Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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Now that the flurry of new collection info and Sephora sale has died down I'm back into "Use It Up" mode! Have I mentioned how painfully long it takes to finish things?

- I put my new Bite lipgloss mini set away until I finish the 2 glosses I have open (1 is really close to being done, the other is barely used). I did keep the one Bite mini out that I used to test and make sure I was keeping the set. The mini Buxom I got with a 100 point perk is also hidden away for later.

- I have 3/4 eyeliners left:
MUFE 19L Light Taupe - Once I finish this I'm planning to use my MAC Dirty Blond Brow Gelcreme for a brown eyeliner.
MUFE 4L Plum - <3
MUFE 3L Navy - This looked too harsh on me so I hardly wore it, but then I put the L'Oreal Infallible Silkissime highlighter shade on top - didn't really like this one either - but the combo was a nice slate blue-grey color. Yay to using up 2 'undesirables' at once!

- Used up 1/5 of the lipsticks I'm working on. Added a lot to this area of my collection lately so it kind of felt like I went backwards.. but now I'll remember this feeling and hopefully avoid doing it again. Last night I tried on every single one of my lip products and I "loved" about 70% and "liked" the rest. After summer is over I'll be doing another purge of my least favorite shades.

- STILL working on my Painterly Paint Pot.. I got a new one about a month ago because I thought I was almost done but the tiny ring around the edge is just hanging on..

- Eyeshadows and blushes? Ask me in 10 years.

My plan of attack now is to write down everything that I feel like I want from now until November's Sephora sale in a big list and then compare it to how many items I use up per year. Hopefully that will keep me grounded. Happy to report that the current number of items on the list is zero. I might want a mini eyeliner set if there is one, or a mini set of buxom lipglosses.. depending on where I'm at in those areas in 6 months or so.

MAC collections I'm just not feeling it.. which is good. Lol.


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I made it through Glamour Shopping Week without placing an order, woot!
I think I only bought two MAC LE items this year so far, Petal Power and Woodrose, can't think of anything else right now. I could've done without both I guess, especially PP. It's pretty, but being perfectly honest it's a little too shimmery so I haven't reached for it much.

My list for Alluring Aquatic is the nude Lustre lippie and Golden bronzer. I don't think I'll have the extra funds to get Lorelei e/s.

Have been thinking about investing in hot rollers. My hair is so thin, flat and soft (like baby hair, lol) and I've tried pretty much everything to give it waves, or at least some volume, except those.


Well-known member
I made it through Glamour Shopping Week without placing an order, woot!
I think I only bought two MAC LE items this year so far, Petal Power and Woodrose, can't think of anything else right now. I could've done without both I guess, especially PP. It's pretty, but being perfectly honest it's a little too shimmery so I haven't reached for it much.

My list for Alluring Aquatic is the nude Lustre lippie and Golden bronzer. I don't think I'll have the extra funds to get Lorelei e/s.

Have been thinking about investing in hot rollers. My hair is so thin, flat and soft (like baby hair, lol) and I've tried pretty much everything to give it waves, or at least some volume, except those.
Good job on avoiding orders! I find it really useful if I go back and think about what I've purchased or skipped and how I felt about it like a week or two later. Realizing you could have done without something is really motivating for avoiding future purchases.

I'm slightly interested in the nude Lustre from AA as well (that or the rose Cremesheen) but I hope there's some better swatches before it launches. I would go to the counter but for LE collections (especially ones with special packaging), I wouldn't be able to make it there before things sold out.


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This is my blush box. I've got them out of their boxes and ready to encourage me to rummage for good colours, a big change! My beauty aim is to get my stash fitting into two of these boxes, as I've got a box for lipsticks, eye products and a small box for face products currently.


