Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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[@]Veronikawithak[/@]so true! I too have smacked myself for hesitating over gym membership only to spend twice as much in makeup!


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Well... today was interesting...
I fell off the horse, but I'm going to get right back on it.

"If at first you don't succeed - then try another method until you succeed"


Well-known member
Catching up again.. been a tough week for me with just one thing after another. I've definitely had a couple food binges (aka eating my feelings) over the past few days which is not good but I've also just sat there and let myself feel frustrated, disappointed, rejected, whatever I felt like.. Getting more in touch with my emotions rather than drowning them out with other things was one of my goals this month and I've been working on that.

I'm really happy to say I still haven't purchased a single material item this month!! I've also done 2 intense 90 minute workouts which made me feel amazing so that kind of helps balance out the excessive eating and sulking. I haven't done my makeup much lately either but I'm going to do that as soon as I finish this post. Just taking it one day at a time.

The other day I was thinking about getting a yoga membership again but was hesitant to spend the $75/month on top of the $100 aerials membership and then I thought.. WTF am I thinking? I can spend more than that on one shopping trip.. So silly!!! Why wouldn't I put that towards something that makes me feel good and keeps me healthy and happy at the same time? Yoga it is!
Hey Girl! Just wanted to say I feel the same way - this week was HARD emotionally. I'm also doing my best to work through things without reverting back to old habits. Haven't purchased anything in the makeup department all month either! Really happy about that. Good for you for seeking out exercise as a solution/way of coping. I know it's hard to push sometimes when you feel like you're getting pulled back. I keep trying to think of new experiences that I can have to keep myself focused. You are on the right track!

If you ever need to PM please do internet friend!

In other news, I've decided when I lose 5-7 pounds I'm going to give myself the gift of a pro pedicure! YAY! I'm going to do weight loss 'gifts' instead of shopping - meaning experiences instead of things. I want to lose at least 40-50 pounds. WOW. Writing that out feels crazy and seems like a tonne of weight. I'm six foot one though, so I carry my weight pretty well - but still, it's getting too high for my comfort. I plan on losing 1.5 pounds a week thru eating and exercise. I've been doing really well so far!

In the MU department, also doing well too! Did my makeup every day this week (same look tho every day!). Today was a GLITTER LINER kind of day! haha. FRIIIIDAY YEAH!

Other exciting news - yesterday I qualified for a contest to win a trip to Vegas for 2! I Find out in August if we won. YAY!

@PixieDancer - Thanks for the shout out girl, means a lot! xo Awww, yes, you are right - positive self-reflection leads to positive change. I think when we're too down on ourselves it makes it worse. So glad you are back with your fun replies. I love your new Avi, looking beautiful as always!

@mel33t - Get it girl, get back on that wagon/horse/cowboy! haha.

@Maris Crane - That's okay girl, pull yourself back and assess. You know your triggers. I've been avoiding malls/shopping and that's helped a lot. if I don't even go in, I'm not tempted.

@kerry-jane88 - Nice stash! Love the organization of it. Looks like you are making great progress! :)


Well-known member
Well... today was interesting...
I fell off the horse, but I'm going to get right back on it.

"If at first you don't succeed - then try another method until you succeed"
You sure did
but we're all rooting for you getting back on it!


Well-known member
Late last year i realized that i was hoarding like the best of them. Ive had positive steps like sorting my stash and giving away some but i have also had some setbacks (i am currently wearing a gorgeous purple by make up store that i bought recently) So i guess this is me standingto be counted. Hi, im tirurit and i have a red lipstick problem!
Welcome to the thread! This us a great thread, the people are very supportive and positive here. I hope you'll like it!


Well-known member
@NaomiH - Love the lippie in your pic - what is it? Gorgeous!

Okay ladies - I need your positive, uplifting SONGS, BOOKS, and MOVIES! Something that always puts you in a good mood!

I'm doing a 'happiness inventory!' to keep me uplifted! Any recommendations are helpful! TIA! xo


Well-known member
@NaomiH - Love the lippie in your pic - what is it? Gorgeous!

Okay ladies - I need your positive, uplifting SONGS, BOOKS, and MOVIES! Something that always puts you in a good mood!

