NICE! Today is Day 7 for me. *high fives*So I went 8 days without buying beauty stuff (shampoo and magazine freebies don't count!) Go me!![]()
Woo! Feels good man! I wont pretend my lack of buying is purely down to willpower alone though, This week I've been pretty skint, so I havent had the money to buy carelessly. But I've been able to skip and back away from things with a greater sense of 'im ok and I don't need it' When I've little money it makes me cringe thinking about all the crap I'd buy when I had it! Gotta be real with myself and recognize that a lot of my beauty buying is over hyped and there are only a few products I own that are actually worth it, the rest just ends up being an expensive mistake ending up in my little sisters makeup bag or b2m.NICE! Today is Day 7 for me. *high fives*
in low buy you make your own rulesI guess what I really want to know is is this really meant to be like a makeup anonymous or can I post here without being put in Pixies chair if I get overzealous with buying too much items in a collection?
This thread is basically whatever you need it to be. No one is going to call you out or make you feel bad. I, personally, don't have any set rules, but I use the thread to keep myself aware of the spending I am doing.I guess what I really want to know is is this really meant to be like a makeup anonymous or can I post here without being put in Pixies chair if I get overzealous with buying too much items in a collection?
It is what you need for it to be, and for each of us, the need is different. For me, it's been about using what I have and analyzing what I own (do certain products suit me, have I gotten as much usage from various products as I was hoping, and so on). I've also cut back in regards to purchasing specific types of products and attempting to buy only to fill gaps in my collection. Others have limited their makeup budget, or have opted to limit their LE purchases, or just want to shop smarter.Is it the intent of the thread to try and curb spending to a certain amount? To avoid duplication and feeding into the inflated sense of urgency generated by so called limited edition? Is it truly to examine our desires versus needs or to probe into the deeper psychological motivations behind our individual spending? Is it more to help us appreciate what we already have and use it before giving into the urge to buy more? I ask because I do want to enjoy my stash and avoid excess but makeup has not been about need for me for quite some time. I really don't want to pry too intensely into my spending motives however. I guess I hoped for more use up ideas or how to display my stash for best accessibility. More comparison swatches so I can quell the urge to purchase a unique color before it's gone forever. I guess what I really want to know is is this really meant to be like a makeup anonymous or can I post here without being put in Pixies chair if I get overzealous with buying too much items in a collection?
You've already gotten lots of great responses... And they about sum it up! It's whatever YOU need it to be. There are no rules or limits... except the ones you set for yourself... and even those have changed along the way for some of us too.I guess what I really want to know is is this really meant to be like a makeup anonymous or can I post here without being put in Pixies chair if I get overzealous with buying too much items in a collection?
Good girl! I wish I had been stronger, but I'm looking forward to it all the same.I skipped today's launch even though I adore purples. I'm doing some major hand-wringing though because as much as I dislike the collaborator, I really, really, love purples. And it's still available! Ughhhhh. I'm trying to talk myself out of it. I already own Smoked Purple, Go For It, Goes and Goes, Plum Bright, Potent Fig, and Goddess of the Sea. Not that those are all similar, but they'll get me by. Maybe I'll amend my to-skip list and pick up the purple in Moody Blooms...?
in low buy you make your own rules some people have set monetary limits, or limits on how many items to get from each collection for others its about finding the holes in their stash and shopping for that, or trying to 'use up' what they already have before buying a similar product i personally havent set myself any limitations, though i would like to buy more mindfully and eventually less and less and you can get as in depth about the need behind the need or the reasons and problems beauty buying throws up - or not! it's nice to get tips from low buyers about organizing, presenting and shopping your stashas for hauls and high purchases - so long as your aim is for some aspect of 'low buy' (getting a stash that works for you, buying less etc ) then it's fine - there's no failure here! pretty much anything goes here, just so long as talk doesnt get too enabling then it's all good!
Could we pin these responses to the front page or something? That way people get what we are about. I hope the ladies that left come back. The three I'm thinking about were here from jump and I feel sad that they don't feel comfortable here anymore.GREAT job girls!!! Keep it up!! You've already gotten lots of great responses... And they about sum it up! It's whatever YOU need it to be. There are no rules or limits... except the ones you set for yourself... and even those have changed along the way for some of us too. When I started this thread, for me, it was just about a place to go to take a breath. Sometimes in the Collection Threads, everyone is so excited about new products the ability to really think out a new collection kinda goes out the window. It's all about BUYALLTHETHINGS because we all love makeup and NEW makeup is exciting for all of us! BUT I wondered, what if a few people want to be able to look at the color stories and see some swatches but want a neutral place to go and talk it out a little more reasonably for themselves... with like-minded people who are trying to do the same... So, that's what this is. Simply a place to go to see other people working on their collections. Sometimes it gets into deep thinking about the "whys" of spending habits, but you participate at the level that's right for you. Some of us HAVE asked each other to try to keep us "in check" in the collection threads, so I think that may get misinterpreted as "low-buy rules and regulations." But that's not the case at all. We joke about sitting in The Chair (time out electrocution chair) when we over-haul... but that's just to keep things light hearted and fun. Too much seriousness can make any thread get a little too intense. We don't place judgment, just give out opinions and helpful advice when it's asked for. At the end of the day, we can all spend whatever we want on whatever we want. But we have chosen to try to make better spending decisions for our own reasons. And this is just a nice place to go to get some support. We also have a lot of people pop in on us that are not from low-buy at all. And they aren't personally low-buying themselves (Medgal, Liba, HerGreyness, elegant one, etc), but they come in and give us some really great recs and pointers, and advice. So that's really great too! Also, check the first post and pop over to Medgal's Theme Makeup for a Purpose thread for challenges and themes on using your stash! It's really helpful! And lots of nice people over there! Very motivating... Hope we see you around!!