Well-known member
Have been thinking about investing in hot rollers. My hair is so thin, flat and soft (like baby hair, lol) and I've tried pretty much everything to give it waves, or at least some volume, except those.
This is actually a pain but I have a LOT of very fine, flat hair. A LOT. Most people do not realize I have fine hair because there is so very very much of it.... not just length wise but amount wise. Hairdressers have complained since I was in my teens about how much hair I have and how long it takes to dry simply because I have so much of it. I have used hot rollers and then used to shake out the curls with my head upside down while spraying on tons and tons of hair spray. Hey it was the 80's! But for long lasting no hairspray or gel needed curls the best thing I found was el cheap-o sponge curlers. I used to wash my hair at night and towel dry then put them in rollers. When my hair was long I used to piggy back the curlers...2 to 3 per strand. The curls lasted for days and days with no product usage to maintain. And trust me I used everything ... steam rollers, hot rollers, curling irons etc etc. They are very comfortable to sleep in and come in various sizes. I used to use the large ones with maybe a few mediums near my nape so that the tighter curls would lift up the hair from underneath. This is what I am talking about:

Conair, Goody, Videl Sassoon, Hollywood etc lots of places produce them and also in economy packs with various sizes. I used to buy whatever I could find at the local drugstore at the time. If I were not married I would be all over the sponge rollers still because I really dislike having flat hair all the time. But I think my husband would freak out if I came to bed in them.... Seriously I would set my hair a couple of times a week but I am blessed in not producing a lot of sebum so can get away without washing my hair. Google came up with several you tube tutorials and there are several articles on how to achieve various looks. I did not like the sponge rods myself although I believe they are to mimic the old rag curlers so might be worth a look again.... if I did not think my husband would worry about my deciding I wanted to buy a housecoat and sit around in curlers all the time. Oi.

Your comment made me realize how much I miss using them. I actually only wash my hair once every week to 10 days now so I think sleeping in curlers that infrequently might be acceptable. I do own hot curlers and a bottle of hair spray for when he wants me to doll up. I just have to wash my hair afterwards because I of the hairspray funkiness and my hair is past waist length so a hassle to wash and comb out so I avoid all of that. Most often I just pin it up or braid it if I want something other than strait and man okay I miss curls



Well-known member
adding you can always just buy a set in largest size for about the price of a lipstick at drugstore and then if you like them add more for more hair being curled {to root instead of say just ends or to root whole head vs just in front with just ends everywhere else or less hair per roller so tighter curls etc etc} or size of curls. They are pretty inexpensive here although I was shocked by google prices. The internet seems to charge a LOT more than I have seen them for in person


Well-known member
aha here is the flip over and shake out look that I used to do but this gal used the velcro curlers instead of hot rollers: I think it looks nice or is it terribly dated? Ladies weigh in before I horrify my husband with sleeping in curlers PLEASE


Well-known member
aha here is the flip over and shake out look that I used to do but this gal used the velcro curlers instead of hot rollers: I think it looks nice or is it terribly dated? Ladies weigh in before I horrify my husband with sleeping in curlers PLEASE
I want! Doesn't look dated to me but I don't follow trends (neon? skip! orange lipstick? skip!). I also have tons of fine flat hair.. Finally found my hairdresser soulmate, but my hair really only looks amazing and volumized when she styles it for me.

I know I wouldn't be able to sleep in the big velcro ones but I'm game to try some others. I had some foamy ones in the past but they just made too many kinks. Maybe there's some better ones out now.


Well-known member
ah veronika~~ the trick to the foam or sponge rollers is to move the bar to be underneath the roller that is close to your scalp.... let me see if I can find a picture...

she has shoulder length and is a vintage loving knitter which is how I know her site... I recognized her face so clicked.

