the few vampy colors I have. I can't do this straight on the lips though, it's too intense. I kind of mix it with lip balm and I like the color, but it's bleeding on me. I need to remember to put MAC prep & prime lip stuff under it to see if that helps at all. Day 11: MAC Lady at Play - I go through phases where I like oranges, then I don't like oranges. I like this formula so I will keep this one for the days I'm "in the mood" for orangy lips. :) Day 12: Maybelline Hot Plum - this is one of my favorite purple l/s, definitely not going in the purge pile!! Day 13: nada!!! Day 14: NYX Doll - when I first discovered NYX they were having a 50% off sale and I bought probably 30 l/s.  Most of them have been given away or sold except for this one.  It's a very flattering color for me, I should really wear it more often.
I enjoy your mini reviews too!! Do you find it hard to keep the EL crystal baby on you lips? These pure colors are gorgeous but I'm barely getting an hour of wear. I have the crystal pink. Maybe it will be the first I use up due to actually needing to apply it 15 times a day (but I'm in love with it and the formula)


Well-known member
Day 1: L'Oreal Extraordinaire Fushia Drama - A tad to bright/blue toned and very much a statement - great on days where my clothes are really classic and I want a statement, i like the formula it is staying. Day 2: MAC Viva Glam Cyndi Lipstick - I don't wear this enough but I like it, going to keep for now and try to use more often. Day 3: Chanel Coco Rouge Shine in Romantic - An HG lippie, the perfect pink, bright enough to lift my face and give me colour without be over the top for work. This isn't that far from being finished and I wanted to repurchase, but only once i have been through all of my lippies and made sure I don't have anything like it. Day 4: Sleek Matte Me in Brink Pink - this went in the bin after - it is awful! It was too fluro for me and too drying I wiped it off before I even got to work! Day 5: Revlon Lip Butter in Wild Watermelon - I like this colour its a nice cross over, not too pink, not too red and not too orange. i like that it has no glitter and its a nice summer bright - keep pile Day 6: Revlon Lip Butter in Sorbet - LOVE, again a cream formula, no glitter/sparkle but nice and juicy looking, good staying power and leaves a nice stain. Keeping it! Day 7: Revlon Lip Butter in Sweet Tart - A more toned down version of Sorbet - again a nice cream, enjoyed wearing this, keeping it! Day 8: Revlon Lip Butter in Strawberry Shortcake - this one doesn't work too well on me its going in the disposal bag! The formula is again a cream, but its less juicy and more opaque, it clings to my dry bits in a way Sorbet and Sweet tart don't, also the colour is too baby pink with too much white in it, I don't think this works for me anymore, I prefer stronger colours with less white - this has gone in my disposal bag! Day 9: Revlon Lip Butter in Macaroon - this was my favorite originally, but now I think i prefer Sorbet and Sweet Tart ? I think it is a lovely colour, but this one has glitter in it, at the moment its staying, but tempted to move it to the disposal bag. A wait and see shade. Day 10: Revlon Lip Butter in Candy Apple - this is a stayer, again a clear juicy lip butter with no glitter, a very wearable red. its a a Keep. Day 11: Revlon Lip Butter in Tutti Frutti - think this might be leaving, lovely formula just don't think the colour works on me :-( The orange just doesn't look that amazing on my skin tone, i want to love it but i don't, its in the dispose bag. Day 12: L'Oreal Extraordinaire Rose Symphony for a girls shopping day - swapped for Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in 707 empire for a date! The L'Oreal is a good every day colour, staying in the keep pile, these are lovely opaque glosses that leave a slight stain, nice than the YSL glossy stains in my opinion. The Chanel is a favourite formula of mine, wish they hadn't discontinued it. I have been rationing this, but now I am not going too, i love it and should use it more. Day 13: Bourjois Shine Edition in Famous Fushia - hot pink, my favourite colour at the moment - not sure this is as good as Revlon Sorbet though ? Not sure if the formula of these are as good as the Revlon lip butters ? its a keep for the moment, but once the 30 days are up I intend to play it off against Sorbet and only keep the best one! Day 14: Revlon Lip Butter in Juicy Papaya My last lip butter! definately a better colour on me that Tutti Fruiti so I may keep this as a peachy lip option! What i have learnt so far: I have dupe in similar formulas accross brands ....opps I am finding shimmers/glitter drying on my lips and irritating. Matte lip creams need to stay away from me...they and I don't get on. I need to avoid shades with too much white in them which are pale/pastel, I look like a corpse! Orange, hmm I want an orange shade but the one I tested so far didn't look good at all! i need to test my other oranges to decide if they also don't look great and move this shade out of my stash! I am REALLY loving this challenge! THANK YOU to whoever started it!
I really like reading all these reviews. They make me remember something I have or remind of things I didn't like. This challenge is awesome!! Thanks [@]PixieDancer[/@]
Quote:Originally Posted by Starlight77

