Just having a peek to say hi and reply 
@Anaphora and @mel33t That's great that this was helpful for you, even if it wasn't enjoyable, I think it's a good way to reflect one's own behavior and to get some inspirational input/point of view one hasn't had before. I've been watching both a lot of "shopaholic" documentaries and self-appreciation vlogs lately, and I've made some really helpful conclusions.
@kerry-jane88 word! That's exactly what I've noticed myself, but I've tried to make (silly) excuses so I kept a lot of items instead of purging them. That lipstick thing is really relevant to me, at my job or even in my free time when I'm not at home, I absolutely dislike having to check my lipstick/reapply it. Having snacks at work, there always are some nasty crumbs from my sandwiches/cookies etc. which get stuck on my lips when I'm wearing gloss, for example. Dunno if that's because I'm so clumsy, lol. Or lipstick vanishing from the center of the lips, leaving a weird "liner". My job is at a small library and I'm the only employee per shift, so I was told to lock the entrance when I need to go to the restroom (that's not so nice, because customers can't enter the library then), and I also need to seize my chance when there are no customers because I'm not allowed to leave them unattended, plus, I won't put my makeup bag on the desk and reapply my lipstick when there are customers around. So it's really hard to find a moment to reapply my makeup properly. Therefore, I prefer neutral lip colors that either last very well or vanish from my lips in a non-silly way.
btw, I'm afraid my sentence structure/grammar's really clumsy atm, I'm crazily busy doing stuff for uni and I guess my brain is switching off any functions which aren't necessary at the moment, such as foreign languages, lol.
@Anaphora and @mel33t That's great that this was helpful for you, even if it wasn't enjoyable, I think it's a good way to reflect one's own behavior and to get some inspirational input/point of view one hasn't had before. I've been watching both a lot of "shopaholic" documentaries and self-appreciation vlogs lately, and I've made some really helpful conclusions.
@kerry-jane88 word! That's exactly what I've noticed myself, but I've tried to make (silly) excuses so I kept a lot of items instead of purging them. That lipstick thing is really relevant to me, at my job or even in my free time when I'm not at home, I absolutely dislike having to check my lipstick/reapply it. Having snacks at work, there always are some nasty crumbs from my sandwiches/cookies etc. which get stuck on my lips when I'm wearing gloss, for example. Dunno if that's because I'm so clumsy, lol. Or lipstick vanishing from the center of the lips, leaving a weird "liner". My job is at a small library and I'm the only employee per shift, so I was told to lock the entrance when I need to go to the restroom (that's not so nice, because customers can't enter the library then), and I also need to seize my chance when there are no customers because I'm not allowed to leave them unattended, plus, I won't put my makeup bag on the desk and reapply my lipstick when there are customers around. So it's really hard to find a moment to reapply my makeup properly. Therefore, I prefer neutral lip colors that either last very well or vanish from my lips in a non-silly way.
btw, I'm afraid my sentence structure/grammar's really clumsy atm, I'm crazily busy doing stuff for uni and I guess my brain is switching off any functions which aren't necessary at the moment, such as foreign languages, lol.