Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Thanks guys for the tips! I know im not on low buy but u guys are willing to help out, soon i ll be able to get the brushes i need!


Well-known member
Thanks guys for the tips! I know im not on low buy but u guys are willing to help out, soon i ll be able to get the brushes i need!
Yay for brushes! You don't have to be on a low buy to hang out with us. :) I think one of the main things we're trying to create is an awareness of spending habits, and whatever you want to do with that awareness is up to you!

KiKi Kontour

Well-known member
I keep alternating between looking on the Mac website and the FoF thread. I either hold my breath or inhale and exhale really deep. Mac normally affects my finances now they are messing with my respiratory system. This is so much harder than I imagined but it can and will be done. We are a retailer's worse nightmare with our low buy resolutions.
i went on the site n stuck to my guns! i went STRAIGHT for the fluidlines and peeked in on the other stuff but honestly im happy that i only got 2 fluidlines becuz normally i would've gotten 2 fluidlines, 3 lipsticks, a blush or 2 n i dnt regret a thing. to be honest i really could've skipped the whole collection cuz lets be real...its nothing really grabbin or making u say I HAVE TO HAVE or MUST HAVE this. the swatches of the lipsticks are basically sheer (given the finish) n the rest is like eeeeh its aight. i dnt think ur missing anything 4 real, 4 real but it'll be in stores next week so if u still cravin go n swatch at the counters...i highly doubt it'll sell out as fast as lets say a riri collection. Plus u know they bout to hit us wit the spring collection between Feb/March-ish.

i think we get caught up in the hype of the "new-ness" of the collections even tho we know we got somethin similar or maybe even an exact dupe but we crave into the hype trickin ourselves its something we NEEEED n then just to be apart of the cool group to say we have it n get it so we dnt feel left out. at least thats how it was for me. Im tryin to go on more vacays n take random, spontaneous trips here n there. i cant do that when i indulge in every single mac collection that comes out 2-3 times a month n then like i keep tellin myself...i dnt even wear it for months later IF that. im so over the hype and LE's that come back again to become repromotes or permanent even. i have a goal to save 5k by the end of the summer yall...this low buy challenge keeps me sane. YES its hard but lets be 2 months that FOF thread will not be jumpin becuz we'll be on to the next "big" thing or collection. im gonna challenge myself even more and NOT buy makeup period in Feb!! EEEEEK!!! i think i can, i think i can, i think i can....


Well-known member
I'm SO done with Ulta =.= I did one order over 50$ for different hair brush since they were sold out of the one I wanted and they restocked it the very next day so I placed second order.. Now my first order finally shipped but they said they are out of stock of brush cleaner and the nail polish that I really wanted so they canceled that part, so I will end with two boar bristle hair brushes without proper cleaner... Even though both items are in stock on their website =.=. So will need to spend again 50+ to get free shipping, ugh. Never shopping with them again after this.


Well-known member
@KiKi Kontour You can do it!! Just keep that positive self-talk going!

I'm officially on a NO-BUY from right this second through February and March. No makeup until April collections!

It needs to happen.. or I'll have no spaces left if something truly "must have" comes out later in the year. If anyone sees me contemplating things in other threads before then please bring me back to reality!


Well-known member
I'm SO done with Ulta =.= I did one order over 50$ for different hair brush since they were sold out of the one I wanted and they restocked it the very next day so I placed second order.. Now my first order finally shipped but they said they are out of stock of brush cleaner and the nail polish that I really wanted so they canceled that part, so I will end with two boar bristle hair brushes without proper cleaner... Even though both items are in stock on their website =.=. So will need to spend again 50+ to get free shipping, ugh. Never shopping with them again after this.
I would call their cs number and explain the situation. Maybe they will help you out with a free shipping code or something.

KiKi Kontour

Well-known member
@KiKi Kontour You can do it!! Just keep that positive self-talk going!

I'm officially on a NO-BUY from right this second through February and March. No makeup until April collections!

It needs to happen.. or I'll have no spaces left if something truly "must have" comes out later in the year. If anyone sees me contemplating things in other threads before then please bring me back to reality!
hell i might not be buying shyt between now n May cuz im tryin to go to bahamas in april lol. im pretty much payin for 3 vacay's at drag cruise in Nov, Bahamas in April and Disney cruise for Sept!!! ooooh chile!!!
**looks at stripper pole**


Well-known member
make sure u find me n tag me or i can see how it looks across ur skin tone. im just curious as to how it looks on WOC's.

hell i might not be buying shyt between now n May cuz im tryin to go to bahamas in april lol. im pretty much payin for 3 vacay's at drag cruise in Nov, Bahamas in April and Disney cruise for Sept!!! ooooh chile!!!
**looks at stripper pole**
Vacations are much better than new makeup, especially once you already have a stash built up! Keep your travel brochures somewhere visible so you have a constant reminder for yourself hehe.


Well-known member
I would call their cs number and explain the situation. Maybe they will help you out with a free shipping code or something.
thanks, good idea, didn't think of that :D I noticed they send me another 20% off code which is good until sunday so I will see what they cancel from my second order and then place third order for canceled items heh


Active member
I'm so glad this thread exists! I was considering getting perfect topping, but someone here mentioned it was similar to lightscapade, which I own, but don't use all that much. Even if they are subtly different, no one will ever notice the difference on my face. So I'm totally skipping FoF, yay! Last time I posted, i posted a picture of all my blushes and highlighters. I thought I was pretty happy with my collection and that I couldn't let go of anything, that I loved all my stuff. Well, somehow I kept thinking about it, and I realized that I have plenty of stuff that is very similar. For example, I have Lightscapade MSF, Too Chic BP and Kanebo Silky Highlighting Powder. They are all champagne colored highlighters. When swatched heavily, I can see subtle differences, but honestly, I only wear a light wash on my face. So in theory, I should just keep one and swap/sell the other two. In reality, I have a hard time letting go... I think I could part with Too Chic, since it's the least special to me. Any suggestions? And then all this talk here about pinkish highlighters made me realize I have way too much of those too... I have the infamous Dior Rose Diamond, BB Rose Shimmer Brick and MAC Blonde. I think the one I like the least is Blonde. But it looks so pretty in the pan! I think I will try to wear them all over the next few days and them decide which one(s) to keep.


