Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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I don't know if anyone is on right now but I don't know where else to turn.

As I always seem to do, I've waited til the last minute to write a 5 page paper. I guess that's not terribly long, and I thought I knew what I wanted to talk about. But now, as I sit here at almost 2am, with only a half a page of writing, I've realized that my thesis isn't going to work. I don't know where to go with it and I don't know what to do. My anxiety is through the roof and I'm seriously wondering if it would be better to just throw in the towel to save my sanity or if I should just write the paper. I'm sitting in my dorm's lounge bawling my eyes out because I don't know what to do. I've honestly stopped caring, I don't know how to make myself care about this anymore and I hate myself for it. I don't know what to do, I don't know where to turn. My depression has kicked into high gear this month and it's so, so hard to keep motivated. I have two weeks left of this semester and I just want it to be done.
Hang in there. Two weeks is so close to the finish line. You CAN do this. Don't hate yourself for it. After you finish this semester, why not take a break and go back when you're ready?


Well-known member
Hang in there. Two weeks is so close to the finish line. You CAN do this. Don't hate yourself for it. After you finish this semester, why not take a break and go back when you're ready?
The thing is this paper is due tomorrow and every time I start writing, I realize what I'm saying isn't making any sense. It doesn't fit, I can't figure out an argument that will fit. Right now, I'm just like.. do I keep trying, even though I've been trying to write this paper since 8pm, or do I just throw in the towel? Is it really worth going through this?


Well-known member
I don't know if anyone is on right now but I don't know where else to turn.

As I always seem to do, I've waited til the last minute to write a 5 page paper. I guess that's not terribly long, and I thought I knew what I wanted to talk about. But now, as I sit here at almost 2am, with only a half a page of writing, I've realized that my thesis isn't going to work. I don't know where to go with it and I don't know what to do. My anxiety is through the roof and I'm seriously wondering if it would be better to just throw in the towel to save my sanity or if I should just write the paper. I'm sitting in my dorm's lounge bawling my eyes out because I don't know what to do. I've honestly stopped caring, I don't know how to make myself care about this anymore and I hate myself for it. I don't know what to do, I don't know where to turn. My depression has kicked into high gear this month and it's so, so hard to keep motivated. I have two weeks left of this semester and I just want it to be done.
So sorry you're going through this. Do you have an advisor at school with whom you have consulted on your thesis? They may have some ideas that could either inspire the path you're on, ignite your fire in a totally new direction that's manageable within the time you have left to complete this, or offer advice on what your options may be if you were to throw in the towel.


Well-known member
So sorry you're going through this. Do you have an advisor at school with whom you have consulted on your thesis? They may have some ideas that could either inspire the path you're on, ignite your fire in a totally new direction that's manageable within the time you have left to complete this, or offer advice on what your options may be if you were to throw in the towel.
I'm part of an ADHD group and I have a mentor but there's no way I can schedule with her in time, nor anyone else. My class is at 2pm tomorrow so I don't know how I'd have time to talk to someone and get the paper done too.

It's some stupid 100 level class but I'm just so burned out... I feel like a complete failure.


Well-known member
Hang in there. Two weeks is so close to the finish line. You CAN do this. Don't hate yourself for it. After you finish this semester, why not take a break and go back when you're ready?

The thing is this paper is due tomorrow and every time I start writing, I realize what I'm saying isn't making any sense. It doesn't fit, I can't figure out an argument that will fit. Right now, I'm just like.. do I keep trying, even though I've been trying to write this paper since 8pm, or do I just throw in the towel? Is it really worth going through this?
Oh, I didn't realize it was due tomorrow.

Maybe a brain dump. Write down any and all ideas for arguments, not worrying if it's not realistic or over the top. Sometimes genius moments can come out of these.


Well-known member
I don't know if anyone is on right now but I don't know where else to turn. As I always seem to do, I've waited til the last minute to write a 5 page paper. I guess that's not terribly long, and I thought I knew what I wanted to talk about. But now, as I sit here at almost 2am, with only a half a page of writing, I've realized that my thesis isn't going to work. I don't know where to go with it and I don't know what to do. My anxiety is through the roof and I'm seriously wondering if it would be better to just throw in the towel to save my sanity or if I should just write the paper. I'm sitting in my dorm's lounge bawling my eyes out because I don't know what to do. I've honestly stopped caring, I don't know how to make myself care about this anymore and I hate myself for it. I don't know what to do, I don't know where to turn. My depression has kicked into high gear this month and it's so, so hard to keep motivated. I have two weeks left of this semester and I just want it to be done.
I used to do that with papers. I was late to class more than once because I was finishing a paper. But I still graduated with honors. Hang in there, the 2 weeks will be over before you know it. Do something to calm yourself down, because no one can think when they're really upset. Is there any way to get an extension on the project? What is the assignment?


Well-known member
Oh, I didn't realize it was due tomorrow.

