Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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Argh, so many posts to read and so little time! HerGreyness: Congrats to your freedom! I bet it's great to be finally free after all these years! Naynadine: Thumbs up for your dad coming home! Hope he'll get better asap. liba: Keep your head up! I hope things will get better for you. Alysse011: Congrats on the job offer! And my - how pretty you are! So, I'm back on the lipstick challenge. I'm trying to use a different lipstick every day whereas my eyelook has been the same for a few days because I can't find enough motivation to blend, use three different eyeshadows, smudge... and so on. So I've been using Maybelline's Color Tattoo Bad to the Bronze all over the lid and smudge a dark brown and a black eyeliner on my upper lashline to darken it a bit and woops - done! Day 1: MAC Hot Gossip Day 2: MAC Fanfare Day 3: Burt's Bees Tinted Lipbalm Pink Blossom Day 4: Burt's Bees Tinted Lipbalm Pink Blossom Day 5: Maybelline Blushing Beige Day 6: MAC On Hold Day 7: Astor Lip Butter Unguilty Pleasure Day 8: L'Oréal Extraordinaire Lipgloss Rose Finale Day9: MAC Viva Glam II Day 10 (yesterday): essence On the Catwalk Day 11: Dior Incognito - It was supposed to be MAC Brave but I can't find it anymore. I put it on in the morning and took it with me to the car because I never leave the house without a lipstick and now I can't find it anymore. Oh well. Need to do a proper search later on. I'm still fawning over the AA collection. I'm trying to save as much money as possible for it even though it won't be much, still. I'm a full time student and don't have a job for various reasons, so I need to see what I can get. If I had the chance, I would get every eyeshadow, at least one blush (probably the pinker one), one lipgloss and at least one lipstick. Realistically, I can only get probably two eyeshadows and a blush/or a lipstick and a lipgloss and a blush and that's already much. :macwallet:


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Woohoo fab news @Alysse! And glad to hear your Dad is home @Naynadine ((hugs)) for Liba More lippies: 20: Revlon Lip Butter in Berry Smoothie 21: Mac - Midnight Mambo. LOVE this so much.


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Quote:Originally Posted by Prettypackages

I'm no longer buying b/c I'm depressed, but I tend to buy frivolously, if there are things I want to try at home and I know I can return it. So for me, I need to take stock of what I have, what looks good on me, and buy what I need. (Yes I know, I don't need any of it). Like I don't need to buy the Anastasia brow pomade, until I get through my mac one,and other various pencils/powders. BUT of course, that new shiny thing always gets me, so I might just need to stay out of the stores period. LOL

Hope you feel better. I think we all go through a little depression every once in a while. Hang in there.


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@prettypackages. I hear you, I've been there. I think last year I was going through a dark time like that and my friends decided to do an intervention and ask me to seek counselor help cause I was just very unmotivated. (I had gone through some tough stuff) so I went to see a psych. Against everything I stand for I thought I was ok and this guy told me I was suffering from manic depression or something. I got SO MAD! I told him I didn't go there to be labeled, I wanted him to talk me through my shit, I didn't want pills, I stood up grabbed his notepad from his hands threw it across the room, russled his papers a lil bit (while he freaking out was calling reception I imagine calling security or somethig) and I told him I was NoT f-ing depressed. I was just going through some shit. So I went home and decided to snap out of it. I knew I was depressed I knew I needed help but I refused to let anyone tell me how I was going to feel. I spent a year working on making life changing desicions, assessing my life and what was making me sad. Some things you can't change, some things are just going to be the way they are. Some people are NOt coming back Into your life and you gotta cope with that. Death Sucks, it takes people you care away but you're alive and you owe it to them not to waste YOuR life. Breakups, men/ women come along your life everyday. evERY DAY! We just don't see them most of the time cause we keep our heads down in sorrow over others. A breakup? Think back why it really ended!? And if it had continued, if things that happened were going to be tolerated in the future. Think if this person was a good influence in your life, a constructive addition to your arsenal. If someone is not adding to your happiness, it's just sucking it away. Work: you don't like it!? MoVE ON! Don't be afraid of changing your job or even your field of work completely! Lower your standards of living and go for what you really like Yes I said that: lower your fken standards of living. Because we put up with a sucky job out being paid enough money to afford $50 worth of baby powder or to live in the swankiest place when we would be happier living smaller, simpler and doing something that could pay you less and give you less stress and you actually enjoy. Yup easier said than done right ? Not really. All you have to do is go for it, make a plan. Research. Invest time on it.. Don't sit and wait for life to go through. Fken get out and LIVE!


