Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?

Audrey C

Well-known member
Make sure you don't get rid of the brights that are similar to the ones in the electric palette that aren't "immediate eye area" safe.
Just to let everyone know, I'm wearing Jilted on my lid and now I'm wearing Urban as an upper liner (enough to give true to pan colour). My eyes are very prone to watering, and these aren't bothering me in the least. YMMV, but I don't foresee any problem using these in my eye area. As I understand it, they're approved for that use in Canada anyway.

Really, where else are you realistically supposed to wear purple? It's not blush.


Well-known member
Just to let everyone know, I'm wearing Jilted on my lid and now I'm wearing Urban as an upper liner (enough to give true to pan colour). My eyes are very prone to watering, and these aren't bothering me in the least. YMMV, but I don't foresee any problem using these in my eye area. As I understand it, they're approved for that use in Canada anyway.
I guess our FDA must know Canadians have different eyes than us Americans! LOL I'll use them on the eyes... I'll just be extra cautious of fallout that's all. Glad you're liking the palette!!


Well-known member
I'll use them on the eyes... I'll just be extra cautious of fallout that's all. Glad you're liking the palette!!
no, Canadians have the same eyes.. they just have health insurance


Well-known member
Sephora sale. I was bad.

lolol.. so was I !

but my low buy is not strict.. it's more of an organizational low buy or buy buy..

my lippie for today is: MAC Zen.. something way out of my comfort zone, but it looks good with a deep taupe eye.. at least I hope it does.. lol


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
lolol.. so was I !

but my low buy is not strict.. it's more of an organizational low buy or buy buy..

my lippie for today is: MAC Zen.. something way out of my comfort zone, but it looks good with a deep taupe eye.. at least I hope it does.. lol
Is that Pure Zen or is there another called just Zen? I love Pure Zen, one of my favorite MAC lippies! And it does look good with a deep taupey eye.


Well-known member
I haven't written for quite a long while, I have been reading but the fast pace of the conversations has kept me reading rather than posting! Everyone who's got problems, personal or family, I send you a big big hug, I hope everything is ok soon!! I have been buying things, but I try to make sure it's something I need or something different to what I already have. I'm happy that because of my youtube channel I'm steering clear of mac limited edition stuff, it just isn't practical as I can't use them in my videos, so I use that excuse as a reason not to buy MAC LE. My recent purchase was the Urban Decay Naked liquid foundation as I haven't got a light foundation. I also bought some drugstore stuff with the 3x2 offer in Boots but I researched a lot before buying and I have learnt I prefer to spend on high end in general as I have too much stuff anyway and drugstore is less reliable: can be great or awful, lol. Well done to all of you who are controlling what you spend, I would like to be buying less or using more, but I still haven't been able to sell anything, so not much I can do about that!


Well-known member
Nothing from Sephora for me. This is one of the advantages of being so brand-loyal to MAC!
Yes and I have certainly learned my lesson about this this weekend. Something the Sephora SA put on my face (I'm not sure if it was the moisturizer, foundation, or primer though) broke me out. Think I will go back to my MAC counter and see what they recommend for my flakiness problem.


Well-known member
I was pretty good with the Sephora buy too. Only a serum, lipstick, and blush. That's a much needed improvement over my purchase during their sale in November :unsure:


Well-known member
WARNING: Do not allow uber-extroverted, young makeup crazy daughters near the Electric palette. Above all else, do NOT mention that they're pigments and can be used in multiple ways. Within minutes, she had hot pink lips, purple brows, molten silver lids and was just warming up. Had to practically beat her off with a chair and explain in no uncertain terms that while I don't mind sharing it, it CANNOT be kept in her room or used without permission.

I can just imagine the call from the school now the first time she managed to slide past her considerably less vigilant dad onto the school bus for some 'spirit day' or something.
OMG this is hilarious!!! thank you for sharing.