I used velcro once or twice and I could hear my hair ripping. The curls also ended up fuzzy as all get out because they ends clung to the velcro. Shudders. I didn't use papers or setting gel at all but I have been clicking on links since I started looking up information and it seems very few gals actually sleep in their curlers anymore but just do a quick mist or setting gel then set in curlers. I still maintain that I could hold a curl until wash day {or rain!!!} if I slept in my curlers. Even with hair at mid back I used to piggy back my curlers ~~ by that I mean I wrapped the strand around curler and felt the curler was too full to dry by morning and finished strand with another curler {or two!} That was when I went for ringlets. I paid for a perm once and ummm they charged me over $200 for my hair length so yeah I learned to set my own hair right quick. This was when I was right around 1990 so crazy expensive. I don't know why I always say 80's... it was late 80's early 90's when I was all about the curly hair. Easier than piggy backing was just using smaller sections of hair or just doing the ends for back .... I always likes more curls near my face for framing purposes and the back could just curl towards end... It was if I had worn a cap over back of head so all the rollers were at base of nape and lots near face if that makes sense


Well-known member
ah veronika~~ the trick to the foam or sponge rollers is to move the bar to be underneath the roller that is close to your scalp.... let me see if I can find a picture...
Hmm.. I'll have to practice! Thanks.


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This is actually a pain but I have a LOT of very fine, flat hair. A LOT. Most people do not realize I have fine hair because there is so very very much of it.... not just length wise but amount wise. Hairdressers have complained since I was in my teens about how much hair I have and how long it takes to dry simply because I have so much of it. I have used hot rollers and then used to shake out the curls with my head upside down while spraying on tons and tons of hair spray. Hey it was the 80's! But for long lasting no hairspray or gel needed curls the best thing I found was el cheap-o sponge curlers. I used to wash my hair at night and towel dry then put them in rollers. When my hair was long I used to piggy back the curlers...2 to 3 per strand. The curls lasted for days and days with no product usage to maintain. And trust me I used everything ... steam rollers, hot rollers, curling irons etc etc. They are very comfortable to sleep in and come in various sizes. I used to use the large ones with maybe a few mediums near my nape so that the tighter curls would lift up the hair from underneath. This is what I am talking about:

Conair, Goody, Videl Sassoon, Hollywood etc lots of places produce them and also in economy packs with various sizes. I used to buy whatever I could find at the local drugstore at the time. If I were not married I would be all over the sponge rollers still because I really dislike having flat hair all the time. But I think my husband would freak out if I came to bed in them.... Seriously I would set my hair a couple of times a week but I am blessed in not producing a lot of sebum so can get away without washing my hair. Google came up with several you tube tutorials and there are several articles on how to achieve various looks. I did not like the sponge rods myself although I believe they are to mimic the old rag curlers so might be worth a look again.... if I did not think my husband would worry about my deciding I wanted to buy a housecoat and sit around in curlers all the time. Oi.

Your comment made me realize how much I miss using them. I actually only wash my hair once every week to 10 days now so I think sleeping in curlers that infrequently might be acceptable. I do own hot curlers and a bottle of hair spray for when he wants me to doll up. I just have to wash my hair afterwards because I of the hairspray funkiness and my hair is past waist length so a hassle to wash and comb out so I avoid all of that. Most often I just pin it up or braid it if I want something other than strait and man okay I miss curls

Thank you for the tips :) I have tried different soft rollers, although not like the ones in your link. I also bought one pack of those big velcro ones to try, but that didn't really work.
I don't really like having rollers in over night, so I liked the idea of hot rollers, to pop them in, do my makeup etc in the meantime, and have volume when I take them out. But maybe that would be too good to be true. I've been reading Amazon reviews but couldn't really decide wether to get some, or which ones.
I'll look for those foam rollers next time I go drugstore shopping.

You're lucky you don't have to wash your hair often, I could never ever go that long. I wash them every day or every 2nd. They get greasy fast and also I sweat easily, for whatever reason.
My hair is pretty long too, I guess that's another reason why curls etc dont really last. I've been wanting to chop a good bit off again (still keep it long though), but I hate going to the hairdresser. Always did. Last time I went was end of last year and I've been dreading it since. She kept telling me how terribly thin my hair is and how extremely huge my forehead, so I left there feeling anything but pretty and don't wanna go back. I've had them all one length since childhood, but I have been meaning to get bangs for a while to at least try and hide my forehead a little bit, but the two hairdessers I last went to didn't cut it how I wanted it so I ended up cutting the bangs myself. Maybe I look crazy, but it can't be worse than what they did, lol.


