Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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Inspired by Pixie's spring look (and since I'm working from home today), I created one of my own: Bobbi Brown BB Cream Lips: MAC Chicory liner, Fresh & Frisky Huggable Cheeks: MAC Matte Bronze bronzer, HG Dim Infusion blush, MAC Adored MSF as highlight NARS Light Reflecting Loose Powder Eyes: Electric Palette (upper lid sheered out) Inner lid - Thrash Middle lid - Freak Outer lid/corner - Fringe Transition: MAC Free to Be Blending: MAC Orb Lower lash line: Fringe Upper lash line: UD Crave (closest thing I have to black) Black mascara
Ooh, I want to see a picture! It sounds pretty.


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Quote: Originally Posted by elkaknits I haven't even looked at the other collections but a while back our fabulous her grayness wrote {I copied and pasted it into my notebook so am not looking for post}:

Quote: Actually, if one does a deep review of the habits of women, one blush might be all that we need for every 18 months or so... One lipstick a year. 3 tubes of mascara. 1 Bottle of foundation if we chose to use it, one powder per annum.
again, we get into the conundrum of needs - what do we need? very little in cosmetics. What do we want and why do we want it?... that is the critical difference.
it's not the price of an item -- it can be pennies or hundreds -- it's what motivates our spending patterns which must be controlled.

Originally Posted by elkaknits
yeah I am not sure exactly how she arrived by those numbers. I own one foundation but am antsy to move onto a different one {I use MAC match master or something like that in 1.5 and actually I had a horrible chemical burn over an eczema spot on upper lip and it covered it well so maybe not} and 2 concealers and 2 powders {MM beauty powder and Nars} I am happy with 1 blush {Nars Sin but have branched out to many more in past 2 yrs} and 2-3 eyeshadows. Lipsticks and nail polishes I am getting to I can replace when I get rid of… I mean I really really wanted the Nars nail polishes that came out recently but said ummm girl you have over 100 red polishes why don't you finish one before you buy another …. I hate it when I talk to myself like that. But I haven't purchased more than a handful of products since last summer and when I joined Team Low Buy I specifically said I will be buying my lipstick and staying Low to No buy until then so I can justify stocking up like a metric ton of this one color.
Everytime I saw something that looked pretty I was ummm Glam vs this and glam always won.

My mother had black hair, black eyes, and a light olive complexion. By the late 1960s i convinced her to stop wearing the hideous makeup of the 1940s & 50s. Really, i know there's this retro glam fantasy going on, but back then foundation colors rarely suited one's skin color, and the pale pancake she wore looked like a mask, while the bright red lipstick she wore just looked hard. I got her to find a foundation closer to her own color, as they were gradually becoming available, and a more flattering lipstick color in the 60s.

After that, she wore one Clinique foundation until it was discontinued, then got another Clinique foundation in a similar color and finish; one Revlon coral lipstick color until it was discontinued in the 1990s, then got another similar Revlon color - she used her lipstick as a blush. She used black cake eyeliner until she died, which she also used in her eyebrows. She didn't use mascara or eyeshadow. She was in formal situations where women wear long gowns - my dad owned a black tuxedo jacket and a white tuxedo jacket, his own tuxedo shirts, cummerbund, and tuxedo pants - as well as on a cocktail party circuit. Her biggest difference between daily and "glam" makeup was how much more carefully she did her hair and, of course, her clothes and jewelry.

I am not like her. For starters, I'm not living the life where i need formal gowns, nor am i on a cocktail party circuit. Most of us these days live much more informal lives.

My coloring is like my father's: brown hair with reddish highlights that has gotten darker with age, except for those white side walls, like The Bride's in my avatar; hazel-brown eyes; and light (bet 15 & 20) neutral skin tone.

Black eyeliner and black mascara are too harsh and hard on me. I used brown cake eyeliner until early this millennium; i like tight lining and until recently detested smooshy eyeliner pencils because my eyelids are small - also eyeliner pencils have improved. I used Clinique brown mascara for decades, until i got some plum and burgundy mascaras in the past year or 3. Before Clinique, all mascaras in the 60s and 70s made my eyes burn horribly. Current mascara formulae seem not to set my eyes on fire, but wet n wild color icon eye shadows do set my eyes on fire.

I never needed foundation until relatively recently, because my skin color has become a bit uneven. In my youth i only wore foundation for fancy situations with my parents, but i could rarely find the right color - it usually turned orange-y - fortunately, the lighting was usually atmospheric, that is, a bit dark.

