alright alright alright who's ready for my low buy 2015 plans!?

I didn't do an inventory last year, although i wish i had so i could see the progress i've made in reducing my stash, i remember at the time that the thought of doing one was too overwhelming for me. I found that when i came to do a considered purge, like when i laid out all of my eye products on my bed for example, that was enough of an eye opener for me. I'd say that compared to the start of last year, my beauty stash has been reduced by two thirds, which i'm really happy about. So here's my makeup inventory 2015, pic heavy but i know some of you would probably like to see anyway
P - means it's a shade in a palette. I did another purge before i wrote this up and There's strike throughs already from stuff i've purged even from the 1st! I still admittedly have a lot of eyeshadow, you can see i made myself write out teh names of all the single shadows and if palettes are followed by the number of shades included, just to hit home how many colours i actually have! and there's still too many lipsticks for my liking, most are mac colours i dont really wear unless i'm going out but i will be being a lot more strict about my usage - if i'm not reaching for it at least one every once in a while then it needs to go! My ultimate goal was to get my makeup into just a single drawer. Technically it could all fit in a drawer but for ease of access i'm down to my cheek and eye products in a drawer, then on my vanity are my few face products out and lipsticks and liners in a box, lipgloss and lipbalms in a small tin, plus a pot of eye brushes and a pot of face brushes

I've not done a skincare or bodycare inventory, as i find i get bored with those type of products quickly and i have less attachment to them so find it very easy to use them up fast or just purge them. One big area of improvement is fragrance - i did have over 20 perfumes - but now i've got myself down to just five!!!!! which i'm really happy about, i had too much and i didn't see the point of having to make myself use a perfume i wasnt mad about when i had a solid selection of favourites anyway. i had bought chloe signature in the xmas sale, on the condition that i wouldn't buy any fragrance for the whole of 2015! and that's quite the promise as i'd be buying at least one a month usually! so here's to that, i feel good about that decision

and for refrerence, i'm down to:
- Chloe - Signature
- Creed - Spring Flower
- Diptyque - Eau Duelle
- Marc Jacobs - Lola
- Moschino - TOY
- Victoria's Secret - Bombshell
Where possible i want to avoid adding more colour makeup to my collection and now that i have my inventory written out i will be able to see dupes a lot clearer and make a more informed decision based on that. Gaps i would like to fill are more everyday lipliners - i love using them plus eyeliners - when i look at what my everyday makeup look is its usually a cat eye with a liner pencil, so more colours here are fine, plus i need a good dark brown and i've yet to find one that doesn't irritate or smudge like crazy. I'm also on the hunt for a good gentle body lotion that doesn't smell particularly sweet or floral, so it can layer with anything, but i'm in no rush as i have enough bits to use up for now. To keep my beauty spirits up im going to try and blog more often, as a lot of the time id take pictures of new products for review and just never get round to doing it and do fotd on my blog too, as now i have a better phone i can take better pictures! i'd also like to branch into youtube as ive always wanted.. but i'll have to see! I can see my monthly empties starting to decrease already, as ultimately i have less and less to use up and i'm beginning to use 'staple' products more and more. I'd like to do monthly favourites, as it's a good reminder of what i have and to be greatful for all i have too

Long post but if you're anything like me you'll probably like that! Much love girlies! X