Joining the Low-Buy!

I've spent more on makeup & skincare in the last 2 years than in the 10 years preceding.

(I blame the internet! LOL) Just got the Viseart Warm Matte palette from Sephora after getting the Dark Mattes as a holiday gift. I thought I wanted the Neutral too but I got that cheapie Beauty Treats copy instead because I wasn't 100% in love with the colors like with Dark & Warm. I might get the real one towards the end of this year as I have been reaching for the dupe. Also recently bought several Dr. Gross & Philosophy skincare items.
We're moving to Europe this year so I should be streamlining & decluttering instead of accumulating. I have a perfume collection that I've always fretted over how I'd move safely one day... and now I've got a bunch of makeup & skin stuff to worry about transporting too. arrgh! (What to Fedex to in-laws, What should be okay in freight, What to carry-on etc...I don't have much trust in checked luggage anymore.)
My goal is to only buy like 7 items all year. 5 would be even better. I literally don't need another thing. Well, maybe brow pencils. lolz I hope that reading and checking-in here will keep me honest. Best of luck to everyone!