Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
thank you lyseD.. that is very kind of you.

it's true I have at least organized some of my personal makeup.. but it still needs a lot of weeding out.

this thread has helped me think about it at least.. and that's a good thing.
See, there ya go!


Well-known member
ouch Mosha.. somthing wrong with quotes on here today.

that's got to be horrible.. so sorry for your coworkers. the market sucks -- again. it's going thru a new correction and it might be a little rocky yet again. So, what the hell, spend it while you can.. lol

at least that's what I have been doing the last two days (market correction). I will drop dead of a heart attack watching tickers and have on a great lipstick.. who cares?

don't worry darling.. you will be fine. You have the spunk and moxie which many wish they did.. so you are lucky.


I confess I have been very very bad. I don't want to elaborate now.. but it's been a hellacious week, and it's only tuesday. I leave in two days -- and I have been turned inside out.

my lippie today> Stila Beso.. a crazed red for a crazed woman

with perversion liner -- in case I wilted and cried again.. lol


Well-known member
I feel the same way. There are things I've skipped and things I've indulged in, but everyone here has a unique perspective on what it means to think about cosmetics, one's purchases in general, and all the emotions that lie beneath it all. One person can say something totally off the cuff that will be THE mind-blowing insight for someone else. You know you've brought that to plenty of people here, even if you get enthusiastic and come home with a new foundation for every day of the week.

See, there ya go!

love you Liba


Well-known member
@Glitteryvegas, @mosha010, @PixieDancer, @burghchick - thank you (and everyone) for your kind words & thoughts in my moments of weakness. I am feeling much better today, just a mild headache lingering, and I didn't buy anything!

I am not much of a social butterfly, in fact due to moving around so much in my life I would say I have zero close friends other than my partner - I'm a bit of a self-proclaimed hermit, introvert and geek. Most of the time I'm totally happy with the way things are but I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support when I have nowhere else to turn - times like that really shows who has your back and I will jump at the opportunity to return the favour if you ever need me! I'd love to continue to develop friendships with the fabulous women I have "met" here. Sending you all much love.

Now, back to being consumed with excitement for my "virgin" Vegas trip at the end of April!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by mosha010

ouch Mosha.. somthing wrong with quotes on here today.

that's got to be horrible.. so sorry for your coworkers. the market sucks -- again. it's going thru a new correction and it might be a little rocky yet again. So, what the hell, spend it while you can.. lol

at least that's what I have been doing the last two days (market correction). I will drop dead of a heart attack watching tickers and have on a great lipstick.. who cares?

don't worry darling.. you will be fine. You have the spunk and moxie which many wish they did.. so you are lucky.


I confess I have been very very bad. I don't want to elaborate now.. but it's been a hellacious week, and it's only tuesday. I leave in two days -- and I have been turned inside out.

my lippie today> Stila Beso.. a crazed red for a crazed woman

with perversion liner -- in case I wilted and cried again.. lol
Awww don't cry! It's just hair and it'll grow or u can dye it again. It's just hair. Plus i know you're stressing over the trip and venting w the shopping. It's ok. We all do it and just don't beat yourself about it. You have a lot of stress so don't add yourself feeling guilty to it. Well at work my dept is safe and at the risk of sounding cocky I know my job is safe (it's needed) but then who knows. It just sucks for everyone I know that's leaving And stila Beso!!? I love that red. It's for kickass women. So there.


