Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Instead of makeup, my big Christmas/birthday indulgence this year is going to be an automatic espresso/cappuccino machine. They're ridiculously expensive but I can rationalize buying one with all my gift cards subsidizing it. So that's the first positive outcome in 2014 made possible by NOT buying makeup. What will yours be?
That's a very sweet gift! I think you could avoid counting those towards your total, as it was an unexpected gift (not something you asked/suggested someone buy for you). If you had suggested it then I think it's a different story.

Nice on the cappuccino machine - we love ours. Saves us $$$ on going out for coffees.


Well-known member
UH OH. I just saw some MES quads (didn't even know this was a collection that was coming out?! DAMN YOU MAC AND YOUR WEEKLY COLLECTIONS). I love MES and the GLITTER in them. OH MY. Trying to steer clear.

I might let myself buy Lightscapade though from the Feminine Face collection, as I think it will work well with my pale, pale skin. Then I'd be down to 29 items......hmm......

I didn't realize they were re-promoting it and almost bought it on Evilbay a few days ago, so this could be a smallish victory if I did buy it straight from MAC.....

Audrey C

Well-known member
I think I can go the rest of the month without buying anything but I did see sable at the counter the other day. How did I miss this gorgeous colour?!?
Sable is permanent, so you can get it whenever you like; don't break your goal this early just to get a perm item. You can plan to BTM for it later this year.

There are more gorgeous colours than we can/should ever own. It can be hard to limit ourselves, but we're the only ones who will. I went into the counter today to find a replacement for my Boxing Day Instigator (loathed it). I also swapped out Currant for Soar, because I bought it for Instigator and don't need it otherwise. I planned on getting a different Huggable lip colour because I like the formula, but the MUA suggested that I try Morning Rose and I ended up leaving with that. I really don't have pinks in my collection (just brown ones like Twig and Brave) and I was surprised to find one that I loved so much (and a cremesheen, to boot)!

I wanted the Cherry Glaze Huggable as well, but I already have more than enough reds in my collection and I'll never miss it. I didn't want it enough for it to be one of my ten 2014 purchases, so I left it there. Morning Rose was a better choice; it's a great office shade and I don't have a near dupe. I'm wearing it now with Launch Away and Superb.:)

I taught my two daughters to depot shadows yesterday and split my empties between them. With their shadow pots, they each now have enough for a lippie. I certainly don't need two others and a MAC lipstick is a much bigger deal to them than it is to me.


Well-known member
Ah I have a 10% off at Sephora coupon card so Im getting tempted! I reallt like the look of Ardency Inns Black is Blue..I also have a giftcard but I still feel slightly guilty because I have a ton of lipsticks AND i said I only want MAC (but I have NO blues and Im wanting it so much!...and I did use a UD lipstick that was good, it was more of a "i dont want to use drugstore lippies" thing. Ah Im at a loss, whats a girl to do!


Well-known member
Aside from that I have stayed out of the NARS final Cut thread and I am trying to ignore the collection. The only new thing that I am lemming is the Jo Malone Rose Water and Vanilla Secnt, but it is £100 so I decided I could buy it later in the year after I have used up 2 scents I already own, 2 out 1 in!
I would say keep the Kevyn Aucoin set since it seems you would really use it a lot =)
If it was me I would have kept the Creme Bruele Quartet set and return the Tarte Citron Travel Set, because the first is more unique, the second is just perfumed hand cream, body wash and body cream that you can get for cheaper anywhere ;) But you can give any of those away as a gift later in the year and technically save, since you would have to buy gifts later anyways ^^ Same goes for eyeliners and lip glace, you could keep the ones you like and gift the colors you dont like. But I personally didn't like LM lip glace, the smell was too sweet and strong and stickiness was as usual lip gloss =) (go to sephora and try the testers! :D )

KiKi Kontour

Well-known member
Ah I have a 10% off at Sephora coupon card so Im getting tempted! I reallt like the look of Ardency Inns Black is Blue..I also have a giftcard but I still feel slightly guilty because I have a ton of lipsticks AND i said I only want MAC (but I have NO blues and Im wanting it so much!...and I did use a UD lipstick that was good, it was more of a "i dont want to use drugstore lippies" thing. Ah Im at a loss, whats a girl to do!
last year when i had an urge to try a blue lip i ordered my colors from as a cheaper alternative before commiting to a more expensive brand becuz i just cant bring myself to pay $15+ for a lippie i'll barely use

i got like $100 in sephora gift cards but im not buying anything this month becuz i need to go through my stash n purge on some things. its gonna be so hard lettin go but i honestly know i wont really use em (i.e. mac temp rising palette
and ud smoked palette...actually i like collecting ud palettes so i miiiight hold on to that one lol). i just know i have no business bringin in more makeup when i still need to organize makeup i bought EARLY fall **le sigh**


Well-known member
Hi everyone!
I'm so excited to join in- I def need to be here. My love for Specktra returned a few months ago and ever since I've been buying like crazy. Just counted- in the last two months- I've bought over 10 lipsticks in addition to other things. I need to buckle down- especially if I'm planning to save for the future.

I started today by unsubscribing to a ton of different e-mails I receive from online retailers to slow the temptation in my e-mail inbox and in a few days I'll unsubscribe from IPSY! I've decided to keep my Birchbox but am still figuring out how to keep up with my nails and eyebrow costs. (As I'm typing this- I have to acknowledge how silly/first-world/privileged this "problem" is… which gives me even more fuel to be thankful for what I have and not always lusting for what's next!)