Well-known member
Rose Diamond, BB Rose Shimmer Brick and MAC Blonde. I think the one I like the least is Blonde. But it looks so pretty in the pan! I think I will try to wear them all over the next few days and them decide which one(s) to keep.
I think this is the best method. Is there a finish you like less than others? Maybe try wearing a different one on each cheek (if they look similar enough that people won't notice) and see which one wears the worst? Then maybe put the least favorites away for a while and if you don't think to reach for them, pass them on?


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Elba

I'm so glad this thread exists! I was considering getting perfect topping, but someone here mentioned it was similar to lightscapade, which I own, but don't use all that much. Even if they are subtly different, no one will ever notice the difference on my face. So I'm totally skipping FoF, yay!

Last time I posted, i posted a picture of all my blushes and highlighters. I thought I was pretty happy with my collection and that I couldn't let go of anything, that I loved all my stuff. Well, somehow I kept thinking about it, and I realized that I have plenty of stuff that is very similar. For example, I have Lightscapade MSF, Too Chic BP and Kanebo Silky Highlighting Powder. They are all champagne colored highlighters. When swatched heavily, I can see subtle differences, but honestly, I only wear a light wash on my face. So in theory, I should just keep one and swap/sell the other two. In reality, I have a hard time letting go... I think I could part with Too Chic, since it's the least special to me. Any suggestions?

And then all this talk here about pinkish highlighters made me realize I have way too much of those too... I have the infamous Dior
Rose Diamond, BB Rose Shimmer Brick and MAC Blonde. I think the one I like the least is Blonde. But it looks so pretty in the pan! I think I will try to wear them all over the next few days and them decide which one(s) to keep.

this is what i am trying to do with my purge, often things look different in the pan but similar on the eyes/face. I want a stash that is dupe free if i can get there. Slightly concerned that I only have 7 slots left out of my 12, but I think I can do this as I don't think I have that many gaps in my stash anymore. Really wish my new muji storage would hurry up, its not been dispatched yet :-(


Well-known member
I'm SO done with Ulta =.= I did one order over 50$ for different hair brush since they were sold out of the one I wanted and they restocked it the very next day so I placed second order.. Now my first order finally shipped but they said they are out of stock of brush cleaner and the nail polish that I really wanted so they canceled that part, so I will end with two boar bristle hair brushes without proper cleaner... Even though both items are in stock on their website =.=. So will need to spend again 50+ to get free shipping, ugh. Never shopping with them again after this.
That sounds awful! I don't order from them much, but the last time I did, it took 10 days or so to get to me! If you're interested, I have a 20% off code that should be transferable to anyone. I wouldn't offer except it sounds like you're going to make one last order either way! EDIT: Ooh it expires 2/1 EDIT 2: Ahh never mind I see you have one lol


Well-known member
i saw the code guys.... i saw the code for overnight and i went back. like an addict. and i got three more items even though i had already gotten my three that i had compromised in getting. :( to my defense: .................................. NO THERE ISNT. i have no excuse. and i came back right away here to shame myself lmfao. actually: im going away to Punta cana next week.. and ill be wearing light colors and etc etc... so maybe that? oh man...


Well-known member
actually: im going away to Punta cana next week.. and ill be wearing light colors and etc etc... so maybe that? oh man...
Maybe you can cut some items from your wishlist from upcoming collections to make up for it? Or perhaps spend less when you're at Punta Cana?


Well-known member
It's so amazing how walking away from the forums or the website for a bit and getting out of 'the moment' changes what you think you need. I feel much less anxious. It's funny because I looked at the FOF color story when it came out and decided then that it was an easy pass, but here I am on launch day twiching like crack head over some blush! Your mind plays tricks on you!


Well-known member
It's so hard to resist offers and discounts isn't it?? Whenever I see an offer I run to have a look, thankfully now I've been resisting most, but sometimes it's hard when you have 20-25% off!


Well-known member
i called to cancel and its apaprently too late.. they were being pissy on the phone cause apaprently theres a lot of us regretting stuff and calluing back.... i did want the phlox but at the same time i just got a lime crime eyeliner in purple that i LOVE already.. so its more like extra stuff i did not need. the PT well.. lightscapade was similar according to swatches but my skin color fluctuates so much i go tan fast in the summer (ty latina genetics) i go pale in the winter (ty german italian genetics) so ill see.. plus i can see myself being able to sell them back if after i swatch them i dont like them. theyre LE so i can easily get them off my hands and make my money back the hybrid lippy... that was an impulse buy. i did not need another pink lippy. i still went lower than my usual: buy all the collection IMPULSE... i got 6 items when i inteded to buy 3. it was better than when i go to the store and get conviced so im taking matters serious now and commiting to: -NOT GO TO THE STORE TO SWATCH AND LOOK (IE GET CONVICED ON MORE CRAP) -NOT GO ONLINE AGAIN TO LOOK -NOT GETTING ANYTHING FOR MY TRIP : I HAVE PLENTY OF SUMMER CLOTHES I CAN WEAR AND LETS BE HONEST, SUMMER IN NEW YORK IS 2 MONTHS OF SCORCHING HEAT.. so my summer clothes are moslty unworn.

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