I agree! Saving for retirement early is so important! I started putting 5% into my retirement at work to get the match when I started working at 27, and I'm so glad I did. After that, out of my net income, 55% goes to debt repayment. I should be debt free by the end of 2019 so 2020 is going to be all about savings and travel for me! Living on a budget is key!
The Frugalwoods are a little extreme, but I just take the principles and do my own moderate version. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. I want to enjoy life now AND later.

Great point! The only retirement savings I'm doing right now is through my employer match. It's such a great program, and it helps to have that running on the side before I even see my net pay.
Frugalwoods Uber Frugal Challenge Day 5
Pantry challenge - spend less on groceries this month by cleaning out the pantry, combating food waste, cutting down on clutter.
This is a great reminder that I have some bulk items purchased from Costco on sale - oatmeal, lentils, etc. that I need to be better about using up! I'm going to start bringing overnight oats to work for breakfast again which I used to do all the time.
Makeup News
Ugh I've already lost the pricey Bite lip balm I purchased! I'm going to have to look for it some more and hopefully I find it, but I'm not pleased with myself. I usually don't lose them but of course it had to be this one! My lips are pretty chapped after getting over a cold so it needed to be replaced. This morning I bought 3 cheaper ones - one for my desk at work, one for my purse, one for my bedroom. Hopefully I won't lose them when they mostly stay where they are.