Here's to 2014 and supporting each other! Wooo! :)


Well-known member
I think limiting purchase from the whole collection to 2-3 items per Mac collections is a good strategy for some people but for others the problems lies elsewhere, for myself the problem is a buy 1 to 2 items from some MAC collections, Guerlain, Lancome, Dior, LMdB etc .... so I decide instead I will reward myself when I will reach some goals like if I dont buy anything by Mother's day (May 11th) I'm planning to purchase 1 perfume and 1 other item of my choice. so that way I will probably "reward" myself 4 times this year.


Well-known member
I'm in!! I'm going on a cruise this fall and need to save my money. But this weekend will be very harddddddddd! We're getting that horrible snow storm tonight and I'm out of work until Tuesday (bittersweet) So I have a lot of time to do online shopping...


Well-known member
I'm in!! I'm going on a cruise this fall and need to save my money. But this weekend will be very harddddddddd! We're getting that horrible snow storm tonight and I'm out of work until Tuesday (bittersweet) So I have a lot of time to do online shopping...
good luck! you don't need to buy stuff right away, you can just take time browse internet, check reviews and put items on your wishlist for later when they go on sale ;) You can even change your mind later and take them off wishlist, read another reviews, I kill SO much time just by doing this without buying anything lol


Well-known member
Quite pleased with myself. The PC, MN & Huggables collections were my final permitted splurge before the official low-buy starts. Have/will still haul plenty from them (waiting for online department store release to get loyalty points) but... Only got 2 PC lipsticks instead of the 3 I planned to, after I saw how similar Studded Kiss is to Diva. I can B2M for that later in the year if I really decide I need it. Huggables, I ordered Commotion to try the formula, and swatched the rest at counter today. I was still considering 3 others, but after seeing them IRL there's only 1 left on the list, and that's a maybe. Considering What a Feeling - I don't have a cool light pink like that in my stash and I can see it being a good office staple. OTOH, I'm not a huge fan of the bullet shape, and if it feathers on me as much as Commotion I should probably wait to find something similar in a better formula for me. I think I'll end up passing on it TBH MN - I was originally looking at: 2 l/s, 2 l/g, 1 blush, 1 f/l, 1 edsf, 1 e/s - up to 8 items total. Swatched this today, and have cut down the list further. Only getting 1 lippie (Morning Rose, exactly the kind of colour where I identified a relative gap in my collection). The lg I am skipping completely. Steel Kiss, which I thought was a definite buy looks so unique and beautiful in the tube, but on the lips it could be almost any other neutral gloss. Also skipping the fluidline - looks pretty but I know it would dry up before I could use most of it. Blush (Autoerotique), e/s (Silver Dawn) and edsf (superb - a surprise, I thought for sure FP would be my pick) remain on the list. I picked up Superb straight away as that's one of the few things sold out on the Mac site, the rest I will wait for online elsewhere, and won't cry (too much lol) if I miss any of them. So... although it's a final splurge, even that was cut down to 7 items from 3 collections instead of up to 15 on my original list. I guess this low buy mentality is starting to kick in already, hurrah!


Well-known member
As an aside, my mother bought me a trio of Tarte eyeliners for my birthday today, does anyone think it's cheating to not count those? I was thinking of ten items I bought and selected. My little daughter helped her pick these and they're both pleased with themselves. I know I'll use them even though I don't strictly need them and I wasn't about to hurt any feelings.

Instead of makeup, my big Christmas/birthday indulgence this year is going to be an automatic espresso/cappuccino machine. They're ridiculously expensive but I can rationalize buying one with all my gift cards subsidizing it. So that's the first positive outcome in 2014 made possible by NOT buying makeup. What will yours be?
I don't think you should count the eyeliner, it's definitely not cheating.


Well-known member
I'm in!! I'm going on a cruise this fall and need to save my money. But this weekend will be very harddddddddd! We're getting that horrible snow storm tonight and I'm out of work until Tuesday (bittersweet) So I have a lot of time to do online shopping...
That's the exact same problem I have (online shopping). I get so bored when I'm home with nothing to do, smh.


Well-known member
ooooh CONGRATS!!! thats definitely an exciting way to low to NO buy lol. are u gonna do ur own makeup for ur wedding? i know some people may think thats a crazy question to ask a bride but i meeeeean i plan on doin MY own makeup for my wedding only becuz i find it theraputic PLUS hell i'll be too anal about how i want my shyt done anyways so i might as well do it myself n get it right the 1st time! i placed an order at sephora dec. 26 n it was cancelled days later...i took it as a sign i didnt need em anywayz last year when i had an urge to try a blue lip i ordered my colors from as a cheaper alternative before commiting to a more expensive brand becuz i just cant bring myself to pay $15+ for a lippie i'll barely use i got like $100 in sephora gift cards but im not buying anything this month becuz i need to go through my stash n purge on some things. its gonna be so hard lettin go but i honestly know i wont really use em (i.e. mac temp rising palette :shock:  and ud smoked palette...actually i like collecting ud palettes so i miiiight hold on to that one lol). i just know i have no business bringin in more makeup when i still need to organize makeup i bought EARLY fall **le sigh**
I actually went and tried the blue lipstick, I didn't like it on me, so my wallet is happy I'm sure. I went to sephora and mac because I had gift cards but surprisingly nothing caught my eye so I left the mall empty handed. I feel slightly proud. Guess I'll save for the MAC LE collections. I have to do the same as you and purge some stuff maybe. I definitely have to "shop" my collection and use stuff


Well-known member
I need to spend more time in here, been Mia for a bit. Thought it would be so easy to skip all collections until maleficent. Then I saw the fantasy flowers and I want ALL the lipsticks and csg. I love the csg I can't resist!!! Help! Lol


Well-known member
Eyeballing a couple of the Gwen Stefanie polishes. Anti-enable me! I have a couple vegas trips this year I need to save for

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