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Sorry if I came in too strong. I guess I just want you to take control. Shit happens but we can decide wether letting it affect you or take charge and make changes.


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Eyemazing April Thurs 3rd Lana del rey inspired look
Preped with Bobbi Brown tinted eye brightener, I really love this I need to start using it! I tried doing a bit of mac apres ski in the crease but I think I need to use a different brush to keep it sharper. Bobbi brown ink liner can GO! It's running out already and I've only used it twice, I dont like the line it gives and I really don't like the black wing! I'll experiment with different size wings in other colours though. Bobbi brown black coffee kajal on upper waterline and smudged lower lashline. Dior white kohl lower waterline. Ysl faux cils mascara.


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Well, Glam sold out before the By Request eyeshadows launched, so that collection turns out to be a skip for me. But tempting me to spend money, Mac UK have FINALLY put pro products online, could be dangerous...


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Was going to skip the VIB sale but I ended up getting two things..

1) Hourglass Mineral Veil SPF 15 Primer - bought the small size of this a while back and fell in love with it, I'm half finished it
2) Bite Deconstructed Rose Lip Gloss Library - couldn't pass this up (well in theory I probably could have, but you know..), I love rose scents and 11/12 colors are ones I'll wear.. plus I only have 1 lip gloss at the moment and it'll be nice to have a variety of smaller sizes for summer.

Skipping everything until maybe AA.. not sure how I feel about that collection yet.

I'm very happy with where I am right now - getting a lot of use of things and starting to finish off some products.


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Very beautiful girls on this thread, and with very flattering makeup!! I'm super happy that I've completely talked myself out of MAC limited edition collections altogether! I use my youtube channel as an excuse, limited edition isn't useful specially when it's released so late here in Spain. This is great because I have cut drastically on my hoarding, now I can spend a long time thinking what I want and not because I'm lemming! The bad thing is that I'm still spending sometimes, but I try to be clever and buy stuff that I need or have less of. Overall I'm not doing too badly, the most difficult for me is resisting offers, if I receive a discount I tend to go into an excited panicky must-get-something mood. Some I resist, other times I cave, lol.