*sidenote- I so miss Chanel and Dior lipsticks more than ever. Going to try and make it at least one more week with my MAC
Lipsticks. At least I learned to stop buying them

THIS! I so agree I miss my Chanel rouge coco shine that doesn't ravage my lips! This challenge is good because it is teaching me what works on me and what really doesn't, as a result i can really see the error purchases and can now work harder to avoid making the same mistake, where as before I would carry on like normal and increase the number of fails! I am planning on extending mine beyond the 30 days if I can until I go through my lip products I want to do the same with blush and eyehadows as part of my stash reduction plan.
I am enjoying the no palette/blush repeat too and will continue after 30 days as well (sadly) lol. I may do a no repeat a week for future as there is not point in me having such a large collection if I never use it. It's forcing me to change it up and I'm enjoying everything more. Omg I miss my Chanel's too! I'm really loving the Dior rouge formulas recently and now MAC just seems eh. I mostly have lustres as I don't like super bright lips but the lustres aren't staying on as much and I didn't notice it before. Even my Chanel coco shines stay on longer and they are known to wear quick. Hopefully I can avoid the pretty packaging and hold off on Mac lipsticks for a bit or figure out how to prolong their wear.


Well-known member
I wore Fresh and Frisky Huggable this weekend. This color is perfect for me. I should have backed it up. LIke 3x. I need a matte version of this color. Any suggestions? Any brand is fine.

I wore Runaway Hit when I went out that night. I do not like this. My friend said it is pretty, but it is going in the play with pile to decide what I want to do.

Love this idea, I am going to get through all of this makeup one of these days. LOL


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Prettypackages

I wore Fresh and Frisky Huggable this weekend. This color is perfect for me. I should have backed it up. LIke 3x. I need a matte version of this color. Any suggestions? Any brand is fine.

I wore Runaway Hit when I went out that night. I do not like this. My friend said it is pretty, but it is going in the play with pile to decide what I want to do.

Love this idea, I am going to get through all of this makeup one of these days. LOL

Runaway Hit works for me color wise, the application of it horrible. I have no plans of trying a liner or gloss or nothing because if I got to add to it to make it work to hell with it. I want to be able to apply it on and start my day. Maybe I could use it as a highlighter under my eyes lol. I have been thinking of ways to make things work if they don't work as expected. examples: 1. You can use the lipsticks you hate (as long as if the finish is appropriate) as blush 2. You can use eye shadows as blush or blush as eye shadow


Well-known member
"30 Lipsticks in 30 Days" Updated List: Day 1: Mac Ravishing, cremesheen. I love the color and finish of the lipstick. Moisturizing on the lips Day 2: Mac RiRi Boy, retro matte. I love love love love this lipstick and the finish. Got many backups too. Drying on the lips. Day 3: Mac Hot Chocolate. I love this color and finish. Moisturizing on the lips Day 4 : Mac Runway Hit, Matte. Mac lied about this being a Matte I beg to differ. I want to love this lipstick but it’s just not working for me. Very drying, uneven and streaky looking. I do like the color but I can’t get it to work. I’m glad I finally pulled this lippie out to try but I am pissed that it does not work……… going to be even more pissed lol. Day 5: Mac Mehr, matte. I love this color and finish. No complaints about it. Day 6: Mac Riri Nude,retro matte. Its ok, I don’t think I would not purchase this color again. I love the finish of the lippie. It’s not bad but it is different enough to have. Moisturizing on the lips Day 7: Mac Bad Girl Riri – retro matte, love it, the color and finish. Moisturizing on the lips. Day 8: Revolon Colorburst in 001 Pink Truffle, love the color, very moisturizing and will repurchase. Day 9: Mac Betty Bright, satin, I love love this color lipstick and the finish. Moisturizing on the lips Day 10: Mac Kinda Sexy, matte, love the finish and color. Not drying on me or streaky. Day 11: Mac Mocha, satin. I love the feel of this finish. I like the color but I don’t think I will repurchase it again not that it is a bad color but I think I have similar colors. Day 12: L’Oreal Color Riche in 176 Sunset Angora , love it the finish and color Day 13: L’Oreal Color Riche in Violet Chiffon, love it the finish and color