Maybe a brain dump. Write down any and all ideas for arguments, not worrying if it's not realistic or over the top. Sometimes genius moments can come out of these.
I've got a bunch of notes, but it's like every time I try to incorporate them in the paper it doesn't make any sense. I have a B in the class right now and the paper is 15% of my grade. Problem is he doesn't break down the grades so I don't know how much it would bring my grade down til it's too late.


Well-known member
What's the paper about? Maybe we can help?

Do you use Skype by any chance? If so, I'm happy to give you mine so you can add me - IM would be a lot quicker than forum posts.


Well-known member
I used to do that with papers. I was late to class more than once because I was finishing a paper. But I still graduated with honors. Hang in there, the 2 weeks will be over before you know it. Do something to calm yourself down, because no one can think when they're really upset. Is there any way to get an extension on the project? What is the assignment?
He's already said he wouldn't give extensions. It's a 5 page argumentative analysis on a book. It sounds easy but he's said he won't take an obvious argument, and I know he's a hard grader and I keep going in circles trying to piece together an argument that makes sense and isn't really obvious.

I took an English class my first semester (I was an English major to start) and when I got done writing the analysis paper for that class, said I'd never take another English class again. Whyyy did I do this to myself again lol


Well-known member
What's the paper about? Maybe we can help?

Do you use Skype by any chance? If so, I'm happy to give you mine so you can add me - IM would be a lot quicker than forum posts.
Unless you've read "A Small Place' by Jamaica Kincaid, I doubt you can help but I really appreciate the offer! I don't have skype, sorry :(


Well-known member
Unless you've read "A Small Place' by Jamaica Kincaid, I doubt you can help but I really appreciate the offer! I don't have skype, sorry :(
He's already said he wouldn't give extensions. It's a 5 page argumentative analysis on a book. It sounds easy but he's said he won't take an obvious argument, and I know he's a hard grader and I keep going in circles trying to piece together an argument that makes sense and isn't really obvious. I took an English class my first semester (I was an English major to start) and when I got done writing the analysis paper for that class, said I'd never take another English class again. Whyyy did I do this to myself again lol
Oh, one of THOSE professors! That is hard because how do you know what he considers obvious and what isn't? I wish I knew what the book was about. I loved English and I'm very good at analysis. The only specific thing I can say is choose an argument that you can back up well. Most good college profs are looking for students to develop critical thinking skills. As long as your argument makes sense and you can back it up by referring to specific things, he SHOULD give you a good grade. Will taking a break from it help you? If you've been working on it since 8, you could use a mental break. Sometimes when I give my mind a rest and think about something unrelated, I'm better able to think when I go back to it. Have you eaten? Have you gotten enough sleep? Being hungry or tired can make it hard to concentrate. Most of all, believe in yourself. You can write a good paper! Don't give up at this point. Like Pixie said, if you need to take a break after this semester, that's better than giving up on a class that you're almost done with.


Well-known member
I haven't read the book, but I've posted a status on my Facebook asking if anyone's read it. Not sure if I'll get any responses, but many of my friends are avid book readers, and even better "case-makers" so it can't hurt to try. I'll let you know if I hear anything back. I have to get ready for bed soon, so I'll follow up in the morning if I hear back from anyone.


Well-known member
Unless you've read "A Small Place' by Jamaica Kincaid, I doubt you can help but I really appreciate the offer! I don't have skype, sorry :(
My advice is to narrow down your topic as much as possible, and make it very specific. Usually people choose a topic that's just too general, and you go all over the place because the topic is too vague and you start speaking in generalities and don't have anything interesting to say. Think back about your general impressions about the book, and then try to pinpoint the specific details that gave you that impression. See if you can detect a pattern and explore the pattern in as much specific detail as possible, and how it reinforces one or more of the themes of the book. E.g. if a certain character always seems creepy, how does the author create that effect? Maybe there are always images of death involved in descriptions of that character. What role does that creepy character play in developing the themes of the novel? Get your ideas down in point form and then try to organize your argument in a very rough outline before you start writing. Then writing 5 pages will go very quickly if you know where you are going. It is totally doable to get this done by 2 pm tomorrow. Even if you only get 50%, that's only a 7.5% loss instead of 15%, and if you take the time to organize your thoughts before you start writing, you will probably do better than 50%. Just think of your genuine reactions to the book, and try to pinpoint the techniques the author used to get that response out of you. Trust me, the writer has taken care to produce these effects by using certain techniques. Pick a really tight topic, and explore it thoroughly in as much detail as possible, and you will be fine. The easiest thing is to detect a certain pattern of imagery, and show in detail how the author is using it and why.


