Rest in Peace to my mother


Only if you hadn't put up that picture.. I wouldn't be sitting here crying like an idiot.

I'm so sorry for your loss... I haven't lost my Mother yet so I can't say I know how you feel but I did lose my Mother in Law. She was just like a Mother to me and I still miss her.

I'm so sorry...


Well-known member
I'm so sorry for your loss. That pic & poem just made me cry so much. Makes me appreciate my mom even more & it sucks that i don't show her all the time. My prayers are with you & your family during this difficult time. Take care hun.


Well-known member
I am so terribly sorry for your loss...I couldn't even imagine the pain you must be going through right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you and family.


Well-known member
*group hug*

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
My mother died in 1999. It's hard, but life does eventually feel a little better. Grieving is a strange process, and you must allow yourself to feel sad, etc. When you don't- you cheat yourself out of ever being happy again


Well-known member
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time You are not alone.


Well-known member
I am so sorry for your loss. I know this is so hard for you. That is such a beautiful poem. I almost made it through till the end of your poem before giving in to my tears. But the one last wish part got me and here‘s why.

My mom’s birthday is October 13 and in 2006 it came on a Friday and I was supposed to drive the 90 miles to see her the next day. But my daughter was a senior I high school and we were scheduled to go the following Monday thru Wednesday to the college she chose for testing. I decided to leave a couple of days early so my daughter and I could shop and go to museums and go see my mom the following Saturday, it‘s only a week I said to myself. Of course my mom said to go and have fun and we would get together the next week. My daughter and I got home late Wednesday night the 18th and the following day my mom wasn’t feeling well so she went to her doctor and he said she had a touch of bronchitis and prescribed some medicine. My brother went to the drug store for her and he and his teenage son took her medicine to her. When he walked in she was having trouble breathing and so she sat up straight in her recliner and my brother got her some water. She took her medicine and then told my brother she felt a little dizzy and just a few seconds later her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell into my brother’s arms. My nephew called 911 while my brother tried to give her CPR. The ambulance arrived quickly and with the shock things they were able get a faint heartbeat. When they arrived at the hospital less than 10 minutes away they pronounced her dead, it was a heart attack. And so I guess you know what my last wish would be, it is to have that Friday on her birthday back and not decide to wait another week to go see her and take her gifts.

My son, a Marine was serving in Iraq at the time. One of the gifts was a pink tee that said “My Grandson Is a U.S. Marine serving in Iraq and He is My Hero” with the Marine logo in the middle and a button that said “Pray for my grandson’s safe return” She would have loved those, as he and my mom were always so very close. I hope this doesn’t sound weird to you guys but my siblings decided that since my son could not be there and she was so proud of him, we folded the tee and put it in the casket with her and a small picture of my son in his dress uniform. At the gravesite after the prayer and all we asked to have the casket opened one last time. The men at the funeral home had taken the small picture and placed it in my mother’s hands. That was so sweet of them. I leaned down and kissed her for my son as well as for myself for our last “Goodbye“.

I’m sorry I went on about my own grief. But your poem touched me deeply as tears are streaming down my face as I type. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I noticed your mom is only eight days older than I am. She was so young. My mom had just turned 71 but my daddy passed away at 50. So I know you feel you just didn’t have enough time with her. Just try to focus on the fun memories and the love you shared. God Bless.


Well-known member
I just wanted to add that my little pic seems quite inappropriate for this thread, sorry for that. I certainly don’t mean any disrespect.


Well-known member
Sorry for your loss...Just remember she will always be there to watch over you.'ll never be alone.