Because of my neutral skin tone, i have always been able to shift between coolish warm colors and warmish cool colors. After not wearing makeup for around 10 years, i decided to get back into it a bit before my 60th b'day. I started out with one cool lipstick and one warm lipstick, one cool blush and one warm blush. Then i had a helluva time finding a foundation since they are mostly too warm/yellow or too cool/pink; took two years of frequent visits to sephora and a mass-load of samples. Personally, i think most people, even if they're going for minimal makeup, can use warm and cool lipsticks and warm and cool blushes, as long as they are compatible with their skin color and tone, either to complement the clothes they're wearing or to contrast.

To me the idea of wearing one lipstick color, and one only, forever and ever, and no eyeshadows is anathema. I LOVE looking at colors, playing with colors, wearing colors. But it's so hard for me to find a foundation that works in color, tone, moisturizing comfort, and dewy glow, so i only change foundation when forced to.

My idea of glam makeup is just a lot more than usual.
• usual is highlighter on my cheek bones; brow and eye liner, shimmery light neutral shadow on the lid and matte neutral in the crease; and whatever lipstick i feel like.
• glam color correcting primer, foundation, concealer, blush, highlighter; brow and eye liner, mascara, several colors on my eyelids; and whatever lipstick i feel like.

For my low-buy :
• No lip gloss - i rarely wear it, and it spoils faster than lipstick.
• Fewer lipsticks - it's OK if it fills a gap in what i have; i always have 2 or 3 lipsticks in my purse - one MLBB, and the other two in fun colors; i've only ever backed up 4 lipsticks: Aristo-Cat, Go For It, Firm Form, and Caliente.
• No blush - i have waaay too many - unless it's unusual - so those Proenza Schouler ombré blushes have caught my eye.
• Eyeshadows - well, here my resolve is not so strong. As i said, i love colors, which is why i find those Alluring Aquatic EDESs are so alluring, and i have that NARS duo in my sephora shopping cart.


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Ladies... The lemmings, they are back. My wish list is epic and I'm planning my next eleventy million purchases in my head. I'm not pulling the trigger and spending the money, but I WANT THE EVERYTHING. Anyone else feeling this way?


Well-known member
Ladies... The lemmings, they are back. My wish list is epic and I'm planning my next eleventy million purchases in my head. I'm not pulling the trigger and spending the money, but I WANT THE EVERYTHING. Anyone else feeling this way?
I do! I was good all of March but now this Sephora sale, Nars 413 Blkr collection came out today... I want everything too!


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I am not planning on a zillionty purchases.... I am coveting a few nail polishes but I don't need them and eying some new products I admit. I need to sit down and pick out some springy things so that I can feel like I am wearing something new.

So tired of this Arctic Vortex stuff. Today it actually hailed while I was getting ready to take my daughter to her job. SMH

I like winter but this is crazy


Staff member
Ladies I wonder if you can help me! I have foundation woes. Im an absolute oil slick with spots of acne but I don't suffer from redness much. Im paler than nc15. I got rid of all the foundations and bb creams I didn't like/were too dark/seperated on me And bought estee lauder double wear, which broke me out but I don't think I was washing it off properly. So the mac pro products are available online in the UK today, and I saw the full coverage foundation, has anyone had any experience with this? The mac chat sa said I shouldn't get it as it's stage makeup and not for everyday but should I ignore that as the sas won't push pro products anyway? Im oily and in need! But I don't want to buy yet another mac foundation and not have it work for me.
What's your skincare routine? IMO, a lot of foundation problems don't always have to do with the foundation itself; it's a skincare issue -- either something is incompatible with a person's foundation/base, or their skincare routine simply doesn't work for them like it should. You may want to evaulate that first and spend money on sorting that out, if need be. :nods:
I'm extremely oily as well. I have to use BECCA Ever Matte primer under everything. My favorite foundations aren't MAC, although I do like MAC Mineralize and Matchmaster. My best oily skin foundations are Revlon ColorStay (in the normal-dry formula), CoverGirl Stay Fabulous 3-in-1, the new Rimmel Matte, BarryM Matte, and Urban Decay Naked Skin. I hope that helps you out! I find that the primer I use makes such a difference, but even then, many foundations just don't hold up.
Same advice as above: revisit your skincare routine. :)


Well-known member
Ladies... The lemmings, they are back. My wish list is epic and I'm planning my next eleventy million purchases in my head. I'm not pulling the trigger and spending the money, but I WANT THE EVERYTHING. Anyone else feeling this way?
*raises hand*


Well-known member
Anyone else feeling this way?