Well-known member
Oh No do not go to a hair dresser that makes you feel terrible about yourself. That is horrid! From my google searching a lot of gals are blow drying their hair, putting in some setting lotion, adding curlers while hair is still warm then doing make-up or what not for about half an hour. Maybe blast with a wee bit of heat after put in rollers and letting them cool. You could also mist with a water and setting lotion solution so that the hair is not soaking wet and dries quickly while doing your morning breakfast, getting dressed, make-up routine.

Honestly I knew a lot of gals who used to shower, blow dry hair, put in curlers then eat, dress, make up etc etc and take out curlers at last possible minute. I did use hot rollers for a while but hated all the hair spray especially once I really grew my hair long because of the washing. If you do not mind washing your hair every other day then it makes no difference for you if you use setting lotions or hair spray. Re hair spray I always removed hot rollers, flipped over and sprayed the underside and finger combed, shook our curls, or brushed from underneath then flipped upright. That way my hair that boyfriend would touch and others would see was still touchable and had movement but the underpinnings would maintain the volume. Rather like a bra
Oh dear I didn't just say that


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Day 22 Style Curve. Omg think this is my fav newly discovered again lippies. Such an awesome color! Then leaves a pretty lip stain :love:


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So I stuck to my budget at imats! Yay! Only went over like $40 bucks extra cause I found that organic aloe Vera lotion thing and I had to get it cause my skin is so dry and ridic and after I tried this it was like putting cold water on a burn.... . Anyway. I had a strict budget of $300. And a list. I actually got less things than my list : at hakuhodo I didn't go crazy cause I had already gotten Wayne goss and sigma ones... Lime crime was the big bill of the night and I went over the list. But I went to sugarpill and only got two things since my electric palette had similar colors latest to the electrocutes I originally wanted. Got some brushes, lippys, eyeliner... Discovered some nice brands I'll post about it tomorrow cause I'm just beat. Skyped w Wayne goss and selfied with some cool people... Went to some of the seminars but I think tomorrow I'll get more seminars in I wanted to see (I originally wanted to go Sunday for some of the stuff going on Tomo) so my lowbuy was a bit compromised but now I'm skipping a lot of the new collections cause I got stuff that's similar for less.


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Oh and special fx stuff for hallows. Cause come on. I always run out of zombie makeup and blood. I always need new bloooodd! Lol.


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Quote: Originally Posted by Spikesmom
DAY 30!!!

I may actually keep going with this. I have SOOO many lipsticks and I'm enjoying rediscovering old loves and purging the yucks.

Day 30: Revlon Jungle Peach... I caved and bought 3 l/s from the Legacy collection. I'm so glad I got this one. I'm obsessed with the makeup of the 60's so it's really fun for me to have this one. The first time I tried on JP I thought it emphasized the dry patches on my lips. I wore it today over the MAC P&P lip stuff and it looks so smooth and perfect. It's a YAY for sure!!


Wow! Jungle Peach! That was the color i got my mother to wear instead of a bad red back in the 1960s. She wore it until Revlon discontinued it. She used it on her lips and her cheeks. Then she searched for a similar color. That was a real flash back!


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--= 30 lipsticks 30 =--

Day 9 : Friday - Revlon ColorBurst Lip Butter in Pink Lemonade.
This was actually a recent purchase. I went to Target for wipes and TP, and picked this up, too. I'd seen a photo of it and it looked like it would work. And it does. A sheer warm pink for relaxed days with little makeup, when i want a touch of color to look a bit more finished. A KEEPER

Day 10: Today, Saturday - sephora Lip Attitude - Star Lipstick in S12 (Plum Vertigo) - frosted medium deep plum.
This is moisturizing and it has some lovely multi-color shimmer. I haven't worn it in ages. A KEEPER

I have so many lipsticks that i'm gonna have to keep this up for many more months.

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