Well-known member
Day 1: L'Oreal Extraordinaire Fushia Drama - A tad to bright/blue toned and very much a statement - great on days where my clothes are really classic and I want a statement, i like the formula it is staying. Day 2: MAC Viva Glam Cyndi Lipstick - I don't wear this enough but I like it, going to keep for now and try to use more often. Day 3: Chanel Coco Rouge Shine in Romantic - An HG lippie, the perfect pink, bright enough to lift my face and give me colour without be over the top for work. This isn't that far from being finished and I wanted to repurchase, but only once i have been through all of my lippies and made sure I don't have anything like it. Day 4: Sleek Matte Me in Brink Pink - this went in the bin after - it is awful! It was too fluro for me and too drying I wiped it off before I even got to work! Day 5: Revlon Lip Butter in Wild Watermelon - I like this colour its a nice cross over, not too pink, not too red and not too orange. i like that it has no glitter and its a nice summer bright - keep pile Day 6: Revlon Lip Butter in Sorbet - LOVE, again a cream formula, no glitter/sparkle but nice and juicy looking, good staying power and leaves a nice stain. Keeping it! Day 7: Revlon Lip Butter in Sweet Tart - A more toned down version of Sorbet - again a nice cream, enjoyed wearing this, keeping it! Day 8: Revlon Lip Butter in Strawberry Shortcake - this one doesn't work too well on me its going in the disposal bag! The formula is again a cream, but its less juicy and more opaque, it clings to my dry bits in a way Sorbet and Sweet tart don't, also the colour is too baby pink with too much white in it, I don't think this works for me anymore, I prefer stronger colours with less white - this has gone in my disposal bag! Day 9: Revlon Lip Butter in Macaroon - this was my favorite originally, but now I think i prefer Sorbet and Sweet Tart ? I think it is a lovely colour, but this one has glitter in it, at the moment its staying, but tempted to move it to the disposal bag. A wait and see shade. Day 10: Revlon Lip Butter in Candy Apple - this is a stayer, again a clear juicy lip butter with no glitter, a very wearable red. its a a Keep. Day 11: Revlon Lip Butter in Tutti Frutti - think this might be leaving, lovely formula just don't think the colour works on me :-( The orange just doesn't look that amazing on my skin tone, i want to love it but i don't, its in the dispose bag. Day 12: L'Oreal Extraordinaire Rose Symphony for a girls shopping day - swapped for Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in 707 empire for a date! The L'Oreal is a good every day colour, staying in the keep pile, these are lovely opaque glosses that leave a slight stain, nice than the YSL glossy stains in my opinion. The Chanel is a favourite formula of mine, wish they hadn't discontinued it. I have been rationing this, but now I am not going too, i love it and should use it more. Day 13: Bourjois Shine Edition in Famous Fushia - hot pink, my favourite colour at the moment - not sure this is as good as Revlon Sorbet though ? Not sure if the formula of these are as good as the Revlon lip butters ? its a keep for the moment, but once the 30 days are up I intend to play it off against Sorbet and only keep the best one! Day 14: Revlon Lip Butter in Juicy Papaya My last lip butter! definately a better colour on me that Tutti Fruiti so I may keep this as a peachy lip option! After a Full day of wear I am now not so sure....thinking this can go peach and orange don't seem to be my colours! Day 15: Bourjois Shine Edition in 21 Rouge Making of - a gorgeous orange toned red, no glitter/shimmer I love it....more than Candy Apple from Day 10: its less muted but still wearable. Hmmm, I may give these too a face off along with Revlon LB in Sorbet and BSE in Famous Fushia. Today I am rocking my new foundation sample - first impression LOVE, i set it with Hourglass Dim, added a touch of Hourglass Radient to cheeks for warmth, before topping with Hourglass Etheral Glow for a flush. On the eyes I have LM Caviar Stick in Dove Grey blended in softly for barely there definition and I opened a fresh mascara yesterday - LOVE.

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