The AA collection. I just want to go in, swipe my arm across the displays and push it all into a big basket. *SIGH* Alas, due to $$$, I will be only buying 4-5 items at the most and even that's a lot, in my opinion. Trying to avoid the ombre blushes in the PS collection - are they really something I can't dupe or that I don't already have in my collection? Ugh. They look so pretty in the pan!!!! But I can't wear the pan on my face, I guess!


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Hey all, 'haven't been posting much the past few days - just trying to take care of my health. It looks like it's going to be time for the prescription meds and getting adjusted to the possibility I still will eventually have to go through with surgery. It's very disturbing, because there is absolutely no way to know for sure my quality of life will be improved if I take the gall bladder out. The only guarantee is I wouldn't have the risk of a greater health problem if it's removed, not that I'd feel better overall. Once it's out, there's no going back, though, so I'm having some trouble with all of it. I just cannot make a fully informed decision and it will affect the rest of my life either way I go.

I STILL have been wearing lipstick, though, lol:

Day 20: Party Parrot (Sunday - went to a concert, which was really astoundingly good, even if I was feeling a bit fragile)
Day 21: Razzledazzler - this is a great lipstick that I need to feature a lot more often. I moved it into my heavy use, grab 'n go bag!
Day 22: Out for Passion Huggable on top of Fleur d'Coral. That was actually a really nice combo, with FdC adding just a touch of a peachy undertone and opacity to OFP, which is handy, since I've gotten a little sun and am needing extra warmth to wear soft pink now.

All in all, this has been a fun little challenge that has made me realize a few things:
1. I tend to cycle through my lipsticks pretty naturally already - I only had a few days where I had to force myself to not wear a lippie that I really love because I'd already used it (Touché, Pure Pout and Tender, I'm looking at you!)
2. If you want to use up a lipstick, you REALLY need to wear it regularly; like a few times a week. (I'm not a heavy re-applier, just 2-3x/day, so I won't get through one with less frequent use)
3. All my lipsticks are flattering on me - there really wasn't a dud yet. I know this is because I've got the sort of coloring that can handle a lot of different shades, but mostly because I only buy makeup in person and I give myself plenty of time to shop, so I can compare, contrast, let the color settle on my lips, etc. without feeling rushed. I've got colors that may have limited use because they're so dramatic, but they all look damn good.
4. Because of #2, I REALLY don't need to BU any more lipsticks unless it's seriously a color I would want to wear all the time when I want to look my absolute best. Just BU'ing an unusual color because there's a chance it'll never come around again is much less of a good reason to BU. I do have a very few like this that I'm glad about, like Go For It (Best Purple Ever) or Restrict (hasn't been a pale nude on me before or since like it), but just for a perfect shade of red or coral, nope, not going to be BUing for that. My low-buy plan is going to include no lipstick BUs more than 1-2x a year MAXIMUM.

Makes even a really rough day just a little bit brighter - and this has sure been the month to prove that for me!


Well-known member
Hey all, 'haven't been posting much the past few days - just trying to take care of my health. It looks like it's going to be time for the prescription meds and getting adjusted to the possibility I still will eventually have to go through with surgery. It's very disturbing, because there is absolutely no way to know for sure my quality of life will be improved if I take the gall bladder out. The only guarantee is I wouldn't have the risk of a greater health problem if it's removed, not that I'd feel better overall. Once it's out, there's no going back, though, so I'm having some trouble with all of it. I just cannot make a fully informed decision and it will affect the rest of my life either way I go.
If you don't mind me commenting - my Mom absolutely had to have her gall bladder removed 2yrs ago. She was at the point where the pain was so bad she couldn't catch her breath and was beginning to look like a corpse from the lack of air she was receiving to her lungs. She had gall stones in her gall bladder & duct. I don't know your situation, as I haven't been here for ages, but it was the best thing she did in regards to whether to keep it or lose it. Whatever you choose, just let it be the right decision for YOU. Don't let anyone, even Drs, pressure you into doing something you don't want to do - especially if you don't HAVE to do it.


Well-known member
Okay, ladies.

I've posted a couple times in regards to anything but a low-buy but I definitely need to go on one.

What are our rules? Do we make them up for ourself?

In the past month I've put about £1000 on the CC. This is what happens when I go roughly 10+ months without purchasing anything at all.. I end up going manic. So I just need to pace myself. Maybe allow myself a couple of items a month and call it a day. Or perhaps stick to a budget of maybe £50-£70 a month. What are you guys finding is working best for you?