I'm doing a 'happiness inventory!' to keep me uplifted! Any recommendations are helpful! TIA! xo
Well, Harry Potter books always make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. But if you're looking for something that's a bit shorter you should try An Object of Beauty by Steve Martin. It's a good read and easy and quick. Good for summer.

Movie wise, I'm always for a laugh and I love Quentin Tarantino - Django, Inglorious Bastards, sign me up! I also like watching super hero action movies!! I find that if I watch chick flicks when I'm down it makes me feel more down. Like, why can't my boyfriend dance in the middle of the street with me (because he lives in new york, and we'd die). Chick flicks make me feel worse...

Hope that helps!!


Well-known member
@NaomiH  - Love the lippie in your pic - what is it?  Gorgeous! Okay ladies - I need your positive, uplifting SONGS, BOOKS, and MOVIES!  Something that always puts you in a good mood!  I'm doing a 'happiness inventory!' to keep me uplifted!  Any recommendations are helpful! TIA! xo
Thank you! It's Goddess of the Sea from AA! Singin' in the Rain always makes me happy as do Some Like It Hot, Gigi and Pillow Talk to name a few. I'm a classic movie loving Heaux. Lol


Well-known member
[@]Glitteryvegas[/@] I usually end up going on a YouTube binge of 80's and 90's songs! I like putting on the grand theft auto vice city radio soundtracks! Specific good mood songs for me are Return of the mac by Mark morrison Stoned in love by Chicane and tom Jones Enola gay by OMD is like the hypest song ever imo! I usually just have a mini rave in my room, puttingon silly songs when I need an uplift! Oh and the original charlie and the chocolate factory movie is just pure joy


Well-known member
@NaomiH - Love the lippie in your pic - what is it? Gorgeous!

Okay ladies - I need your positive, uplifting SONGS, BOOKS, and MOVIES! Something that always puts you in a good mood!

I'm doing a 'happiness inventory!' to keep me uplifted! Any recommendations are helpful! TIA! xo
ANY of the "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff" books are fab!
Some old-school Whitney Houston & Michael Jackson jams all day long!!
And nothing like a great Disney animated film to get you going with the good vibes!!

Quote: Originally Posted by NaomiH

Thank you! It's Goddess of the Sea from AA!
Singin' in the Rain always makes me happy as do Some Like It Hot, Gigi and Pillow Talk to name a few.
I'm a classic movie loving Heaux. Lol
GREAT movie selections! I LOVE me some musicals gurl... Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and My Fair Lady are 2 personal favs!


Staff member
Okay ladies - I need your positive, uplifting SONGS, BOOKS, and MOVIES!  Something that always puts you in a good mood! 
Film-wise, Amelie is one I've gone to if I need a pick-me-up. Songs, go on iTunes and check out the group Reverie Sound Revue. Good chill-out music for me, and I also like listening to them when out on bike rides. Can't really recommend any books for this sort of thing.


Well-known member
I just ordered some of my regulate skin care stuff that I'm out of from Sephora. I consider these things necessary expenses (cleanser, body butter, shower scrub). Last night I was in a bad mood and really wanted to buy something cheery, so I added a Nars multiple to my basket. I was too tired to go get my pmt info, though, so I just signed off. Today I went back and deleted the Nars thing. Yay me! I still am wanting something pretty but I'm trying to use my stash of pretties. Hopefully this will work!


Well-known member
Welcome! Glad to hear that you've already taken some positive steps.. and we're all here to support you the rest of your journey.. whatever your goals may be! Also, so funny about not thinking twice about makeup but agonizing over a gym membership.. I'm going to try to not do things like that anymore!

Saw your haul on another thread (the thread formerly known as low buy July which is now enabler-ville - I had to unsubscribe after the first couple of days but I read every once in a while when I'm feeling particularly strong)! Haha.. I think I remember reading that you were shopping with your mom and that she was being kind of an enabler. Have you told her you're trying to low buy? If she knows maybe she won't try to encourage you to pick things up next time you're shopping with her. Keep at it girl, you can do this!