Well-known member
*takes a deep breath* All this new info has thrown me for a loop! Oh low buy help me! Lol. Hoping once more promos and swatches pop up I can look in my stash and buy accordingly. I've done pretty well so far. Ive bought three lippies so far this year. I'm skipping Pedro, Proenza, and the sephora sale. Only getting two lippies from playland. And a maybe on the Malificent beauty powder. AA, Moody Blooms, KnS....thats another story! Thank you everyone! It's almost liberating sharing it with you. Everyone that sees my stash are always shocked. I mean, they know we don't have a lot of money. And don't have much. So I think they wonder about it. I feel like everyone judges me. It's so good to know I can come to a place that doesn't judge me :heart: I actually havent used that Too Faced smoked palette much. I bought it quite some time ago. I might have to dig it out and start using it!
[@]singer82[/@] well done for posting your stash! Brave to face it! Wheres everybody at!? Awful quiet since the collection info leak....
If you want to try a CC or DD cream, Marcelle works surprisingly well on me on my redder days(Better than the Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer). Good for you!! :) :) Another good for you!! I didn't do quite as well, but most were planned since last December. :p Tempted by the Clinique blush, but I have so many blushes right now.... :p Thanks for the pictures! (I have that too faced smokey eye palette! It doesn't get much use right now, how about you?). I will look up that name, thank you! Good plan, I have been going through my stuff, I need to do that a bit more. Good plan. I keep repeating to myself 'There will always be another'. Which thread? I keep seeing info about it everywhere... was it the list? I keep seeing the word 'colourstory' and then what I see is a list with prices and finishes :p I keep expecting to see colours! I am getting that way as well. Great progress!! Aside from my trip to the States and my visit to the Warehouse sale (Where I behaved fairly well) I have been doing really well. Sephora sale included 95% only items I have been planning for since the last sale (one brush, naked 3) with one summer lipstick and, one summer BB cream, and that tiny tarte set. Am getting back on my 'use two up buy one', I counted 2 finished lipsticks against the new coral lippie I bought at the Sephora sale. Now will save up 'credits' for the November sale. Doing better at resisting sales. I resisted the lip/nail polish set sephora has put up (Very nice, but I am buried in similar, some of it just purchased) and a hello kitty Sephora makeup compact at Winners (Was so sad I missed those, but I have two others now, I should stop buying things just because they are in the set!). So all in all, getting back on track! Not doing the '30 days 30 lipsticks' as I am in the 'use it up' thread trying to use up a few, it would take me FOREVER at that rate lol. Even now I have about 5 lipsticks that are 3/4 used up and I hit pan on 8 eyeshadows. Which is great, but when it is so many at once they just won't die! :p
Hope you're feeling better @Deesea ! Try to resist buying... especially since you're feeling poorly. Not the right reason to fall off the wagon! Stay Strong! EXACTLY! Now that all my makeup is all neatly organized and stored, I really feel bad adding too much to it! Collections seem to get a little redundant after awhile as well. Last year I would've lost my shit over the AA Collection, but now I'm going to be fine with only a few items... and honestly don't even need that! Good job getting yourself organized. Knowing and SEEING everything you have will help SO much in the long run! HeeHee I think I am surviving the info ok! Who woulda thought!? I am going to do the same with the MSFN. Seems they are adding a mirror to the compact, which is an unnecessary "luxury" that we will certainly have to pay for... hello price increase! I already have 2 BU's but I may grab 2 more. And I like VE too, but we are all sold out on the MAC website in the US. But I do have 3 BU's, which should tied me over until I can find a good product to replace it. Let me know if you find anything that measures up to VE! WELCOME!! We ALL understand the dreaded by alluring "discount curse!" Try to organize and evaluate your stash and get a better idea of what you actually have accumulated. It's helped so many of us cut back. And purge products that you aren't loving. We even have a low-buy swap/sale thread if you want to unload some unloved stuff! Awwww! Your new avi is so cute... but sad! Why that frown? And you can def calm down on the color story overload! I'm sure much of it is not that unique in the long run!!  We love you too low-buy sister!  Oh be careful with this justification. Comparing your spending to others can be a dangerous slippery slope. Always try to keep your stash in perspective in relation to you and your personal needs! Trust me, I speak from experience. In the Entertainment field, so many people have LOADS of makeup, wardrobe, etc. I used to think I didn't have as much as someone else, so it was ok that I was overspending. However, the spending is spending. And money wasted on things we won't sufficiently use or need is still money wasted. Regardless of whether or not that other person has wasted more. Their bills are not yours and yours are not theirs. One way or another, we all have to face the reality of our spending. That reality can be whatever you want it to be. A painful, debt hole that you feel suffocated by, OR a nice little savings nest egg for your future. It's your choice. And no one here will ever make you feel bad for spending or not spending. Just know what's best for YOU and YOUR future. I promise, no one else will.  And I know you deserve all those goodies after some of the tough stuff you've been through! So make sure you find a way to enjoy it! Don't let it sit and gather dust. Put it on that pretty face!!


Well-known member
@Mosha I can't seem to quote either, but that really sucks about all those people being laid off. I'm glad your job is safe. Your avi is super cute (even though I get confused when people change them!) @HerGreyness let it all out hun, no judging here. You've got a lot on your plate right now. But ooh 2 days to Italy! I know it's a business trip but still exciting stuff. (I'm going to Italy in the summer on vacation, can't wait) I'm overwhelmed by all the new info. At the moment there are a ton of things on my want list, but I *think* I am getting better at cutting way down once I actually get to swatch products for myself. I'm not even going to try skip completely but I think that I'll find close enough dupes for a lot of my wishes already in my collection once I'm able to take a step back and look more rationally.