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Day 1: L'Oreal Extraordinaire Fushia Drama - A tad to bright/blue toned and very much a statement - great on days where my clothes are really classic and I want a statement, i like the formula it is staying. Day 2: MAC Viva Glam Cyndi Lipstick - I don't wear this enough but I like it, going to keep for now and try to use more often. Day 3: Chanel Coco Rouge Shine in Romantic - An HG lippie, the perfect pink, bright enough to lift my face and give me colour without be over the top for work. This isn't that far from being finished and I wanted to repurchase, but only once i have been through all of my lippies and made sure I don't have anything like it. Day 4: Sleek Matte Me in Brink Pink - this went in the bin after - it is awful! It was too fluro for me and too drying I wiped it off before I even got to work! Day 5: Revlon Lip Butter in Wild Watermelon - I like this colour its a nice cross over, not too pink, not too red and not too orange. i like that it has no glitter and its a nice summer bright - keep pile Day 6: Revlon Lip Butter in Sorbet - LOVE, again a cream formula, no glitter/sparkle but nice and juicy looking, good staying power and leaves a nice stain. Keeping it! Day 7: Revlon Lip Butter in Sweet Tart - A more toned down version of Sorbet - again a nice cream, enjoyed wearing this, keeping it! Day 8: Revlon Lip Butter in Strawberry Shortcake - this one doesn't work too well on me its going in the disposal bag! The formula is again a cream, but its less juicy and more opaque, it clings to my dry bits in a way Sorbet and Sweet tart don't, also the colour is too baby pink with too much white in it, I don't think this works for me anymore, I prefer stronger colours with less white - this has gone in my disposal bag! Day 9: Revlon Lip Butter in Macaroon - this was my favorite originally, but now I think i prefer Sorbet and Sweet Tart ? I think it is a lovely colour, but this one has glitter in it, at the moment its staying, but tempted to move it to the disposal bag. A wait and see shade. Day 10: Revlon Lip Butter in Candy Apple - this is a stayer, again a clear juicy lip butter with no glitter, a very wearable red. its a a Keep. Day 11: Revlon Lip Butter in Tutti Frutti - think this might be leaving, lovely formula just don't think the colour works on me :-( The orange just doesn't look that amazing on my skin tone, i want to love it but i don't, its in the dispose bag. Day 12: L'Oreal Extraordinaire Rose Symphony for a girls shopping day - swapped for Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in 707 empire for a date! The L'Oreal is a good every day colour, staying in the keep pile, these are lovely opaque glosses that leave a slight stain, nice than the YSL glossy stains in my opinion. The Chanel is a favourite formula of mine, wish they hadn't discontinued it. I have been rationing this, but now I am not going too, i love it and should use it more. Day 13: Bourjois Shine Edition in Famous Fushia - hot pink, my favourite colour at the moment - not sure this is as good as Revlon Sorbet though ? Not sure if the formula of these are as good as the Revlon lip butters ? Its a keep for the moment, but once the 30 days are up I intend to play it off against Sorbet and only keep the best one! Day 14: Revlon Lip Butter in Juicy Papaya My last lip butter! definately a better colour on me that Tutti Fruiti so I may keep this as a peachy lip option! After a Full day of wear I am now not so sure....thinking this can go peach and orange don't seem to be my colours! Currently sitting in the "to go bag" Day 15: Bourjois Shine Edition in 21 Rouge Making of - a gorgeous orange toned red, no glitter/shimmer I love it....more than Candy Apple from Day 10: its less muted but still wearable. Hmmm, I may give these too a face off along with Revlon LB in Sorbet and BSE in Famous Fushia. Day 16: L'Oreal Extraordinaire Molto Mauve - wearing exactly the same make up as yesterday apart from the lippie! Definitley a keeper. Very wearable and moisturising too after a whole days wear. Day 17: Bourjois Rouge Edition in 17 Rose Millesime - hmmm its ok, a coral pink no glitter or shimmer, a cream but not shiney. Bog standard really and so far it looks ok and feels ok on the lips, but it is just ok. Day 18: Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in Empire....I love this and can't believe Chanel discontinued the formula...sad face, but I need to use it up and its definitely a stayer in my collection. Day 19: Revlon Colourburst in Blush - on the to go pile, I didn't love the colour on me anymore too brown and I think it smells a tad funny so am saying TTFN to this one! Day 20: Bourjois Rouge Shine Edition in 1,2,3 soleil - Orange/pink coral, like the formula no glitter but still not sure this is the best colour for me, its staying for now. Day 21: Clinique chubby Stick Intense in Plushest Punch - I am wearing minimal eye make up at the moment due to awful hayfever, I am waiting for my drugs to take full effect which can take up to a week so I went for a strong berry pink lip to be a statement since my eyes are all naked :-( I like this its a sample size from a gift with purchase, I will definitely use it up, but I suspect that I won't rush to repurchase it! Day 22: Max Factor Color Exlir in Bewitching Coral, now this has been sitting unloved in my storage since last summer, it always felt too bright....I tried it today and its love! the colour has a touch of red in the orange tones which makes it more wearable on me, as long as the formula doesn't do anything nasty to my lips as the day goes on this will be a keeper! UPDATE: It did nasty things! really dried my lips out and didn't reapply/wear well - out it goes! Day 23: I spent the day in the spa, it was bliss! I wore very little make up for obvious reasons, I wore Korres wild rose lip balm in the morning, its going out as i didn't like sticking my finger in it and its been open a while, I won't repuchase because of the pot. I also wore Bourjois Rouge Shine Edition in Rose xoxo, I like this, it is a lovely soft plum colour, but it does have a bit of glitter, it is a keeper for now. Day 24: L'Oreal Caresse in 101 Tempting Lilac, I like this, its a none shimmery version of yesterdays Rouge Edition Shine in Rose xoxo, I think it is a keeper. Although its is 2 years old now, so I need to make more effort to use it up before it does off. Haven't caught up with everyones posts from the last 2 days, will try to catch up over the weekend.