Well-known member
If you don't mind me commenting - my Mom absolutely had to have her gall bladder removed 2yrs ago. She was at the point where the pain was so bad she couldn't catch her breath and was beginning to look like a corpse from the lack of air she was receiving to her lungs. She had gall stones in her gall bladder & duct. I don't know your situation, as I haven't been here for ages, but it was the best thing she did in regards to whether to keep it or lose it. Whatever you choose, just let it be the right decision for YOU. Don't let anyone, even Drs, pressure you into doing something you don't want to do - especially if you don't HAVE to do it.
When they get into the duct, it's cause for immediate surgery. In fact, this is why most doctors recommend taking it out right away, for fear that one day suddenly the duct would get blocked.

I don't have constant pain or attacks and I don't have internal inflammation or scar tissue (yet), but my digestion is very messed up and even with cutting out all fat, most meat and chicken, and even some vegetables with high mineral content. There's no surety that removing the gall bladder is going to fix that.

Did your mother have difficulty breathing because the gall bladder was so swollen, it was pressing against her lungs or diaphragm? Or was she just passing stones all the time and having the pain because of that. Also after it was removed, was she able to get back to a state where she was pain free and her digestion worked well, with a careful diet? I probably should have asked all this in a PM, but if you want to answer privately, I would really appreciate the help. Thanks!


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i have been doing great with my cosmetic purchases. from the by request i have only purchased hoop l/s and l/l. i also purchased velvet teddy. by this time last year i already purchased from most of the Mac collections such as Archie girls, Viva glam Nicki, fall forecast lip palette, all the lippies in the fashion set last year and Haley williams. I went crazy with baking beauties. this year i have only purchased from the Mac by request. I have rediscovered items i have in my stash and i have been using them up. i have been doing the 30 day lipstick challenge and i haven't even came close to using half my lippies. just wanted to share my progress.


Well-known member
Hey all, 'haven't been posting much the past few days - just trying to take care of my health. It looks like it's going to be time for the prescription meds and getting adjusted to the possibility I still will eventually have to go through with surgery. It's very disturbing, because there is absolutely no way to know for sure my quality of life will be improved if I take the gall bladder out. The only guarantee is I wouldn't have the risk of a greater health problem if it's removed, not that I'd feel better overall. Once it's out, there's no going back, though, so I'm having some trouble with all of it. I just cannot make a fully informed decision and it will affect the rest of my life either way I go. :clueless: I STILL have been wearing lipstick, though, lol: Day 20: Party Parrot (Sunday - went to a concert, which was really astoundingly good, even if I was feeling a bit fragile) Day 21: Razzledazzler - this is a great lipstick that I need to feature a lot more often. I moved it into my heavy use, grab 'n go bag! Day 22: Out for Passion Huggable on top of Fleur d'Coral. That was actually a really nice combo, with FdC adding just a touch of a peachy undertone and opacity to OFP, which is handy, since I've gotten a little sun and am needing extra warmth to wear soft pink now. All in all, this has been a fun little challenge that has made me realize a few things: 1. I tend to cycle through my lipsticks pretty naturally already - I only had a few days where I had to force myself to not wear a lippie that I really love because I'd already used it (Touché, Pure Pout and Tender, I'm looking at you!) 2. If you want to use up a lipstick, you REALLY need to wear it regularly; like a few times a week. (I'm not a heavy re-applier, just 2-3x/day, so I won't get through one with less frequent use) 3. All my lipsticks are flattering on me - there really wasn't a dud yet. I know this is because I've got the sort of coloring that can handle a lot of different shades, but mostly because I only buy makeup in person and I give myself plenty of time to shop, so I can compare, contrast, let the color settle on my lips, etc. without feeling rushed. I've got colors that may have limited use because they're so dramatic, but they all look damn good. 4. Because of #2, I REALLY don't need to BU any more lipsticks unless it's seriously a color I would want to wear all the time when I want to look my absolute best. Just BU'ing an unusual color because there's a chance it'll never come around again is much less of a good reason to BU. I do have a very few like this that I'm glad about, like Go For It (Best Purple Ever) or Restrict (hasn't been a pale nude on me before or since like it), but just for a perfect shade of red or coral, nope, not going to be BUing for that. My low-buy plan is going to include no lipstick BUs more than 1-2x a year MAXIMUM. & 5: I REALLY LOVE A BEAUTIFUL LIPSTICK!! :yaay: Makes even a really rough day just a little bit brighter - and this has sure been the month to prove that for me! :cloud9:
What a great post, Liba. First, I hope things get better very soon. I have a FB friend who had a gall bladder removed last year. She didn't talk about it too much, though. She seems to be doing and feeling well, though. I suspect you're being very thorough and researching so you can make your best decision. I love #3, esp "they all look damn good". I may have 1 or 2 that I don't love on me, but not many. Most seem to look good on me and I like so many colors that there are few that I wouldn't like. I can say that I've never backed up a lippie. (There is one that I wish I would have -Wild Bout You was a LE in the fall of 2006. A beautiful red-purple matte that I loved. I had just had back surgery, and as soon as I was allowed to drive I went to 3 different stores to find one. But that's the only one, really. Very good points that you've made. Oh and I haven't read your article yet, but I am going to.


