Respecting Other's Property


Well-known member
My dormmates are pissing me off again.

I bought a minifridge for my dorm last year. I have to keep my meds refrigerated at a pretty low temp, and they are pretty large (i.e. large bags that I use for infusions, and clotting factor for mixing before injection). So that's fine, my roommate doesn't care and she just leaves it alone (it's as tall as a PC tower).

I went to get one of my packets out and someone put f**king diet cokes in my fridge, I took them out, and put them downstairs on the counter. That was last week. And then it happened again later that week, and now (today) again.

Who wants to put their soda next to blood products? Um, no one. It's gross and I don't even keep food in there. Ugh. I think it's the girl accross the hall from me since she's the only one I know who drinks "Diet Coke w/ Lime". I can't lock the fridge, and my door has to be unlocked during the day... grrr...

If someone has a giant note that says: "Please leave this closed! Contains blood products." then leave the damn thing closed.

I just hate it when no one respects your property.
Okay. Thanks for reading.



Well-known member
How rude!

If I were you, I'd shake those cans up then knock on her door and give them back. Evil? Sure, but I'd bet she'd never do that again. (j/k)

Does she realize that your meds are in there?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
That's really rude, even if it's just food in there. Mini fridges are cheap, too, so if she wants one so badly, she should just suck it up and buy a $50 one.

I'd talk to her about the importance of keeping your medication away from other stuff. If that doesn't work, I'd talk to whomever runs the dorm.

If you're a nice person, I'd approach it as concern towards her health, like your stuff could infect her.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dizzy
How rude!

If I were you, I'd shake those cans up then knock on her door and give them back. Evil? Sure, but I'd bet she'd never do that again. (j/k)

Does she realize that your meds are in there?

This is a great idea!!!


Well-known member
It's not exactly dangerous for her, but if there's too much stuff in the fridge it can bring the temp up too much for my meds and some of them (mostly the factor replacements) will seperate and be unuseable.

I intend to leave my webcam turned on a focussed on my fridge this week, at least I'll be defininite on who it is.

The girl I suspect is almost always out of the dorm, usually at the conservatory until all hours so I haven't had a chance to talk to her. Could be her roommate too, but she's away at a track meet this weekend so probably not.

I sooo wish we had locks on our doors /sigh.


Well-known member
Is it possible to lock the fridge itself? That could keep crappy dorm neighbors out of your stuff.

If all else fails, I suggest that you "hint" that your blood products could pose a health problem to others!
I'm sure she'd stop if she thought she could "catch" something from whatever's in there.


Well-known member
I would tell her politely, though. If you do something crazy, she can turn around and do the same thing.

Shaking her Coke = messing with her thirst.

compared to...

Her turning into a crazy bitch and doing something to your meds.

I wouldn't try that.


Well-known member
Hang a sign on the fridge that says:


Then, take whatever's added out, put it in a box under your bed or something, then when the person flips her shit, tell her you'll replace it this ONCE but after that she needs to keep her crap out of your fridge or you won't be responsible for replacement, then give her what you removed.

Additionally, I'd get a lock for the fridge itself.


Well-known member
I think Shimmer has the right idea here. You don't want to do something too vindictive (although its a comforting thought!) b/c you really need that stuff and someone who is already doing something like this probably won't be restrained from acting too nuts if you do.

After you place the sign on the fridge, would it be possible for you to tell an RA (or someone who's in charge in your dorm?) This is pretty serious, especially since it can interfere with how well your medication works. I would explain the situation, how you have tried to remedy it, and innocently explain you would hate to see the school get in trouble for not solving this problem once they've been made aware of it should anything actually happen to your medicine and you! A subtle reminder of liability will usually light a fire under most asses.

I had a similar experience in college, it was very frustrating. Sorry you're dealing with this!


Well-known member
Some people...! Geez. That sucks. Who would want to keep food around blood/meds anyway? I would just start throwing them away. If the cans exploded or leaked it could contaminate your meds and cause big problems. Not to mention that's just rude. Sorry hun!


