MAC Eye Shadow x 15 PalettesCan anyone help me find some information on Specktra about the two 15 pan palettes that came out earlier this spring?
Thank you.

MAC Eye Shadow x 15 PalettesCan anyone help me find some information on Specktra about the two 15 pan palettes that came out earlier this spring?
Thank you.
I haven't looked into this liner that much because I'm more of a MAC/UD girl myself, but I'm a big believer in things being easy to use. If I have to fool around with it and do extra steps to make it work, I'm not in. A product should do what it is advertised to do, and if it can't, then I can find the exact same thing somewhere else. Too many steps = waste of time. We ALL have those products that are such high maintenance that we'd rather just let them go than work harder to use them. I suspect this might be one of those products, so it's best just to avoid it. I wonder if some bloggers want to justify it because they want to stay on a brands good side (not saying that they are being unethical - but a blogger's business is still beauty and promoting products). I guess they are trying to be impartial by pointing out the good and bad points, so that the viewer can make an informed decision. So, I always take the hint - if they have to work that hard to justify it, think about how hard the product will be to use? There's so many dupes out there. After all, isn't this thing just a black eyeliner/pencily thing? I have three of those already lol. You get what I'm saying girl!Been thinking about how many subliminal messages i take in each day about consumption, ownership, supposed empowerment - it's all BUY NOW REGRET LATER!
I'm not where I want to be on my low buy, but seeings how the first half of the year hasnt been much of a success i know that i have to make some more changes.
I'm still being influenced too much by bloggers, instagram, HERE!, youtube, magazines,
but the biggest influencer is the shops and companies direct
it's the discounts, promos, emails, exclusive offers, bonus events etc that push me to make purchases at random times
i cant partake in every offer and use every discount and i cant OWN ALL THE THINGS!
i need to let some things pass.
i also need to stop buying things on my mobile, as it normalises purchases and makes it as simple as firing off a text without any thought, it's a few clicks and caching - money gone!
which is why i'm trying to 'clean up' my bank statement and start paying for things with cash when im out and about, as we all know that faced with parting with tangible cash is so much harder than over zealously adding items to our online shopping baskets.
so back to me and getting my things to work for me,
i need to realise that i dont owe these brands anything, i have no need to be loyal and feel like i have to get the next and newest and shinest big thing.
i think the launch of benefits push up liner has really pushed me over the edge tbh, as it's been publisiced to death and from what i can gather its a tricky item that most are struggling with, but as no one wants to be honest and say 'it's crap' most reviews are trying to jusitify the struggle to use it? holla if you feel me on this and what im getting at!?
I get what you're saying!I haven't looked into this liner that much because I'm more of a MAC/UD girl myself, but I'm a big believer in things being easy to use. If I have to fool around with it and do extra steps to make it work, I'm not in. A product should do what it is advertised to do, and if it can't, then I can find the exact same thing somewhere else. Too many steps = waste of time. We ALL have those products that are such high maintenance that we'd rather just let them go than work harder to use them. I suspect this might be one of those products, so it's best just to avoid it. I wonder if some bloggers want to justify it because they want to stay on a brands good side (not saying that they are being unethical - but a blogger's business is still beauty and promoting products). I guess they are trying to be impartial by pointing out the good and bad points, so that the viewer can make an informed decision. So, I always take the hint - if they have to work that hard to justify it, think about how hard the product will be to use? There's so many dupes out there. After all, isn't this thing just a black eyeliner/pencily thing? I have three of those already lol. You get what I'm saying girl!
Most of the time I just delete Sephora/MAC emails without even reading the subjects. I actually unsubscribed from the MAC ones altogether for the time being. I have points w/Sephora so I keep an eye on the 500 point sets that they release, but other than that I'm not really reading the emails fully. It's an advertisement being emailed directly to me with my consent. Crazy when you think of it that way, yes?
Stila has some nice products, but it's not really a line I'm drawn to first, KWIM? I don't understand why they took out UD - not selling? I noticed when they reno'd the one at the Eaton Centre, they managed to get a Chanel counter, but alas. I figured since Bayview has Chanel and UD, Eatons would have both.Man, I was upset when they took the Urban Decay display out of the SDM close to me. They switched it out for Stila which I am not enamoured with (had a few smudeproof eyeliner pencils completely dry out on me very quickly). I suppose I am only disappointed though because I liked being able to get UD items with my Optimum points.
I think it's made me realise just how much bigger the whole beauty selling system is and how much control marketing has.Amen sista.