Staff member
I catalogued every makeup product and nail polish on all my wishlists/favourites lists on various sites a couple of nights ago. Some things I learned... 1) I'm definitely an eyeshadow person. It's the second biggest category on my list. Purple is the colour that comes up the most. After that it's various shades of brown. And I do have a beige/skintone shade on there. 2) Similarly, most of the makeup brushes on my wishlists are eyeshadow brushes, and three of those are brushes I own already, to supplement or replace ones I already have. Blending brushes feature the most, though I have a few lay-down brushes on there. 3) The biggest category across my wishlists is lipstick (odd because the largest portion of my current collection is eyeshadows, be it singles or ready-made palettes). Lots of pinks with some more vampy berry colours in there and the odd nude. (Brand with the highest representation in it is MAC.) I was able to weed some things out of various lists, thankfully. But I could do to weed out some more things. I bought some MAC stackable jars for my pigments, as well as Copperplate e/s. It was an eyeshadow that, for some reason, I started thinking about recently. I went swatch hunting and it's a colour that is very interesting, and it looks like it'll go very well with shadows I already have, and I don't have anything similar to it already. So yay! Also mulling over listing my Naked palette in my sell/swap post.

Audrey C

Well-known member
OMG this is hilarious!!! thank you for sharing.
She wanted to do Gonzo loops and swirls coming out of the outer corner of her eyes up onto her forehead and down on her cheeks. I started getting a tad concerned when it became clear her skin was simply a canvas to her and that there were planned embellishments with the 24/7 pencils and possibly crystals. Um…no, sorry. I have no idea where this kid gets her ideas.


Well-known member
Like HG, I'm did not put myself on a strict low-buy, but staying mindful of what comes home and evaluating what I can let go.

Having said that, I enjoyed a little spending spree at Sephora. Most of the items I purchased online, and went to the event this morning to get the items that were not in stock on the site. Most of it was actually skin care products, which I looking forward to using, and I will not hesitate now to return anything that doesn't work for me. There's already one item I know will go back and I haven't even received it yet, because I was able to swatch it at Macy's and was disappointed.

I've got to do another round to stash analysis and see what else I can add to my sales thread.


Well-known member
She wanted to do Gonzo loops and swirls coming out of the outer corner of her eyes up onto her forehead and down on her cheeks. I started getting a tad concerned when it became clear her skin was simply a canvas to her and that there were planned embellishments with the 24/7 pencils and possibly crystals. Um…no, sorry. I have no idea where this kid gets her ideas.
I hope she never changes. LOL that's awesome. My friends niece is just like that. Puts together the wildest outfits, but for some reason it works for. She was this way out of the womb.


Well-known member
I haven't posted here in a while and have missed out on so much! Sending hugs to everyone who is struggling and having a difficult time I recently flew out for a job interview and really screwed up a portion of it. I am quite disappointed in myself and have been rather down since Friday. Ah well, everything works out the way it should and I need to remember that
You are right about everything working out the way it should. I've thought I really wanted a job that I didn't get, and later I realize how good it was that I didn't get it. Something better will come along!


Well-known member
I bought 3 of the HG Ambient blushes and 2 of the Clinique Pop blushes.  B/c I totally need more blush.  Going to have to start wearing it on my butt cheeks soon!
Haha this made me laugh out loud. I have a blush problem. Seriously bad one and I kinda don't care but I do acknowledge it's there lol
My Sephora haul: NARS Douceur blush (being dc'd) UD Electric Palette LM Artist Palette (Christmas gift for my daughter - the last one from the back)
Ooo yay nice haul!!


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by LinenWhite7

So, at Ulta I picked up the new Too Faced A La Mode eye palette, Lorac Unzipped (this has been #1 on my wish list since I started the low-buy), and a skincare item. I redeemed points and with my coupon I only spent $63 - I had talked to my husband before I left and we agreed on $50 - $70 budget. So strange for me to discuss it beforehand and use debit instead of credit.

At Sephora, I want Naked 3 and Naked Skin foundation and possibly a Bite lipstick. I'm ok with just the foundation depending on budget.

Lastly I've got my eye on 3 items from Too Faced (the new Natural Eyes palette, and la creme lipsticks in Juicy Melons and Razzle Dazzle Rose). I have a 20% off code but we will see if I get cash or gift cards or what for my birthday, if anything. If I get a Sephora gift card I will get these items from Sephora instead.

I knew this buying session was coming - I have been planning for it since January. So I don't feel like I'm just buying and buying because of discounts.

From MAC, I'm allowing one item each from Patentpolish, Playland and one new blush (maybe Modern Mandarin from Tres Cheek). Skipping PS. Deep breaths about Alluring Aquatic... I'm a total ho for ED stuff. Hopefully the blushes are dupeable.

I bought Naked 3 last year and I decided to pull it out and play with the colors for the first time this week. So far I don't like it. The colors have to be packed on for me to see them on my lids. Either way I'm stuck with it so I gotta make it work. I'm going to try some primers to see which will work for me.

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