Well-known member
Okay, ladies. I've posted a couple times in regards to anything but a low-buy but I definitely need to go on one. What are our rules?  Do we make them up for ourself? In the past month I've put about £1000 on the CC.  This is what happens when I go roughly 10+ months without purchasing anything at all.. I end up going manic.  So I just need to pace myself.  Maybe allow myself a couple of items a month and call it a day.  Or perhaps stick to a budget of maybe £50-£70 a month.  What are you guys finding is working best for you?
I'm like you in some ways - I go for a long period and buy little to nothing. Then I start feeling deprived and depressed, so I buy a bunch. I do notice that since I've come on here and read about the collection in advance, I plan better. I don't impulsively buy everything, and I don't rush myself to buy because I'm afraid it will all sell out. Now I make a preliminary list based on the color story, and once I see swatches and/or reviews, then I edit my list. Then when it goes on sale I know exactly what I want. I'm sure that there will be many more good tips given!


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Quote:Originally Posted by ahoythere

Thanks for welcoming me back PixieDancer, I have missed your amazingly positive warmth during my long absence!
Starlight77 I am loving your detailed breakdowns for each day, but I'm cracking up that you love EVERYTHING! I guess that's the best case scenario right?
Today I reached for Smoke & Diamonds e/s since I am selling my backups in the Clearance Bin and I wanted to know that I could let it go without any panic/remorse, and I wore it with my Technobeet Chromeglass (from a billion years ago but still in the box). Turns out I can def live without the shadow but who knew I'd love that outdated (color & texture) lipgloss????
Tomorrow I think I'll dip into some of my other taupe shadows since I have about 30 and they are all nearly the same color......



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Eyemazing April Wed 2nd Urban Decay Fun Palette (octopus one) Hmm so sellout is too intense for a brow highlight, then I Put way too much sellout over the lid too. I do like how it's brightened my eyes but overall the look is too shimmery. I'll come back to playing with sellout. Straydog through crease and as liner is ok. Maui wowie lower lashline: such an awesome colour I'd like to wear more. Mac teddy pencil upper waterline Illamasqua hex pencil lower waterline 17 doll eyes mascara brown


Well-known member
Day 1:MAC Lady Danger
Day 2: MAC Hot Chocolate
Day 3: MAC Pleasure Bomb
Day 4: Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in MAU5
Day 5: Revlon Colorburst Matte Balm in Shameless
Day 6: NYX Butter Gloss in Raspberry Tart
Day 7: Elizabeth Arden 8hr Lip Cream
Day 8: Urban Decay Revolution Lipstick in Venom
Day 9: NYX Mega Lipgloss in Tea Rose
Day 10: NYX Butter Lipstick in Hunk
Day 11: Lo'real Color Riche Extraordinaire Lip Color in Plum Adagio
Day 12: Bite Agave Lip Mask
Day 13:Lo'real Color Riche Extraordinaire Lip Color in Orange Tempo
Day 14:MAC Kissable Lip Color in Flaunting It
Day 15: NYX Butter Gloss in Vanilla Cream Pie.
Day 16: NYX Soft Matte Lip Creme in Monte Carlo
Day 17: NARS Lipstick in Schiap Awesome long lasting formula stayed on all day and not too drying for a matte
Day 18: NARS Lipstick in Honolulu Honey Alone this lippie can make my, let's face it full lips, look like Tyrone Biggums. I wear it with Cork Liner and a bit of MAC Boy Bait Cremesheen Glass. Awesome nude lip for me.
Day 19: Elizabeth Arden 8 hr Lip Cream I got really sick on this day and this is all I could manage on the lips
Day 20: NYX Soft Matte Lip Creme in Copenhagen

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