Well-known member
My advice is to narrow down your topic as much as possible, and make it very specific. Usually people choose a topic that's just too general, and you go all over the place because the topic is too vague and you start speaking in generalities and don't have anything interesting to say. Think back about your general impressions about the book, and then try to pinpoint the specific details that gave you that impression. See if you can detect a pattern and explore the pattern in as much specific detail as possible, and how it reinforces one or more of the themes of the book. E.g. if a certain character always seems creepy, how does the author create that effect? Maybe there are always images of death involved in descriptions of that character. What role does that creepy character play in developing the themes of the novel? Get your ideas down in point form and then try to organize your argument in a very rough outline before you start writing. Then writing 5 pages will go very quickly if you know where you are going. It is totally doable to get this done by 2 pm tomorrow. Even if you only get 50%, that's only a 7.5% loss instead of 15%, and if you take the time to organize your thoughts before you start writing, you will probably do better than 50%. Just think of your genuine reactions to the book, and try to pinpoint the techniques the author used to get that response out of you. Trust me, the writer has taken care to produce these effects by using certain techniques. Pick a really tight topic, and explore it thoroughly in as much detail as possible, and you will be fine. The easiest thing is to detect a certain pattern of imagery, and show in detail how the author is using it and why.
What great advice,@rainbunny! I hope she reads this when she wakes up.


Well-known member
Thanks, burghchick! I think the teacher is probably warning the students off really general arguments. If she finds something really specificl that she noticed, and supports it in detail and it makes sense, it will probably be original enough for the assignment. I'm sure the instructor just wants to see that there is some actual thinking going on.


Well-known member
Oh jesus - I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, that is so awful!  What sleep meds are you on/have you tried?  I hate most of them because they leave a metallic taste in my mouth the next day and I can't get rid of it no matter how much I brush my teeth or what I eat. My pain meds do, yeah.  I'm like a zombie on them, but they help take the slightest edge off.  I'm on Tramadol and Co-Codamol.  I was on Co-Dydramol which worked better but they've stopped prescribing it because it's "too expensive" for them to supply for free on the health service here.  I'm very lucky in that I don't pay for my meds - if I did I'd be bankrupt on medication alone. Thank you!  I really needed to hear that.  I never realised until the past month or so that I'm actually a shopaholic.  I guess I never did it though because I never had the means to.  CC's are dangerous.  S'ok though.  It's not being used now unless it's a must and all spare money is going to paying it off instead of buying more stuff.  I do however need to purchase a good moisturiser for day time but the one I'm using at the moment is just too expensive for the amount given.
I'm taking Ambien now. It doesn't seem to work that great, though. I took Ativan for many years. It worked great but once they put me on morphine for pain I needed 12 hours of sleep each night in order to feel awake the next day. There doesn't seem to be any sleep med that works right with pain meds! But if I don't take anything for sleep the pain makes it hard to sleep. I'm sure you know all about that. Even pain meds don't take away all of the pain. You are doing really well with the low buy! Better than me. I use a moisturizer by Skinceuticals. Not too cheap but it's big so it will last me forever. I think it's just called Day Moisture, and they have Night moisture, too.


Well-known member
I can see an ever so slight difference - but I don't think it has anything to do with light, I think it's a less photoshopped version. I do love this comment on the 2nd photo though, made me laugh.  I'm amazed he hasn't blocked her for this!  "junoyiyi  [COLOR=222222]This is freaking awesome! I can't imagine how to conceal all those wrinkles and discoloration." [/COLOR]:haha: Yes Wayne, how do you conceal all those WRINKLES?!  It's MAGIC!
Interesting 2nd post! I don't know anything about him so I have no bias, but the original after photo does look photoshopped. Her skin looks so flat. Also there is an obvious different light source because in the first photo there are no obvious shadows. It looks like his light source was directly from the front, which is not standard portrait lighting. In the after there is light above and to the side - you can see her shadow, and her collarbone is more prominent. I've never heard of laser light, either. Either way, he was deceiving people whether it was through lighting or Photoshop.


Well-known member
Perhaps I'm just lucky in not having been hit with duds, then.  The only issue I've ever had with an LE product that I can recall is Flaming Chic Extra Dimension blush, but as others mentioned yesterday it should be fixable (I haven't tried to fix it yet). Like I said though - I don't think MAC is the best brand by far, but it is the brand I have most of and I do love probably near on every thing I own with a few exceptions (Lustre shadows, ugh.) I think a blog like that would be awesome, actually. I have my own website that I was planning on turning into a blog... perhaps I could use it and make this a reality instead? Tell me about it.  I'm really disappointed in him.  I expected more of him, but to block someone for having an opinion is beyond ridiculous.  Especially when others have commented with the same thing - I wonder if any others were blocked too?
Now I'm obsessed with this. Look at the difference in her neck between the two photos. Unless she lost a fair amount of weight and figured out a way to smooth the texture of her skin, it's been Photoshopped. I don't think that there is any lighting that can make you look that much thinner and smooth out your skin. How sad. There are almost no photos of real, non-retouched women online.

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