Well-known member
People can be so rude! If something isn't mine, I would ask before I put my stuff in it. Not just assume it's ok.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer

Additionally, I'd get a lock for the fridge itself.

Meh... I thought the whole "blood products" sign would be enough. Maybe I need one of those biohazard stickers for it, lol, the big yellow kind.

But now I think that the simplest, easiest solution now is just to find a fridge lock and talk to her (ick, she's still at the conservatory until 3 am tonight, we schedule time there).

Thanks for your help guys and anyone know where they sell fridge locks?


Well-known member
I don't know about dorms, but I was wondering why you can't lock the door?

Are people stealing each other stuff too?

This girls as no respect for you... this is one point.
I would go out of mind!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
Meh... I thought the whole "blood products" sign would be enough.

One would think, right?........


Well-known member
So I confronted her this afternoon.

She said she'll stop putting diet cokes in my fridge as soon as I stop being too "lazy" to get my meds at student health like everyone else does. (I'm the only one in this hall with a minifridge).

So... I kind of went psycho bitch on her calling her a "fat, untalented whore who's too lazy to go down the stairs to get her f**king coke". It happens, there was more conversation that led up to that paraphrased insult. And told her if she wants them so damn close she can shove them straight up her frigid a**.

She went all biotchmeister on me, yelling in my face that I do nothing all day, just sit around on the PC and whine about how sick I am. Which then got into how I don't like her just because she's Asian, which was followed by my roommate practically laughing to death (she was in the room at the time, and she's Korean... totally my bff). When the race card didn't work, she said I just "don't understand her".
O_O What any of that had to do with the diet cokes, I dunno.

Eventually it got physical, consisting of her shoving me into my door which accidentally opened and I have to go the doctor tonight to make sure there isn't deep internal bleeding they can't find (once again, I hate my body... going at like 3 am, when all the cool people are there :p but it's not urgent so I'm waiting to see if the factor transfusion I set up will stop the bleeding). My back, upper arms, and scalp are bruised.

She's in the headmistress' office right now... and I did start it, since I slapped her as soon as she called me a "terrorist". I ripped her t-shirt at the collar when she sat on me and pulled my hair, I tried to grab onto her shirt to I could get up.

I've never been in a physical fight before. The nurse said that she didn't think my bleeding was severe but right now I just look like s**t and feel like it too.

No regrets... the headmistress is moving her dorm to the alternative learning center (aka our version of lockdown with seperate classes) for now and she'll speak with me tommorow.

Omg... edit: I just remembered my mother's going to be here tommorow... if you guys know of any good bruise covering techniques lemme know ^.^


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
I have to go out tommorow anyways so I'll get one then.
Meh... I hope she gets friggen expelled.

Wow! Even if you did start it, she deserves to get expelled. What a witch. Gotta love the race card! Lol. Hope you aren't hurt too bad.

If I remember correctly from beauty school, yellow counteracts purple, so maybe try a yellow concealor and set it with foundation for covering the bruises. (I've only tried it on 'love bites' before, but it works).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blueyedlady87
Wow! Even if you did start it, she deserves to get expelled. What a witch. Gotta love the race card! Lol. Hope you aren't hurt too bad.

If I remember correctly from beauty school, yellow counteracts purple, so maybe try a yellow concealor and set it with foundation for covering the bruises. (I've only tried it on 'love bites' before, but it works).

Well, lol, I'm alive and didn't need to see a doctor tonight so that's good. I don't get along well with many of my dormmates, just one or two other girls on the first floor and my roommate. A few girls had run upstairs to watch the fight near the doorway of my room... thank goodness one of them called the office though (the other girl's roommate, ironically).

Thanks for the advice on the concealer. I have a yellow foundaiton that I'll set over a yellow concealer (neutral skin = alot of different foundation colors) with powder. I sooo don't want to tell my mom about this, she's paranoid about safety.