Respecting Other's Property


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
Well, lol, I'm alive and didn't need to see a doctor tonight so that's good. I don't get along well with many of my dormmates, just one or two other girls on the first floor and my roommate. A few girls had run upstairs to watch the fight near the doorway of my room... thank goodness one of them called the office though (the other girl's roommate, ironically).

Thanks for the advice on the concealer. I have a yellow foundaiton that I'll set over a yellow concealer (neutral skin = alot of different foundation colors) with powder. I sooo don't want to tell my mom about this, she's paranoid about safety.

Alive is good, lol!

Moms... gotta love em! No problem. I find it difficult to get along with most girls, they are either too shallow, too stupid, or too snobby. Meh, oh well. Good luck!


Well-known member
Are you kidding me? She calls you a lazy, whiny terrorist and still intended to put her shit in your fridge without permission? And gets into a physical fight with you knowing full well you have a bleeding disorder? Who the fuck does that?

I hope for your sake that she does get expelled. And if your RA doesn't resolve the living situation permanently, think of pressing charges. I am very sorry to hear that you've had to go through this.

As for covering the bruises...if it's not too hot out, you can cover your back and upper arms with clothing. Makeup on your body tends to slide off in the heat, but wearing even an elbow-length shirt will be able to cover it more effectively. And if you ever wear scarves in your hair normally like a headband, I'd say do that too to cover the scalp bruising. You'll look cute and there's nothing inherently suspicious about headbands and three-quarters-length sleeves.


Well-known member
If she thinks you're a terrorist, what is she doing putting diet Cokes in your fridge? You only need 3oz of liquid to make a bomb! LOL.

Glad to hear you're all right and I do hope she gets whatever punishment she deserves - good luck with the mummy factor.


Well-known member
Well, school's officially OVER for me!!
I have no clue wtf happened to her, the headmistress said she couldn't discuss it with me other than "appropriate action has been taken" and appologized for what happened.

I'm not pressing charges. My mother wanted me to, but I just want to move on and get over stupid high school drama. Want out of this town as soon as possible.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
Well, school's officially OVER for me!!
I have no clue wtf happened to her, the headmistress said she couldn't discuss it with me other than "appropriate action has been taken" and appologized for what happened.

I'm not pressing charges. My mother wanted me to, but I just want to move on and get over stupid high school drama. Want out of this town as soon as possible.

I hope she gets hers. I hate all that confidentiality crap from teachers, i want the dirt man! lol, j/k. thank god i'm done with high school, i honestly don't know if i could do another day of it. i would have happily tested out along time ago, but then you get a GED instead of a diploma and employers don't like GEDS,


Well-known member
I can't believe all of this happened over her disrespect for your property. someone reaaaaaalllllyyyy loves their diet coke.


Well-known member
That story was freaking ridiculous. It is completely beyond me what makes her feel so entitled to tell you how to stop being "lazy" when she herself is being an unentitled laze. At least yours is for medicinal purposes and it's yours! What about an emergency where you need your meds or cloths?

Sigh! People can seriously suck... but Shimmer's idea would have been good.


Well-known member
And to think, she probably got expelled because of her insatiable love for her Diet Coke and blatant disrespect for YOUR fridge.

The evil side of me would have poured those Diet Cokes all over her head.


Well-known member
Wow, that is horrifying. I really hope she did get expelled for it. I hope you never have to see that idiot girl again.

I mean, she used YOUR fridge, which houses YOUR medicines. If she wanted cold soda so damn badly, she should have asked her parents to buy her a fridge for herself.

The idea that she basically put conditions on respecting YOUR property just annoys the hell out of me. I've known people like that. Like, you've gotta satisfy one of THEIR conditions for leaving YOUR stuff alone. I had a roommate like that once. Those kind of people are SO irritating.

What illness do you have, if I can ask that? I'm just curious. Having to take that kind of medication and worry about internal bleeding and stuff sounds so awful. I'm sorry.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I just don't get why it's so hard to respect other people's property. I don't care what you house in your fridge (though your medicine is much more important than food), if it isn't your fridge, you don't use it.

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