Well-known member
I'm sorry you have to deal with friends acting weird about your collection of makeup. I've got a friend who does that sort of crap and you know how I nipped it in the bud? I'd always offer to do her makeup for her if we got together before going out. I come up with a nice new look for whatever outfit she's got on and I always make her skin and eyes look particularly great. She stopped acting judgmental and started being all eager for me to do her face for her instead. BAM!

On another note: No huge deal about worrying about your lists for the new collections! I'm sure I will see all the collections and will do my usual talk-a-thon and will be happy to make some individual suggestions for you personally. Just let me know what you want me to take a peek at. This way you won't have to stress out so much about buying before trying, since I know you're not able to get to a counter so easily.

Quote: Originally Posted by jennyap

@Mosha I can't seem to quote either, but that really sucks about all those people being laid off. I'm glad your job is safe. Your avi is super cute (even though I get confused when people change them!)

@HerGreyness let it all out hun, no judging here. You've got a lot on your plate right now. But ooh 2 days to Italy! I know it's a business trip but still exciting stuff. (I'm going to Italy in the summer on vacation, can't wait)

I'm overwhelmed by all the new info. At the moment there are a ton of things on my want list, but I *think* I am getting better at cutting way down once I actually get to swatch products for myself. I'm not even going to try skip completely but I think that I'll find close enough dupes for a lot of my wishes already in my collection once I'm able to take a step back and look more rationally.
Trying everything yourself first is the BEST thing! It really separates the men from the boys about which is perfect and which is only OK. Sometimes it might end up with unexpected loves, but if you already have a budget, and know what's missing in your stash (and bring some things you think might be dupes), it's not really that hard to keep a lid on it. You've got the anti-bloat triple threat right there, plus like I was saying, I'll always do my thing. Sometimes I don't get a good look until a week before, but if you're going to a store instead of frenzy-buying online, that won't matter.



Well-known member
I have been a VERY naughty low-buyer. It physically hurt a little bit to type this post.

Today I bought 2 MSFNs and 2 Vibrancy Eyes. I just can't deal with the whole "change or discontinue everything Veronika uses daily" thing that MAC's doing to me right now. I also bought a Careblend powder to see if I like it as much as MSFN which will be $37 CAD with the price increase. I got a sneak peak at the new packaging which I feel kind of icky about (same kind of packaging as the new mineralize eyeshadow quads). Bleh. And Modesty because I realized I have no other nude lipsticks except Chanel Boy which I'm not ready to rotate into everyday use yet.

Over the past week or so.. A couple blue mascaras. An eyebrow gel. A nude eyeliner. (All things I didn't have in my stash.) Not to mention *several* drugstore lip products I've bought recently along with 2 more of the Patentpolish ones from MAC.. and 1 Dior. I think that's everything.. EEEK!!! My goal for the year is well in the rear-view mirror and turning into a tiny dot in the distance lol. Once I started cycling through my products and using things up it rekindled my love for makeup which I'm happy about. However, YIKES! March was a no-buy and April was an everything-buy.. I'm well stocked with pretty much everything now.. lol. Shouldn't need to go anywhere to look at anything for a very long time..

Don't worry, I'm on my way to the low-buy Time Out Corner and will be firmly planted there for a few months..
Tell me about Modesty, it's been on my list for ages.


Specktra Bestie
Just wanted to poke my head in and say how much I'm loving reading everyone's lipstick-a-day posts. I did a thirty day "sprint" a while back and it was a great way to get to know some of my lipsticks. I wanted to mix things up as much as possible. I'm still trying to make sure that I divide up my love between different colour groups, just to make sure that everything get some wear. Unfortunately, my lips have been in horrible shape lately, so I'm mostly just slathering balm on myself. This seems to happen every time Spring arrives.

I didn't start out too well with the low-buy, but I have gotten a lot better in the last month. I got laid off from work at the end of January and am now beginning the process of starting my own business. Scary but exciting. It means that I have less time and less money to do makeup shopping, which is just as well because I am seriously running out of places to put all my stuff. My wish list never gets shorter, of course, but I'm trying to be cautious about what I buy because I'm certain that I have dupes for SO MANY THINGS at this point. I just need to keep telling myself that.

Anyway, look forward to seeing more results from lipstick month, ladies!!!