Great point. I am trying to save & not get items I don't need, due to hype. But I'm also trying to wear more of the things I dont. I.e. note to self, start tracking the lippies & blushes I've been wearing lol. I'll get to my shadows. day.Martiangurll, As so many before me have stated, this thread is what need it and want it to be. Everyone has different goals and reasons for being in this thread.A Pixie said the goal of the collection threads are to introduce the coming product and then is becomes about what to get , how to get it , what will be HG status, shall I back it up, then comes the swatches and pictures and before you know you are caught up in the hype of buying. Not knocking those threads but if you are on a budget or trying to cut down on your ever growing make up stash or simply want to buy the best makeup suited for you, that isn't the place to be. I know that I wasn't using my stash efficiently and I wanted too. plus I need to use things like lipstick and lip glosses before they went bad.
Whoa! You are doing awesome, I need to start jotting soon lol"30 Lipsticks In 30 Days" Challenge - Cycle 2
"30 Eyeshadows In 30 Days Challenge"
Day 1: MAC Sheen Supreme in Bare Again w/ NYX Mauve Lip Pencil
Jete Eyeshadow
Day 2: MAC Sushi Kiss w/ MAC Lasting Sensation Lip Pencil & Fold And Tuck Lipglass
Loreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Amber Rush
Day 3: MAC Huggable Lipcolour in Fresh & Frisky (THANKS [COLOR=763555][@=http://www.specktra.netmember.php?u=82286"color:rgb(24,24,24);margin:0px;padding:0px;"> Make Up For Ever Aqua Cream #15 as a base w/ Sable
Day 4: MAC Viva Glam II Lipstick w/ MAC Underage Lipglass
Urban Decay Eyeshadows in Vigin, Naked, and Sin
Day 5: Revlon Colorburst Lacquer Balm in Vivacious
Loreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Tender Caramel
Day 6: MAC Sail La Vie w/ MAC Lasting Sensation Lip Pencil
MAC Eyeshadows: Shroom, Texture, & Beautyburst
Day 7: MAC Hibiscus w/ MAC Lasting Sensation
Anastasia Lavish Palette: Cream, Ballet, Orange Soda, Sienna
Day 8: MAC Mineralize Lipstick Bold Spring w/ MAC Just Wonderful Lip Pencil
No Eyeshadow today - just a wash of Orb from lid to browbone & LOTS of mascara
Day 9: MAC Daddy's Little Girl w/ MAC Just Wonderful Lip Pencil
Too Faced Heaven & Push-up (shades from Natural Eyes Palette)
Day 10: MAC Kinda Sexy (B2M'd for this yesterday!) w/ MAC Dervish Lip Pencil
MAC Eyeshadows: Next To Nothing, Dark Edge, & Tempting (from MAC's Tempting Quad)
Day 11: Bite Beauty Musk Lipstick
No Eyeshadow today
Day 12: NARS Satin Lip Pencil Villa Lante
No Eyeshadow
Day 13: MAC Sheer Seduction w/ Make Up For Ever Lab Shine Lip Gloss S2 (pearly light beige)
No Eyeshadow... AGAIN! I know... UGH
Day 14: PURPLE DAY for Lupus Awareness!
MAC Heroine w/ Heroine Lip Pencil
MAC Eyeshadows: All That Glitters, Trax, Soft Brown, Woodwinked, Blanc Type
Day 15: OCC Lip Tar Hush w/ MAC Have to Have It Lip Pencil
MAC Eyeshadows: Antiqued, Swiss Chocolate, Brun
Day 16: Urban Decay Native Lipstick w/ Have to Have It Lip Pencil
MAC Eyeshadows: Vellum, Naval
Inglot Eyeshadow: 344 (MAC Malt dupe)
Day 17: MAC Bad Girl RiRi w/ MAC Spice Lip Pencil
Inglot Eyeshadows: 390, 363, 352, and 11
Day 18: MAC Divine Choice Mineralize Lipstick w/ MAC Soar Lip Pencil
Lorac PRO Palette
Day 19: MAC Lady Danger w/ MAC Cherry Lip Pencil
Anastasia Lavish Palette
Day 20: MAC Embrace Me with Embrace Me Lip Pencil
Some repeated shadows cause I needed some neutrals for the bright lips...
UD Shadows: Sin, Virgin, Naked, but added new shadow UD Secret Service
Day 21: Nars Satin Lip Pencil in Rikugien (got in the 500 Point Nars perk from Sephora)
Day 22: MAC Moxie w/ MAC Embrace Me Lip Pencil (then reapplied with Cherry Lip Pencil in the evening)
Day 23: MAC Tendertone in Hush
Day 24: MAC Ravishing w/ Lasting Sensation Lip Pencil
Lorac PRO Palette: Lt. Bronze (lid), Nude (inner corner), Taupe (crease), Sable (outer v), Gold (lower lashline)
Welcome a board! Luv's the lb thread. And even if your not low buy, like you said it's helpful in making purchases you don't need or wouldn't use.Thank you to all who responded. Marking my place. Not sure I'm on a low buy but I would like to make more thoughtful purchases. ♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆
For me I'm more trying to just be aware of what I am doing and how much I am spending, and not giving in to the hype as much. I haven't even set myself any particular limit, just doing a running total so I'm aware of how much I'm spending so I can decide if that's an appropriate amount for me to spend on makeup, in light of what else I could be doing with those funds. Like right now, I think my half-way into the year total is closer to what the end-of-the-year total should be, so I want to really cut back now. That doesn't mean I won't still get a few items from time to time, though.