Day 2: Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy in Desirable - My new favorite l/s and formula, feels like my Tom Ford
Day 3: B&BW Guilty Peach Tart lip gloss - I love their l/g tubes, they don't dry out my lips like most lip products do and they taste so yummy!
Day 4 : Revlon Temptress - I'm not sure if this color is dc'd or not, but it's a really nice wearable every day pink. I'd have to swatch to make sure but it reminds me of MAC Venus. I have it on with Lancome Rose l/l
Day 5: L'Oreal The Queen's Kiss - Every time I pull this l/s out I think, nah this isn't a good color for me and then I put it on and I'm in love again lol!! I just wish it was more of a fine shimmer than a full on metallic frost.
Day 6: BE Marvelous Moxie Get Ready - I love this formula and this color is so perfect for me. Not only do these l/s not dry out my lips like almost everything else does, but it actually improves the texture of my lips. The more I wear it the better my lips look. LOVE!!
Day 7: MAC Force of Love - This might be my first fail. I don't know why I fell in love with this. I don't think the dry, neon, coral-pink is too flattering for me at all.
Day 8: NYX Butter l/s in Fizzies. This just came in the mail yesterday with my Cherry Culture order that I did during the 40% off sale. I love it!!
Day 9: MAC Feed The Senses. This one is a tough one for me. When I first put it on I think I love it, then I feel like I look washed out, then I reach for a brighter blush lol. I also have to keep reapplying it over and over again b/c it just fades on me so quickly.
Day 10: WnW Cherry Bomb. one of the few vampy colors I have. I can't do this straight on the lips though, it's too intense. I kind of mix it with lip balm and I like the color, but it's bleeding on me. I need to remember to put MAC prep & prime lip stuff under it to see if that helps at all.
Day 11: MAC Lady at Play - I go through phases where I like oranges, then I don't like oranges. I like this formula so I will keep this one for the days I'm "in the mood" for orangy lips.

Day 12: Maybelline Hot Plum - this is one of my favorite purple l/s, definitely not going in the purge pile!!
Day 13: nada!!!
Day 14: NYX Doll - when I first discovered NYX they were having a 50% off sale and I bought probably 30 l/s. Most of them have been given away or sold except for this one. It's a very flattering color for me, I should really wear it more often.
Update on day 14. I'm not sure NYX doll is a keeper. I swear I had to reapply it every 30 minutes. I might have to carry that one around in my purse at the mall looking for a dupe.

Day 15: Maybelline Color Whisper Mad for Magenta - I really like this color and wish I had a lipstick similar to this. I'm thinking Heavenly Hybrid would have been what I was looking for but I didn't get any l/s from FoF. Did anyone get HH? Like it?
Day 16: Revlon Suede l/s in Muse. This has got to be the worst l/s formula in the history of l/s formulas. Sticky, patchy and gross. But then.... I layered NYX Dolly Pink gloss over it and it made the most perfect base for a gloss. I didn't have to touch up for about 5 hours. I was going to toss Muse in the trash but I'm going to hang on to it for under glosses.
Day 17: MAC Reel Sexy - I love this.