Well-known member
Just wanted to poke my head in and say how much I'm loving reading everyone's lipstick-a-day posts. I did a thirty day "sprint" a while back and it was a great way to get to know some of my lipsticks. I wanted to mix things up as much as possible. I'm still trying to make sure that I divide up my love between different colour groups, just to make sure that everything get some wear. Unfortunately, my lips have been in horrible shape lately, so I'm mostly just slathering balm on myself. This seems to happen every time Spring arrives.

I didn't start out too well with the low-buy, but I have gotten a lot better in the last month. I got laid off from work at the end of January and am now beginning the process of starting my own business. Scary but exciting. It means that I have less time and less money to do makeup shopping, which is just as well because I am seriously running out of places to put all my stuff. My wish list never gets shorter, of course, but I'm trying to be cautious about what I buy because I'm certain that I have dupes for SO MANY THINGS at this point. I just need to keep telling myself that.

Anyway, look forward to seeing more results from lipstick month, ladies!!!

Best of luck Katred, I am sure you will have great success!

I am in here too.. lol..if only to try to get a grip on my stash which is verging on hoarder territory.


Well-known member
I heard Bobbi Brown's new skin foundation stick is supposed to be nice, Wayne Goss recommended it :D I tried it at Sephora, and it blended seamlessly.
I currently use Nars Sheer Glow, and I get so many compliments on my skin when I wear it, it has great coverage as well. Sorry, I know this is a low buy thread!


Well-known member
@Glitteryvegas , @mosha010 , @PixieDancer , @burghchick - thank you (and everyone) for your kind words & thoughts in my moments of weakness.  I am feeling much better today, just a mild headache lingering, and I didn't buy anything!  I am not much of a social butterfly, in fact due to moving around so much in my life I would say I have zero close friends other than my partner - I'm a bit of a self-proclaimed hermit, introvert and geek.  Most of the time I'm totally happy with the way things are but I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support when I have nowhere else to turn - times like that really shows who has your back and I will jump at the opportunity to return the favour if you ever need me!  I'd love to continue to develop friendships with the fabulous women I have "met" here.  Sending you all much love.  :grouphug: Now, back to being consumed with excitement for my "virgin" Vegas trip at the end of April!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!
I'm so glad that your headache went away and that things are better. I totally understand what you mean about being a loner. I am the same way except I don't even have a partner. I also have moved around a bit and that really does make it hard to make and keep friendships. I have friends in many different states, but no super close friends. Most of the time I'm fine with that, but when you're upset it is nice to have someone to talk to. I suspect many people shop when they're upset, too. It takes my mind off of whatever is bothering me. Most of the time I think I'm handling things really well, but probably not! I'm so glad that the people here helped you feel better. I really enjoy having these boards to talk to other like-minded people. And I'm happy to be here any other time you need to talk to someone. :peace:


Well-known member
Day 1:MAC Lady Danger
Day 2: MAC Hot Chocolate
Day 3: MAC Pleasure Bomb
Day 4: Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in MAU5
Day 5: Revlon Colorburst Matte Balm in Shameless
Day 6: NYX Butter Gloss in Raspberry Tart
Day 7: Elizabeth Arden 8hr Lip Cream
Day 8: Urban Decay Revolution Lipstick in Venom
Day 9: NYX Mega Lipgloss in Tea Rose
Day 10: NYX Butter Lipstick in Hunk
Day 11: Lo'real Color Riche Extraordinaire Lip Color in Plum Adagio
Day 12: Bite Agave Lip Mask
Day 13:Lo'real Color Riche Extraordinaire Lip Color in Orange Tempo
Day 14:MAC Kissable Lip Color in Flaunting It
Day 15: NYX Butter Gloss in Vanilla Cream Pie.
Day 16: NYX Soft Matte Lip Creme in Monte Carlo
Day 17: NARS Lipstick in Schiap
Day 18: NARS Lipstick in Honolulu Honey
Day 19: Elizabeth Arden 8 hr Lip Cream
Day 20: NYX Soft Matte Lip Creme in Copenhagen
Day 21:Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in Plum Valour
Day 22: MAC Hug Me
Day 23: MAC Deeply Adored
Day 24: MAC RiRi Woo
Day 25: OCC Lip Tar in Black Dahlia this is the first time I've ever had a lip product get away from me. It was a bit messy and because of the color it was obvious when it got outside of the line. Next time I'll pair it with a liner and use less. I love this color and got several compliments on it.


Well-known member
It's pretty obvious by the Sephora thread alone that I've been having a bit of a relapse. I was doing fairly well until this sale hit and all hell broke loose.

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