@Glitteryvegas I'm working on losing about 30-40 pounds as well.. tough but we can do it!! It's hard to tackle too many things at once though so it's nice to be able to do something constructive like classes that double as a distraction from buying as well as a way to exercise. I think I forgot to outline a reward for meeting my goals for this week.. but I'm going to go get a massage! That will help me relax as well as keep my muscles in good shape for working out. I'm SO glad to hear that you're doing so well.. you really sound like you're taking control of your life and making all of the improvements you need to become the person you want to be.. It's so motivating to me as well! Love it!

As for motivational recommendations:
- The Myths of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky - everyone who is in a rut in their life needs to read this!
- Your Playlist Can Change Your Life by Galina Mindlin, Don DuRousseau and Joseph Cardillo - wish there was more of the science behind music and motivation but this is a great start!
- Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho - I first picked this up because the title had my name spelled with a k.. lol but amazing book too!
- YA novels like Holes by Louis Sachar, The Hunger Games series.. dystopian books about survival! I like to read about weaker people getting stronger when they come up against something intense.. and I also like to imagine how I would do if there was ever a zombie apocalypse or something..

- PEACEFUL WARRIOR - I swear this movie gets me SO hyped up it's not even funny.. if you pick only one of my recommendations, let it be this one!
- Again, dystopian type stuff like Divergent; things with multifaceted (not just "strong") female characters like Veronica Mars (TV show but they just made a movie too)
- Talk That Talk by Rihanna really gets me going lately.. the beat on the intro especially; Monster with Kanye West, Nicki Minaj etc.. some of Eminem's songs like WTP, Won't Back Down.. Limp Bizkit's Break Stuff - lol; electronic stuff like Swedish House Mafia is great too.


Well-known member
@NaomiH - Love the lippie in your pic - what is it? Gorgeous!

Okay ladies - I need your positive, uplifting SONGS, BOOKS, and MOVIES! Something that always puts you in a good mood!

I'm doing a 'happiness inventory!' to keep me uplifted! Any recommendations are helpful! TIA! xo
For me, songs it's my favorite band - My Chemical Romance - or 60's rock.

Books, I love me some YA. Not tough to read and a fun ride. Hunger Games is obvious, Divergent was good (but I just can't recommend the last book, nope).

Movies, I agree with @mel33t on Django and Inglorious Basterds. Love me some Star Trek too. I also love a good Disney movie when I need to get perked up. The Jungle Book is my favorite for that.


Well-known member
Thank you for the welcome!

I am in the middle of reorganizing my bedroom and bathroom. Bought some Ikea furniture and hopefully everything will have its place and when it comes to make up it will get used more.

I started counting my lipsticks, and just MAC I have 39 bullets! I had forgotten about some of them! Do you girls have any system for ensuring that you know what you have and that you use them?


Well-known member
Aaaah we have similar recs! And I LOVE Monster! Holy crap. I was gonna bold it but the quote isn't working right. That is my JAM
Haha yay!!! I just love songs that are like in your face bragging about how awesome they are.. Remember the Name by Fort Minor is a good one too. DJ Khaled - All I Do Is Win. Oh and the rap battle off 8 Mile! So good. And No Doubt - It's My Life.. classic. There's so many good ones! I keep a playlist like this for right before exams.


Well-known member
Haha - I didn't want to post it here to enable anyone. I know I can be honest with you guys.

Basically, and what I didn't mention on the other thread, was that when my mom suggested we go into Ulta I did tell her I'm on a "No Buy" for July. She said that I can't do that to myself because she sees how incredibly stressed I am with work and studying for the CPA and that I should treat myself. She says that when I'm done with the CPA next week (JESUS!!!
) she's going to help me sort through it and see what we can give away and what I don't love. She rarely is an enabler, this was definitely a new side of her. Granted, I was the one picking up the products and putting them in my bag, but I think she just let me do it. There were a few times where I was questioning something and she said "If you're questioning it, then don't get it." So that was helpful.

I'm not proud of it, but I'm also not mad or disappointed in myself. I certainly did not need these things, no one needs makeup. We need food and water, basic clothing, love, and a roof over our heads. But it was just nice to spend time enjoying a shopping experience with my mom instead of studying and working like a madwoman and stressing out.

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