Awe you are so sweet! ... i know i'm loosing touch but its has been so hectic in my personal life. I've changed jobs this year after 12 years of doing the same job and on the same token I also changed field so even if my current employer seems really happy with my learning curve, i've been putting a lot of pressure on my shoulder to be performing and learning everything as fast as possible and even if I have the impostor syndrome still, i've been ''awarded' more responsibility recently so i should be happy but that just make me doubt my ability more.
i've gain some weight (not enough to change size but I notice my cloths are tighter on my body and I dont like it) I was running 10km every morning to go to work 3 to 4 time a week but didn't signed up to any race thinking I would heal old injuries and of course I've been MORE injured this summer

I 'm convince not signing up for a marathon or a half-marathon was a good decision with the change of work but next year will be different I really do think those races give me a goal and really help with my weight management.
Also my kids are growing up so they are hijacking my computer, *cough* sorry their computer *cough* entitle brats *cough* LOL. I also went thru this weird period this summer, I wanted to do a lot of things with my kids, with my friends, with my husband and was kind of resentful to have no vacation because of me changing for a new job and feeling exhausted. So I just had less time to spend here hahaha!
As for my makeup haul I still have not hit ROUGE yet at Sephora (i'm 50$ away LOL)
I've been also reasonable and not ordering alot on Beautylish, and indie makeup
I only order 3 times this year from colour pop (again that good for me)
Also order only once at ULTA (being Canadian I have no perks, no point nada, so I try to order stuff exclusive to them exemple Laura Geller, and LORAC)
but I went crazy with clothing, (I should never had discovered Norma Kamali LOL)
purchased 2 pair of fluevog (expensive shoes)
I order 5 bottles of perfume during this year (Memo Paris Marfa, Olfactive Studios Flashback in New York, Elizabeth and James Nirvana Amethyst, LVNEA (local perfumer) Rose fantôme and Parfum de Marly Sudbury) I usually buy only 2 really expensive perfume and one cheapie one, so that was a FAIL!
That is it folks
I have my list done for the VIB sale in November the good news is my list always get smaller and smaller with time. With every new launch I'm lemming a lot of things and with time i'm loosing interest. so only ordering from sephora at those key moment (mostly during sales) actually help me curved my appetite for new makeup.