Well-known member
I try to be the voice of reason.. haha. I can't very much preach about being moderate over in this thread and then go nuts in the collection threads now can I?Staying well clear of collection threads, but they it wasn't Mac that got me last year, I bought like 4 mac things, it was other brands, i bought LM, Hourglass, Becca and Nars killed me with the holiday collection!

I'm planning to branch out into other brands more this year, but I'm not going to go crazy. I've already been working on this for 6 months or so before this thread so this year is my test to see how much I've improved. I really want to see a huge difference. The only thing I want from FoF is Perfect Topping and *maybe* the pink lippie if it's a cremesheen because I don't have any good pinks right now.