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I am leaving town tonight for the weekend so will be packing up a wee bag of essentials…. I think what I wore yesterday and will probably slap on today

I am trying to resist picking up some more Glam lipstick and maybe one of the others just because. I was showing my husband them last night {somebody posted an IG picture that makes them all look nice} and he said well at $36 a pop I think the 6 items you got yesterday is enough don't you? Uh baby this is MAC not Chanel ~~ they were $16 and he goes really is that all? So you like the PP and of course the Glam and went off looking all sneaky. So I am trying to resist hoarding more Glam. I told him if they were still available when I got back from my vacation on Monday I would consider it a sign I needed to buy more.

this is not me being crazy after a long dry spell… it is me knowing I will be sticking my back ups in the freezer and making sure I have plenty from here on out

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Sorry if I came in too strong. I guess I just want you to take control. Shit happens but we can decide wether letting it affect you or take charge and make changes.
Heck no girl! You betta Preach lol. Who was he to tell you your a manic depressed. Now one knows how you feel or whats going on in ones life. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I lost my job 3 years back and it put me in a not so nice place. I also found out who my real friends were...smh Eventually I got over it, although I still have some down days. But I had to remember its up to me to make a change & help/live myself first. So although im still looking I decided to go back school...again lol. So yeaaa for you! On the low buy note, i'm going to start my journey this month. Trying to use items each day of my stash & post end of month. I will treat myself from time to time, but I plan to use what I have & focus on clothes,shoes & Hair of course.


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Day 3 of Love It or Leave It April! Foundation: Revlone Colorstay Whipped 240 Natural Beige Concealer: CoverGirl Olay Concealer Balm in fair/light Blush: Wet n Wild Pearlescent Pink Bronzer: Milani Baked Bronzer in 04 Glow Lips: Urban Decay Revolution l/a in Turn On with Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie l/g in Hot Shot Eyes: Lorac Unzipped palette Mascara: Maybelline The Rocket


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Finally! Someone besides myself and Kristen who love the Chromeglass! I still have 3 of them and bring myself to part with them, even though they're so old. I have Sunmetal, Alreafy Fab, and Auto-de-Femme. What color is Technobeet?
Already Fab is SUCH A GOOD COLOR!!!! I also have Auto de Femme, Pinkocrasy, Prize Shine (to DIE for lavender), Technobeet and Metalberry (those two are identical colors, like a bronzey plum tinged rust). I have 3 of them up for swap/sale but I think I am puling them back out because they are SO GOOD. I mean just smooth like butter, but lightweight, and with shimmer-frost that is somehow super flattering even on my crinkled lips. I am impressed, even though they are like...what....8 years old? hah.

Audrey C

Well-known member
Today's look:

NARS Daydream blush
MAC Adores MSF
HG Diffused LIght

UDPP in Sin
Inglot neutral shades (341, 360, 402, 397)
Tarte Smolder Eyes in Plum
MUFE Smoky Extravagant Mascara in Black

MAC Chicory liner
MAC Meteoric CSG (almost done!)


Well-known member
Sorry if I came in too strong. I guess I just want you to take control. Shit happens but we can decide wether letting it affect you or take charge and make changes.
No you weren't to strong at all. I'm appalled at how quick he was to label you. I am finally coming out of mine, but still appreciate your words.


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lippie today: NARS Matte pencil / Sex Machine

just cause I am pissed off.. lol

Mosha, most shrinks are certifiable.. they are all supposed to have their own shrink( by law) .. lol. Just so they don't go off the deep end. Don't put much credence to them... a lipstick makes me feel much better!


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lippie today:  NARS Matte pencil / Sex Machine just cause I am pissed off.. lol Mosha, most shrinks are certifiable.. they are all supposed to have their own shrink( by law) .. lol.  Just so they don't go off the deep end.  Don't put much credence to them... a lipstick makes me feel much better!
Oh I know. I went to college for social work (and computer engeering lol. Oddly so) and that's how it pissed me off cause the guy only spoke with me for 20min. And I was suddenly prescribed stuff. I got enraged ! So to spite him I made a shitstorm decision of stop being sad and be awesome instead and it worked, my life is not perfect but I snapped out my funk! I seriously wish Id run Into him now. Why are you enraged darking? (Dark lippy darling lol corny but I'm going w it) we have minions around the word that would kick some butt if necessary. Say the word !


Well-known member
Why are you enraged darking? (Dark lippy darling lol corny but I'm going w it) we have minions around the word that would kick some butt if necessary. Say the word !
good for you.. I always prefer to get mad and not stupid.. lol.

I am pissed majorly big time at Bert..
he knows I leave in a week, and all of a sudden has moment of jealousy.. like, where will you be? who will you be seeing? how come you are staying more than 2 weeks? ...good grief. I am a working woman in charge of my own life. I am not married to him.. maybe never at this point. but I will not be manipulated to feeling bad because I have to travel, and yes, I do have meetings with a lot of men who run businesses too.. argh argh argh.

lol @ darking .. I like it! I feel like letting the air out of his tires..

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