Hello everybody, I must admit that I'm a long time reader, but now I finally had to join. For quite a few months, I've noticed that my collection is simply too large, containing too many products I simlpy don't use/cannot use in my everyday routine. Although I like wearing rather unconventional clothes (well, in comparison to my colleagues) and I surely love a smokey eye during daytime, there are soooo many things I own that just sit in the drawer and get old (bright lipsticks are my major weakness). Lately, I've even had a horrible argument with my mom (who is super important to me and whose opinion I highly respect...we're almost like Lorelai and Rory sometimes) about my overspending on makeup. I'm still going to university and although I have a job, I'm kinda dependent on my parents when it comes to rent/tutition fees/etc. So basically, I really don't want to disappoint my mom by buying even more senseless stuff.
I mostly buy LE items by MAC and it always felt as if I simply HAD TO get a few items from each collection, no matter how useful/dupeable they were. My biggest downfall was spending more than 300 Euros on A Novel Romance (plus products by other brands in that month), that's simply ridiculous.
I've always been a "collector" kinda girl, and I surely do buy things as an outlet for stress/sadness/etc.
Well, I KNOW that my stash is super big and I'm kinda bored by some of the old stuff in in (simply don't like some colors since my style has changed since, like, 2010). Plus, on low-buy I could easily save some money to go on some nice vacation.
In the last two weeks, I've read almost this whole thread, and now I think it's time to get involved in here
MAC's holiday collection is gonna launch soon, and before my eye-opening argument, I had simply wanted EVERYTHING and I guess I would have spent hundreds of Euros again. Now, I plan to buy about two items so won't feel like missing out, but to be honest, I don't need any new stuff (except staples such as foundation/powder).
Oh, and please excuse my clumsy English, I rarely get a chance to speak/write in English so I guess this is a nice way to practice my skills
edit: too many typos!