Do you know how difficult it was not to place a Sephora order to *POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNING* get the mini Push Up with that dang code? (Rhetorical question, I'm sure everyone here could say Aie, Aie! here!) I even tried to justify it to myself by placing an order for skincare (new products, not even tried & true things) and lord knows, I would've had to add something makeup related to get Free Shipping too.
I don't. get. it. Or rather my behaviour. I use BB Gel Black Ink everyday for my wing, and then I have the Jordana Fabuliner for days I'm running late. Tried, tested, true and both damn near holy grail status. Why I need another black liquid liner when I've tried others (skin79 - transferred everywhere, Physicians - nice, but overpriced for drugstore, Maybelline and MAC gels - too dry, etc.) I do not know. But it was really hard to resist the Benefit promo. (I also find Benefit has really been pushing the last while, though on the 'tube - They're Real (I hate) or Rockateur, anyone?)
HAHHAHAHA OMG YES. I dunno what it was about that guy - the persona? Bad-ass kind of thing going on?! Do you know who Serial Joe is? If you do, I'll die lol. Len Steal My Sunshine?lol @ glitteryvegas! On the sum 41 note, my 14 year old self was madly in love with Deryck.![]()
That lady tracking you down sounds crazy aggressive!!! Wow!!! Sometimes I just like to browse and window shop and swatch in peace, ya know? I think most SAs assume that people don't have any makeup knowledge at all, at least that's what I find - they are always trying to sell me things that I don't want or need or already have. My favourite is when they recommend something I know won't work for me or is crap lol!I think it's made me realise just how much bigger the whole beauty selling system is and how much control marketing has.
I'm in the UK, but even here I feel like that stupid liner has been hailed as the next best thing as sliced bread.
And it's sold so well despite the fact that most people buying it probably alread have a black liner that they're comfortable using.
I was in Boots the other day, going to buy some hayfever stuff and I thought I'd stroll down the drugstore isle to see what the summer trends are (i've sworn off drugstore purchases so i was purely looking out of interest - honest!) and i must have been in the isle for about 30 seconds before an SA from Benefit asked me: 'hiya love have you heard of benefit?' lol ofc i fucking have. 'have you seen our new push up liner?' i said yes and i wasn't a fan (not in a rude way) but there you go, they are literally stalking for custom in other areas of the shop.
I hate going into Sephora for this reason - especially in the fragrance section, there's one lady and it's like she watches me test perfumes and I HATE it. The MAC counter by me is not too bad but it's usually packed so the SAs are always busy.I had about 4 Sephora girls approach me the other day.. you cannot shop in peace there. Part of the reason I like shopping online. And I have to laugh going into MAC a few days after collection releases.. they always want to tell me about it and I'm like yes I knew about that before most of you did because I spend way too much time creeping online. Just let me spend my money alone.
I notice a real difference between the UK bloggers and US bloggers. I'm not exactly sure what it is... but there's a difference when they market products or are sponsored by a brand. It's interesting to watch and I guess I pick up on the marketing since I took all those business classes that @veronikawithak was mentioning. Advertising is everywhere and it's really difficult to avoid it. Even watching normal TV, I will see a makeup look I like and try to research what was used. Lately I've been trying to recreate looks with what I have, and that's been fun.I think it's made me realise just how much bigger the whole beauty selling system is and how much control marketing has.
I'm in the UK, but even here I feel like that stupid liner has been hailed as the next best thing as sliced bread.
And it's sold so well despite the fact that most people buying it probably alread have a black liner that they're comfortable using.
I was in Boots the other day, going to buy some hayfever stuff and I thought I'd stroll down the drugstore isle to see what the summer trends are (i've sworn off drugstore purchases so i was purely looking out of interest - honest!) and i must have been in the isle for about 30 seconds before an SA from Benefit asked me: 'hiya love have you heard of benefit?' lol ofc i fucking have. 'have you seen our new push up liner?' i said yes and i wasn't a fan (not in a rude way) but there you go, they are literally stalking for custom in other areas of the shop.
Oh I understand now. Yeah, I try to buy pan refills when I can. Are you finding it tricky to get the inserts out of the palette even when twisting the opposite corners like you would an ice cube tray? I found it stiff the first couple of times but it's easier now so I am keeping my inserts in the new palettes.No I actually buy them in the pan form - it's cheaper and the new palettes aren't that expensive. But I recently got the inserts because I liked the way it would look. But it's really hard to get the inserts out of the palette. Every time I try to take a single shadow out to see what color it is or to move it into my Elf four pan palette for easy use I get frustrated and end up not using it. My MAC shadows have been untouched since I got the inserts... which is about a month ago now. I'm thinking I should just lose the inserts, even though they look really nice with them.![]()